Mangaluru: Former vicar general, senior priest Msgr Denis Moras Prabhu no more

Media Release

Mangaluru, Mar 16: The diocese of Mangalore mourns the passing of Fr Denis Moras Prabhu, who breathed his last after suffering a massive heart attack, on Saturday, March 16. Fr Prabhu, aged 84, served as the chaplain at White Doves Psychiatric Nursing & Destitute Home in Maroli, Mangaluru.

Fr Denis Moras Prabhu, born to Francis Moras and Juan Pereira on May 8, 1940, hailed from Bajpe. He was ordained priest for the diocese of Mangalore on December 5, 1967.

Fr Prabhu's priestly journey spanned over five decades, characterized by an unwavering commitment to his pastoral duties and dedicated service to the church.

Starting as an assistant parish priest in Madanthyar in 1968, Fr Prabhu's leadership qualities led to various significant appointments, including a teaching role in Shirva from 1969 to 1971. He served as the assistant director at St Antony's Ashram, Jeppu, and as the vocation director for the Diocese from 1973 to 1975.

Recognizing his calibre, Fr Prabhu was entrusted with responsibilities such as vocation chairman of Karnataka and secretary of CBE from 1975 to 1985. His contributions extended to directing the Family Life Service Centre from 1977 to 1986.

Fr Prabhu's pastoral care extended across various parishes, where he served as parish priest in Milagres (1985-1993), Permude (1993-1996), and Urwa (1996-2001). His leadership qualities were further acknowledged when he assumed the role of chancellor of the diocese from 2001 to 2008.

In recognition of his exemplary service, Fr Prabhu was appointed as the vicar general and director of St Antony Institution, Jeppu, from 2008 to 2018. After his retirement in 2018, he served as chaplain at White Doves Psychiatric Nursing & Destitute Home, Maroli.

Fr Prabhu's journey concluded under the care of White Doves in Mangalore leaving behind a legacy of compassion, dedication, and selflessness. His memory will endure in the hearts of those touched by his kindness, wisdom, and unwavering devotion to his calling.

The mortal remains of the late Msgr Denis Moras Prabhu will be brought to White Doves chapel for viewing from 2 pm and will leave for Bajpe at 3 pm.

His funeral Mass and burial service will be held on Wednesday March 20 at 5.00 pm in St Joseph's Church, Bajpe.





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  • Indian, India

    Thu, Mar 21 2024

    Rest in peace Rev. Fr.

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  • Sunil Pais, Kinnigoli/Muscat

    Wed, Mar 20 2024

    Condolences to Anand Moras Prabhu and the entire Moras fly . May his soul rest in eternal peace. RIP

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  • Ajay Rebello, Urwa,, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 20 2024

    Rest in heavens glory Fr Denis. You are always loved and never be forgotten. The service you rendered in our Urwa church is countless / immensurable..

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  • Gangadhara Moolya, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 20 2024

    May the Angels and. Saints of God welcome your soul into paradise. rest in peace dear Msgr. Fr. Denis Prabhu .. reward is waiting at heaven for your selfless service during priestly service to the faithful/needy. You have enter into joy your master..

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  • Flavian Blany Noronha, Kelarai

    Wed, Mar 20 2024

    Condolences to sorrowing family. Fr Denis was like a father figure who blessed every occasion for us. May his soul rest in peace. We have lost a ever smiling face ...

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  • Sr jyothi Fernandes UFS, Mudarangady/Udupi/ Mysuru

    Wed, Mar 20 2024

    Msgr Denis Moras was a holy, humane, bright, people friendly and loving priest, dealing with all the people in respectful ways. He was a very good pastor, taking various responsibilitis of the diocese and has lived a simple life. May he enjoy eternal bliss.

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  • Vernon Rego, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 20 2024

    A good human being. He will be missed. May his soul rest in peace 🙏

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  • Dr Erel Diaz, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 19 2024

    Heartfelt Condolences, a very pious, humble and gentle Priest . May his soul rest in Peace

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  • Ranjith Lobo, S. L. Lobo Road, Mangalore/Canada

    Tue, Mar 19 2024

    Msgr Denis Moras Prabhu was a towering personality, kind hearted and well respected. He was a cherished soul, whose presence brought light and joy to all who knew him. His departure leaves a void that cannot be filled, and his memory will forever remain etched in my heart. I recollect fondly my interactions with him and his association with my Dad James Lobo. Heartfelt condolences to Moras family. May his soul rest in peace.

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  • Don, Mangalore

    Mon, Mar 18 2024

    R.I.P Fr. Moras. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and may he bask in our glory for eternity.

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  • Geralyn Pinto, Mangalore

    Mon, Mar 18 2024

    Fr Denis Prabhu lived the Gospel values and walked in the footsteps of Christ, his Lord and Master. He uplifted us with his kindness, fairness and sincerity. I am certain that he was an inspiration to his flock and to all priests who made his acquaintance. He shall be deeply missed. May his dear soul Rest in Jesus. Geralyn and Dr Tony Pinto and Serena D'souza

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  • Clement D Silva, Mangalore

    Mon, Mar 18 2024

    Condolences to Moras and Rodrigues families. May MSGR soul rest in peace

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  • KT Varghese, Udupi

    Mon, Mar 18 2024

    . May his soul Rest in Peace 🙏

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  • Fr Santhosh Menezes, Mudipu

    Mon, Mar 18 2024

    Very kind priest very humble great personality. May the Lord grant his noble soul eternal peace.

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  • Cyril Lobo, Bellore/Mangalore

    Mon, Mar 18 2024

    Our family mourn the sad and untimely demise of Msgr Denis Moras Prabhu. A loving, compassionate senior priest being a great mentor and a spiritual leader. Heartfelt sympathies to family members. May Lord Almighty grant him eternal rest and peace. Amen. Loving tribute to uncle Msgr Baap Denis Moras Prabhu💐🙏 From Cyril Lobo and Family Bellore, Mangalore. 18.3.2024

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  • John DSilva, Mumbai/Karkala

    Mon, Mar 18 2024

    A great loss to the community. Loved and admired by all. May the Lord grant his soul eternal rest in peace

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  • Cynthia Rodrigues, Kulshekar

    Sun, Mar 17 2024

    Very kind priest very humble great personality oh Lord grant his noble soul eternal peace🎚️🙏

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  • Aloysius Dsouza HeadMaster St Aloysius School Urwa, Mangalore

    Sun, Mar 17 2024

    Msgr. Denis Moras was a highly knowledgeable and caring priest in our Mangalore diocese. He knew everyone by name and was always there with wise solutions during crises. He was a wonderful mentor, especially to me. When I joined CBE, he was the secretary and he appointed me and continued to guide me even in his old age. After my retirement, when I joined St. Aloysius School Urwa, Msgr Denis personally visited me to encourage and support me. He was the correspondent when he served as the Parish Priest of Urwa. He was truly a noble soul, and I miss him dearly. Thank you, Msgr Denis, for all your help. May your soul rest in peace. Goodbye, Msgr until we meet again in heaven.

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  • Cyril Kapil Moras, Kathalsar

    Sun, Mar 17 2024

    May his soul rest in peace, I know him through my Friend who help him to get married and also bless their wedding RIP dear Fr

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  • claudy Dleema, Abu-Dhabi

    Sun, Mar 17 2024

    May his soul Rest in Peace.

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  • A.Alvares, Kadri Rock/Bendoor

    Sun, Mar 17 2024

    May his soul rest in peace

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  • Sr Mariola BS, Mulki

    Sun, Mar 17 2024

    May your soul rest in peace. Thank you for your life of faith, dedication and compassion. You have loved us and taught us the path of love. RIP.

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  • Leeda Fernandes, Bellore-Denmark

    Sun, Mar 17 2024

    Very sad news. Heartfelt condolences to the bishop of Mangalore and to all the family members of Msgr Denis Moras. May his soul rest in eternal peace.

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  • Ujwal DSouza, Alvares Road kadri Mangalore

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    Rest in peace dear Fr. A sincere and kind personality. Will be missed.

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  • Subhaschandra Pai, Mangalore

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    Father Denis Moras was known to me since my childhood and he has personally given lot of love and affection towards me and my parents. Very noble soul. May his soul rest in eternal peace

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  • Aloysius Frank Lobo, Bondel, Mangalore

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    our Hartley condolences to his family members,may his soul rest in peace.

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  • Patrick Menezes & Lydia, Babugudda-Milagrese/Poona

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May his soul Rest In Peace.

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  • Donald Roche., Mangalore Ruzai

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    In my mind's eye, I picture a friendly smile, tender words, and a loving attitude. He will be missed, but his will continue to live on in everyone's memories who had the honor of getting to know him. Msgr. Denis Prabhu sleays talks with smile. His demise id great loss to the community. Heartfelt condolences to the Berevead Moras family. May the soul of Fr Denis Prabhu Rest In Peace.

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  • Ahmed, Mangalore / Dubai

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May your beautiful soul find eternal peace. I knew him personally and he was soft spoken and kind hearted person.

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    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May his soul rest in peace.

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  • Henry J. Pinto, Karkala/Mangalore

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    Ma y his soul rest in peace.

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  • Anthony Cyril Sequeira, Kateel/Mangalore.

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May almighty grant him Eaternal peace. Condolences to his family members, friends and loved ones.

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  • Nithan Rodrigues & Fly, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May the Almighty Lord Grant Eternal Rest to Very Rev Msgr Fr. Denis Moras Prabhu. Heartfelt condolences to our Bishop, Priest and all family members.

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Raheja Waterfront

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    Rest in Peace Sir ...

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  • Henry Santhan DSouza, Santhur Kuwait Canada USA

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    Dear John Moras and families of Christ.. Please accept our sincere condolences for sudden passing away of our beloved Moras uncle .. Our Prayers to Jesus to comfort everyone through His Word.. We shall not mourn but ponder on His word and accept Will of our Father in Heaven.. God bless everyone🙏 Joyce Henry Samantha David Daniel Sandrica Hadrian DSouza families in Christ. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 New King James Version The Comfort of Christ’s Coming 13 But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen [a]asleep, lest you sorrow (A)as others (B)who have no hope. 14 For (C)if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him (D)those who [b]sleep in Jesus. 15 For this we say to you (E)by the word of the Lord, that (F)we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are [c]asleep. 16 For (G)the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with (H)the trumpet of God. (I)And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 (J)Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them (K)in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus (L)we shall always be with the Lord. 18 (M)Therefore comfort one another with these words.

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  • Reshma dsouza, Karwar

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May your beautiful soul Rest in peace dear Thank you so much you helped me a lot..

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  • Catherine, Mangalore/ 16 Saptrang, St. Anthony's Street, Kalina Santa Cruz East, Mumbai 400029st

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    Eternal Rest Grànt Unto Him O Lord And Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Him May His Soul RIP 🙏💐💐 He baptized my Daughter Kelly Ann Lobo in the year 1998. In Urwa Church

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  • Catherine, Mangalore/ 16 Saptrang, St. Anthony's Street, Kalina Santa Cruz East, Mumbai 400029st

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    Eternal Rest Grànt Unto Him O Lord And Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Him May His Soul RIP 🙏💐💐 He baptized my Daughter Kelly Ann Lobo in the year 1998. In Urwa Church

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  • Meena Lancy DSilva, Mangalore/Abu Dhabi

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    A great priest. Kind hearted and well respected. May his soul rest in peace.

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  • Reshma dsouza, Karwar

    Sat, Mar 16 2024


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    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    Heartfelt condolences to Moras Family. May the soul of Fr. Denis Rest in Peace. Most Respected Priest, down to earth, a social woker in his own quiet ways. Well known Preacher. Outstanding Teacher. He has touched upon the lives of thousands of peope in the globe in India and abroad. Praying for the departed soul.

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  • Louis D Almeida, Manipal/Pamboor

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May his soul rest in peace.

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  • Francis Lewis, Kundapur

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May his Soul Rest in Peace

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  • Olwyn Noronha, Bajpe

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    Heartfelt condolences to all family members. Father was very close to our family and was loved by everyone. May his noble soul rest in peace

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  • Raviraj, Pamboor

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May his soul Rest In Peace

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  • Ronald Miranda, Bajpe/West Chicago, Illinois

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    Eternal Rest Grant unto him O Lord and May Perpetual Light Shine upon him. May his Soul and All the Faithful Souls Departed through the Infinite Mercy of God: Rest In Peace!

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  • Simon D'Souza & Fly, Bajpe

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May his soul rest in peace.

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  • J.F.D Souza, Attavar, Mangalore

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May his soul rest in peace.

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  • Mary, Mizoram

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    A long and illustrious pastoral life deserves a good reward. May he enjoy eternal bliss. Rest in Peace Fr. Dennis

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  • Mary, Mizoram

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    A long and illustrious pastoral life deserves a good reward. May he enjoy eternal bliss. Rest in Peace Fr. Dennis

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  • Francis, Shirva/UK

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May his soul rest in peace

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    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    R.I.P. REV. FR.

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  • Clifford Joan Correa fly, Mangalore/Pune

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May Msgr Denis Moras Prabhu soul rest in peace.

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  • Gladys, Mangalore

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May your soul rest in peace

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  • Merlyn, Bajpe

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May his soul rest in peace

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  • Peter Pereira, Mangalore / Dubai

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    Heartfelt sympathies to the Moras family on the sad demise of Msgr. Denis Moras Prabhu. May God grant his soul eternal rest and may his soul rest in peace. Yours in grief, Bryan, Ashima and Peter

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    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    Eternal rest grant onto him Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him and may he and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace Amen. Condolences to his family members.

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  • Joel Sequeira and Pearl Dsilva/Sequeira, Urwa/Valencia

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May your soul rest in peace Father. You were a great priest, well respected . You will be missed.

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  • Floyd D'mello Cascia, Morgan's Gate, Mangalore

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    ಸಾಸ್ಣಾಚೊ ವಿಶೆವ್ ದಿ ತಾಕಾ ಏ ಸೊಮಿಯಾ.. ಆನಿ ನಿರಂತರ್ ಪ್ರಕಾಸ್ ತಾಚೆರ್ ಫಾಂಕಯ್.. ಸಮಾದಾನೆನ್ ತಾಚೊ ಅತ್ಮೊ ವಿಶೆವ್ ಘೆಂವ್ದಿ.. ಆಮೆನ್ 🙏🙏

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  • Teresa Rodrigues, Mangalore/ Bangalore

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May his soul rest in peace.

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  • felix fidelix lobo, Maryhill / Doha, Qatar

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    Very sad news , kind hearted human being, i miss you Sir may God bless you ,may your soul rest in peace.

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  • William Rodrigues, Milagres, Mangalore

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May his soul rest in peace

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  • Neil, Pangala

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May his soul rest in peace through Christ Our Lord! Amen!

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  • Joseph Mathias, Pilar-Shirva

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    Very sad to hear the sudden demise of our dear Msgr. Denis Moras. May the Almightly Lord grant Eternal Rest to his noble Soul.

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  • Cyril Richard Fernandes, Shivabagh Mangalore

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    Requiem eternam dona ei domine et Lux perpetualuciet ei requiescat in pace Amen

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  • T.J.Moras, Ujire, Gandhinagar

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    I deeply regret for the sudden demise of you fr. Your service with smiling face is always before me remains unforgettable. May your soul rest in heaven with peace. I miss you fr. Moras.

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  • Captain Stanley Latif Correa, Bajpe/Urwa Stores (Stany Mansion)

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    My schoolmate in St. Joseph's High School, Bajpe. He was a brilliant Priest. He was present when I married on 20.01.1975 to bless the couple. He worked in several institutions as Head. Msgr Denis Moras Prabhu always talks with smile. His demise is great loss to the Community. We all pray to Almighty to Rest his Soul in Peace.

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  • Dexter Saldanha, Meramajal/Omzoor / Mangalore

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May his soul Rest In Peace. Heartfelt condolences to his loving family 🙏🏻

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  • Ozzie/ Janet, Bendur / kelarai

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    Reat in peace dear fr.ji

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  • Captain Stanley Latif Correa, Bajpe/Urwa Stores (Stany Mansion)

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    My schoolmate in St. Joseph's High School, Bajpe. He was a brilliant Priest. He was present when I married on 20.01.1975 to bless the couple. He worked in several institutions as Head. Msgr Denis Moras Prabhu always talks with smile. His demise is great loss to the Community. We all pray to Almighty to Rest his Soul in Peace.

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  • Frederick Pinto, Shirva

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    Very sad to hear demise of Msgr. Denis Moras. My deep condolences and sympathies to the bereaved family members. May his soul rest in peace.

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  • Alex Correa, Shirva/UK

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    My childhood favourite priest at shirva and a great family friend. Had a close family contact when he was in charge for catholic schools. Our heartfelt condolences to Moras family. |May his soul rest in peace.RIP

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  • stephen, Mangalore

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May his soul rest in Peace.

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  • Shoun Joseph, Karkala Mangalore

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    Really Sad News Fr.Denis celebrated My Dads Funeral Mass in 2007 ,Really a good person in heart .May his soul rest in peace .Condolences to the whole family .

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  • Vincent Leo Dsouza, Bendorewell mangalore (Bajpe Karmber)

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May the Almighty Lord Grant Eternal Rest to his Soul and Console his Family Members

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  • Louis Lobo, Pezar/mumbai

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    Dearest uncle May your soul rest in peace.We miss you abd ale

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  • Louis Lobo, Pezar/mumbai

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    Dearst uncle may your soul rest in peace. We missyou. Lobo fly pezar

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  • Bojanna, Mangalore

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May his soul rest in peace, Heartfelt condolences to his family members

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  • Airon, Mangalore

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May his soul rest in heavenly abode. 🙏🙏 🙏

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  • Della/Albert Rego and Family, Mangalore, Doha, Qatar

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    Heartfelt condolences. May Fr Deni's soul rest in eternal peace.

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  • Zacheus Dsouza, Mangaluru/Navi Mumbai

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May his soul rest in peace.

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  • MD Melwin D’Souza, Ujire

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    Rest In Peace Mnsgr.Sad news 😢😢

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  • Francis Moras, Ex-Parishioner, Kulshekar/Cascia, Sharjah

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    Very sad to hear the untimely sad demise of Msgr. Denis Moras Prabhu. My deep condolences and deep sympathies to the bereaved family. May his soul rest in peace and perpetual light shine upon him. Amen.

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  • Benjamin DSouza, Puttur

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    “The priesthood is the love of the heart of Jesus. When you see a priest, think of our Lord Jesus Christ.” — St. John Vianney. Heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members . May the departed soul rest in eternal peace.

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  • Naveen, Mangalore

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May his soul rest in Peace .

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  • ram rahim robert, mangalore

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    a life well lived in the service of God and community with humanity. May your noble soul rest in peace Rev Prabhu

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  • Clarence moras, Bajpe/Dubai

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May his soul rest in peace, Heartfelt condolences to his family members

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  • Wilbur, Mangalore

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    Great Respect, Honor and Love. God Bless You Sir!

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  • Urban/Anita Sequeira, Bendore _Mangalore

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May your dear soul rest in peace Fr. You will be missed.

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  • Jossie Mascarenhas, Bajpe

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    Our family deeply regrets the sudden demise of Msgr. Denis Moras. He was a great friend of our family. He was always ready to help with a smile on his face. Our heartfelt condolences to all his family members. May his soul rest in heavenly abode 🙏🙏

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  • Harry, Bejai

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    RIP dear Sir. If not for your intervention, I would never have known, nor visited my Grand mother. Thank you Sir. May your journey heavenward be joyful and may the angels usher you inward, in their care. Blessed to have interacted with you Sir.

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  • Lovereena DSouza, Mangaluru

    Sat, Mar 16 2024


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  • Wilfred / Leena / Wilson, Kulshekar / Mangalore

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    May the Almighty Lord Grant Eternal Rest to his Soul and Console his Family Members.

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  • Rufina, Collin & Merlyn Dsouza, Kaprigudda, Milargres, Mangalore

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    Dear Maama, You have always been a great support to us. It is indeed very shocking to hear about your passing away. Your absence is felt deeply. You left no stone unturned in celebrating our family occasions . Today you have left for your heavenly abode. May God grant you eternal rest, let the perpetual light shine upon you brightly and your soul rest in peace.

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  • Paul & Irene Mathias, Belman/Mississauga-Canada

    Sat, Mar 16 2024

    We deeply mourn the demise of Msgr. Denis Moras. Our heartfelt sympathies to the entire family. May his soul R.I.P.

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