Media release
Mangaluru, Aug 31: The Father Muller Medical College Hospital in its drive for Gen Next care for its patients has been embarking on acquiring the state-of-the-art equipment and technologies that have faster processing time and that can treat the voluminous flow of patients who come into its care.
On August 31 when nativity season Onam and Janmastami season have set in, the hospital blessed, commissioned and launched its newly acquired technologies through the hands of its president, the Bishop of Mangalore Diocese Dr Peter Paul Saldanha. In presence was as guest of honour NRI philanthropist and entrepreneur Michael D'Souza and the director of FMCI Fr Richard Aloysius Coelho.
With the ribbon cutting and prayer led by the Bishop the equipment was blessed and pronounced open for further uses to ‘Heal and Comfort’ the sick. Later, the banner was unveiled and the list of the newly acquired technology was put on public display.

Dr Ram Shenoy Basti, Prof and head Radio-Diagnosis briefed the gathering on the 3T MRI and the 2 advanced USG for foetal imaging. He went on to say "our Philips 3T Ingenia MRI is no less than a Tesla car!! It is a state-of-the-art advanced supeconducting MRI system capable of imaging all body parts."
The 3 Tesla here refers to its High Magnetic strength – which allows for superior quality, higher resolution images with faster scan times.
It has several unique features: DStream digital broad band technology, wide bore design, ComforTone, It also features “Compressed Sense”, additionally the Ingenia 3T MRI has a user-friendly interface, advanced imaging capabilities like – diffusion weighted imaging of all body parts, multi organ - MRI spectroscopy, diffusion tensor imaging, fiber tracking, whole body diffusion imaging, neuro perfusion, neuro, MSK imaging, body imaging, breast imaging, angio imaging along with a wide range of coils for imaging all body parts.
Smart exam automation for imaging of brain, spine, knee, shoulder at the press of a button, multivane XD for motion correction. The Ingenia 3T MRI system offers advanced imaging capabilities, improved patient comfort and efficient workflow.
The new GE Voluson E10 advanced ultrasound system exclusively designed for advanced foetal, obstetric and women’s imaging. It boasts of several unique features: RM7C XD clear convex array matric probe – Gives exceptional clarity of foetal anatomy, HD live – Provides high definition foetal images in 3D and 4D, slow flow HD – High Definition images and excellent depiction of foetal vascular structures, Sono Render and MagiCut – excellent tools for 3D and 4D rendering of foetal structures, Sono-NT and Sono-Biometry – for automated measurements of foetal biometry, radiance flow imaging and glass body rendering – gives a 3D like appearance to 2D doppler images, STIC imaging for imaging of the foetal heart - Provides high resolution 3D images of the foetal cardiac structures, which can be acquired and stored for detail assessment of complex cardiac anomalies, foetal HQ – for automated assessment of foetal cardiac functions, Sono-AVC follicle – for follicle monitoring and infertility workup. This make FMMCH one of few hospitals in Karnataka and the first one in Mangaluru to have this technology.
The dignitaries on the dais also launched the new hospital management system, Kranium a software custom tailored for the hospitals unending growth.
Dr Kishan Shetty, deputy medical superintendent of FMMCH said, "One cannot overstate the significance of faster admissions and discharges that the new system brings forth. The arduous process of paperwork and manual data entry will now replace by efficient digital processes, ensuring that patients receive the care they need promptly, while also enabling a smoother transition from hospital to home. Our commitment to innovation doesn't stop with the EMR and HIS. We are proud to very soon introduce an ingenious addition to our hospital functioning – the Pneumatic Chute System. In sync with the new EMR & HIS system this state-of-the-art technology enables swift and secure transportation of documents, medication, and samples throughout the hospital, streamlining internal processes and ensuring that every minute counts when saving lives."
Fr Richard Aloysius Coelho emphasised the need to be human in a more and more technical world. The head of analysis should work with the heart of empathy to fulfill the works of God through the instruments of hands. Thus he heals through the instruments of us.
He also briefed that a new 1.5 Tesla MRI will be part of the Mullerian family soon and in 15 days’ time the shute system of transporting laboratory samples and results will be activated.
Dr Peter Paul Saldanha in his presidential address sought the blessings of God on all the medical fraternity. On one of his visits to the hospital, he encountered a doctor who bowed for his blessings before a surgery. This and many more such incidents acknowledge the fact that the doctors were believers in the divine and thus behaved as mere instruments.
He insisted that as the Institutions grow, every member be part of it as a family and work to better as these new equipment’s have brought the Gen Next technology today.
The welcome was delivered by Dr Krishna Kiran S Professor Radio-Diagnosis, Dr Prathima, Asst Prof OBG and foetal medicine expert voiced an appreciative vote of thanks and the event was compered by Dr Mahesh, Asst Prof Radio-Diagnosis.
Members of the Father Muller Charitable Centenary Society, governing board, management committee members, heads of departments, faculty, students, staff, patients and well-wishers were part of the event.