Dubai: EKKU to host ‘Khelothsav’, to officially kick-off on Jul 21

Media Release

Dubai, Jun 22: EKKU-Emirates Konkan’s Kasargod-UAE, the premium association of Kasargod deanery in the UAE will organise a unique sports event for expats of Kasargod deanery UAE on July 21. As name ‘Khelothsav’ itself describes, it will be a festival of sports.

The official logo of the event was launched by eminent writer Stany Bela, who is also the founder general secretary of the association.

“The event is planned to keep all members of deanery active, improve the bonding and togetherness and also spread awareness about extracurricular activities. We have received a huge response from all and almost 150 members have registered themselves to involve in various sports activities,” said the president, Laila D’Souza.

There are almost 300 members of the deanery (which consist of 16 parishes of Mangalore diocese) who reside in the UAE and are the members of the association too.

The sports event will be officially kicked off on July 21 and it will held until February 2025. The festival of sports will consist football, volleyball, cricket, throwball, dodgeball, lagori, badminton, carom, chess, dart, bowling and snooker.

The competition will take place between 3 groups namely United KL-14, Sporting KSD and Atletico Casrod.

The association Emirates Konkans which was formed in 2011 with the moto ‘Far Away- Together’, is continuously active for the last 12 years in UAE and back home through their various social and cultural events.





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