Lengthy election schedule planned to serve PM Modi's self-propaganda: Mamata Banerjee

Kolkata, May 23 (IANS): West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday accused the Election Commission of India (ECI) of deliberately preparing such a long schedule for the Lok Sabha elections to facilitate Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s self-propaganda.

“The current caretaker Prime Minister will become the former prime Prime Minister after the polls. But I am sorry to say, such a long election schedule was prepared to facilitate PM Modi's self-propaganda over this extended period of time,” the Chief Minister said while addressing an election meeting in the North Kolkata Lok Sabha constituency in support of Trinamool Congress candidate and sitting MP, Sudip Bandopadhyay.

Banerjee also accused the CPI-M of helping the BJP spread its base in West Bengal.

“The CPI-M is helping the BJP to gain strength in West Bengal. This is the only reason why the CPI-M should not be shown any mercy. They are responsible for destroying the state,” the Chief Minister said.

Banerjee also said that although she is not afraid of the 'slanderous' campaigns launched against her by the opposition, she is worried about being misunderstood by the people.

“Throughout my life, I have faced abuse. But I am not bothered about those abuses anymore. I will be sad if I am misunderstood by the people. If such a day comes and the people ask me to leave, I will humbly obey and quit silently,” the Chief Minister said.


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  • Gibbs, Udupi/Bengaluru

    Fri, May 24 2024

    Absolutely right Mamata Di. Election Commission runs as per PM's instructions to facilitate his agenda. First time in the history of INDIA such a lengthy election!??? EC carefully planned so that PM and his associates get enough time to canvas through out all States to win election.

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  • Sma, Bengaluru

    Fri, May 24 2024

    No. doubt.....200%, Such achievement by the so called vishwa Guru

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