Media Release
Tokyo, Dec 2: EMRI Green Health Services (a GVK enterprise) formerly, GVK EMRI has received Covid19 Warrior Award under institutional category in the field of EMS (emergency medical services) at the 6th EMS Asia Tokyo Conference in Japan. The award was given to the institute for demonstrating exception work beyond call of duty.
The theme of the EMS conference was ‘pandemic/ post-pandemic resilience and digital transformation of EMS Asia, using technology to help emergency care’. East Asian, Middle east and Western Asia, Oceania and South-Central Asian countries are members of EMS Asia including India. The award was presented by vice chair and received by senior associate representing EMRIGHS.
EMRI GHS has carried out Covid 19 linked transfers to 2.53 million (25.3 Lac) beneficiaries during the pandemic. Ambulance staff, which includes Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and Pilot (Ambulance Driver) were considered as Front-line workers by Central Government.
In coordination with the respective state government, EMRI deployed ‘Covid-19 dedicated ambulances’ for transportation of Covid-19 patients from international airports, home, workplace, lower-level hospitals, Covid centres. In addition, EMRI was also involved in tracing, testing, and prehospital treatment, and inter-facility transfers.
The new emergency type, Covid-19, and its subtypes added to the 108 call centre applications.
Ambulance staff (technicians as well as pilots) were trained in prehospital care special guidelines on oxygen administration and non-invasive methods and oriented about common signs and symptoms of Covid-19 (influenza-like illness: fever, cough, and difficulty breathing). Wherever possible distance learning mode was also adopted.
EMRI GHS ensured uninterrupted ambulance services throughout the pandemic. EMRI GHS has adhered to guidelines issued by state and national from time to time on PPE. During the peak of Covid waves, as many as 10000 Covid linked transfers were responded efficiently by EMRI.
All the 50000 associates of EMRI were closely monitored for their health and Covid status on a daily basis. Counselling and supportive communication were given to the Covid 19 positive associates. With the support of respective state health departments, most of the frontline workers were given timely Covid 19 vaccination. In addition, AYUSH medicines were supplied as immune boosters. Since the beginning of Covid19, stipulated PPE usage and disinfection measures were put in place in ambulances and call centres.
Till date, many state governments have recognized EMRI GHS ambulance staff for their committed and steadfast services during the Covid pandemic. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Central Government, in its publication sentinels of the soil – a tribute to front line and healthcare workers of Covid 19 warriors has referred to 108 ambulance staff as ‘face of pandemic response.’