Iraqi Shiite militia claims joint drone attacks on ships in Israeli port

Baghdad, Jun 23 (IANS): A Shiite militia in Iraq on Sunday claimed responsibility for joint drone attacks with Yemen's Houthi group on five ships in Haifa port in northern Israel and the Mediterranean.

The militia, known as the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, said in an online statement that its fighters carried out two joint operations with the Houthi group by launching drone attacks on four ships in Haifa Port and the "Shorthorn Express" ship in the Mediterranean as it was sailing to Haifa Port, reports Xinhua news agency.

The militia claimed the attacks were carried out "in solidarity with the people of Gaza" and vowed to continue targeting "the enemy's strongholds."

The statement did not provide any additional details about casualties.

In a statement, Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea confirmed the joint attacks, stressing that the "two operations successfully achieved their goals, and the strikes were precise and direct."

Since the outbreak of the Gaza conflict on October 7, 2023, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq has launched multiple attacks on Israeli and US bases in the region.




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