AU expresses deep concern over deadly violence in Kenya

Nairobi, June 26 (IANS): African Union (AU) Commission Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat expressed "deep concern" over the deadly violence in Kenya following a demonstration in the country's capital, Nairobi.

At least four protesters were shot dead on Tuesday by anti-riot police outside the parliament building in Nairobi during a demonstration against a proposal on a tax hike, reports Xinhua news agency.

In a statement, the AU chief said he is following the outbreak of violence following public protests in Kenya, which has resulted in loss of life and damage to property, calling on all stakeholders to exercise calm and refrain from further violence.

He also urged the national stakeholders to engage in constructive dialogue to address the issues that led to the protests in the interest of Kenya.

Protesters took to the streets to oppose a finance bill that aims to raise taxes on a wide range of items, which they argue will exacerbate the economic hardships faced by citizens.

The tension escalated when protesters breached police barricades and stormed the parliament building, according to the police.



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