Chennai, July 30 (IANS) Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa Saturday said Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Home Minister P. Chidambaram and United Progressive Alliance (UPA) chairperson Sonia Gandhi should clarify on charges made by former communications minister A. Raja in the 2G spectrum scam.
Speaking to reporters here, Jayalalithaa said: "When such serious charges are being made by a former DMK minister involving prime minister and union home minister, the entire nation expects a reply from them. People of the nation have a right to expect clarification."
UPA chairperson and Congress president Sonia Gandhi should also give a statement, Jayalalithaa added.
Raja, charged as a conspirator in the 2G scam by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), has told the CBI special court that the prime minister and the then finance minister Chidambaram were aware of the decisions to allow telecom companies to dilute their stakes after the allotment of spectrum or radio waves.
Earlier, at the AIADMK's executive committee meeting here, the party denied the DMK's charge of political vendetta.
Two DMK leaders, including a former minister, were Saturday arrested on charges of seizing land.
Jayalalithaa said land grab complaints were lodged even during the previous DMK government regime, but action was not taken.
She said most of the complainants were people who are not politically affiliated and hence the police action on the DMK leaders cannot be termed as political vendetta.
On the ensuing parliament session, Jayalalithaa said her party would raise the issue of atrocities committed against the Sri Lankan Tamils and demand those charged with war crimes to be brought to book.