Beltangady: Gram panchayat officer's assistant killed in bus-bike mishap

Daijiworld Media Network - Beltangady

Beltangady, Jun 28: A fatal accident involving a private bus and a motorcycle has claimed the life of Jayaraj (45), an assistant to the Nada gram panchayat officer.

The incident occurred near Bantwal as Jayaraj was returning from Killoore to Beltangady on his motorcycle.

The collision between the bus and Jayaraj's bike resulted in his severe injuries, and tragically, he succumbed to these injuries on the way to the hospital.

Police visited the accident site, conducted an investigation, and registered a case of the incident.






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    Fri, Jun 28 2024

    Life and death are not in the hands of any individual, but two-wheeler riders should always ride carefully. 😊

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