Iran calls for Kuwait to return to negotiations over disputed gas field

Tehran, May 14 (IANS): Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani has called for Kuwait to re-engage in technical discussions to resolve the ownership dispute over the Arash gas field in the Gulf.

During a weekly press briefing in Tehran on Monday, Kanaani emphasised the necessity for technical and legal negotiations over media discourse to determine the respective shares of the Arash gas field, referred to as Durra by Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, Xinhua news agency reported.

The Spokesman claimed that maritime boundaries between Iran and Kuwait remain undefined, making it premature to discuss the allocation of the field's resources.

Kanaani reiterated Iran's stance on resolving the matter through formal negotiations and expressed Iran's rejection of any one-sided measures disregarding its interests.

The Durra gas field, situated in the Gulf, continues to be a focal point of geopolitical tensions among Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait.

Saudi Arabia and Kuwait signed a development agreement in March 2022, claiming the field in its entirety, while Iran has condemned the accord as "illegal" and contrary to earlier negotiations.



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