Kundapur: Car-borne thieves steal cattle, caught on CCTV

Daijiworld Media Network – Kundapur (MS)

Kundapur, Jun 25: In a shocking incident early Monday morning, thieves in a high-end luxury car stole a cow near Shankaranarayana police station in Kundapur. The entire act was captured on local CCTV cameras.

The CCTV footage shows three to four thieves arriving in a luxury car and forcibly pulling a cow that was sleeping near the circle close to their vehicle. Despite other cows showing signs of distress, the miscreants attempted to take another cow.

Screen grab from CCTV footage

However, beat police officers near the bus stand quickly ran to the scene and tried to apprehend the thieves. In a daring escape, the thieves attempted to run their car over the officers, narrowly missing them. The arrival of the police ensured the safety of the remaining cows.





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