Mangaluru International Airport receives hoax bomb threat

Daijiworld Media Network – Mangaluru (MS)

Mangaluru, Jun 21: A bomb threat was sent via email to the international airport at Bajpe once again. The airport received the email at 12:43 PM on June 18, stating that a bomb had been placed in the airport and would explode within a few seconds.

The security personnel at the airport immediately checked both the interior and exterior areas of the airport but did not find any bombs or explosives. It was confirmed that the threat was a hoax. A complaint regarding the incident was filed by the chief security officer of the airport with the Bajpe police on June 19.

The threat email was sent to two of the airport's email addresses from The message stated, “Explosives are hidden inside the airport and there will be a blast within a few seconds. You all will die. Group KNR is behind this act. The same group was also behind the New Delhi school attack that took place on June 1.”

It has been learned that 41 airports across the country received threat emails from the same address on the same day.

This is the third bomb threat call to the international airport in the city within seven months. On April 29, an email was sent to the Mangaluru airport authority office from an address named Terrorisers 111. On December 26, 2023, another email was sent at 11:59 PM from




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