Daijiworld Media Network – Kadaba (MS)
Kadaba, Jul 3: Many a times, domestic animals create inconvenience to public walking on roads or bylanes. Some even cause accidents that are fatal. In a similar case, an agriculturist, who was distraught by the nuisance of a domestic horse, filed a complaint against it. This incident is reported from Alekkadi of the taluk.
The horse reared by a local resident was creating lots of issues to public. Some bike riders also fell due to the horse suddenly charging at them.

On July 2, the horse was grazing by the road side. Some people chased it down the road and it entered the agricultural farm of Raghava Kalara. The horse ate all the grass that was grown for feeding cows. In addition, it also broke the water pipe that was laid for watering the farm.
Raghava called the owner of the horse and raised the issue with him. However, the owner gave sarcastic answer. Enraged by the behaviour of the owner of the horse, Raghava tied the horse to a tree and went to the police station and registered a complaint.
The police called the owner along with the horse to the police station. Later an undertaking was signed by the owner of the horse not to put public into inconvenience.