It is very easy to coach Cristiano Ronaldo: Paul Clement

New Delhi, Jun 22 (IANS): Cristiano Ronaldo has always been perceived as one of the best in the world but many believe that the striker is not an easy person to work with. Former assistant manager of Real Madrid Paul Clement has debunked all rumors and stated that ‘it is very easy to coach Cristiano Ronaldo.’

“It was a privilege to share a dressing room with him, it is very easy to coach Cristiano Ronaldo. I cannot remember anybody who was a better professional; the demands he puts on himself, the aim for perfection, to improve every day,” said Paul Clement to The Athletic.


Clement was a valuable part of Jose Mourinho’s staff during his time at Real Madrid and went on to reveal how important a player of his capability is for any side.

“A player like Cristiano is always different but, with Jose, the team was always above everybody. There were moments when Cristiano scored goals, as he always did, but there were also moments when Jose and the team knew they needed to defend. And Cristiano was the first who defended, too. You have to make him see that, apart from all the goals he scores, there are other moments when you need to do certain tactical things,” added Clement.

Cristiano Ronaldo joined Los Galacticos in 2009 and went on to produce perhaps the greatest stint by any player at the best club in the world. He played 438 games with the club and scored 450 goals and 131 assists whilst winning four UEFA Champions League trophy and two La Liga titles.

“After a game, it's 4 am and I turn around and there’s Cristiano, pulling Pepe and Fabio Coentrao towards the main building: ‘We’re going for an ice bath’. It’s 4 am and not only is he doing it, he’s getting others to participate as well. It’s ultra-professional. These are the things he does, over and over,” he concluded.




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