Urinating in Public - Disgusting Habit to Now Invite Fine
Anjana Ramakrishnan
Daijiworld Media Network - MangaloreMangalore, Sep 19: Walking through the busy streets of Mangalore, trying to enjoy the beauty that an early morning has to offer, I am rather repelled by the sight I see. Men urinating in public! And this happens on a daily basis.
In the corner of busy streets, on footpaths, in secluded areas and literally everywhere that we walk, this is the sight! The funniest thing that I have noticed is that people have adopted it as a part of their daily routine and they close their eyes to this disgusting behaviour. And we talk about curbing pollution!
Things have come to such an extent that some of the roads and streets are termed as “public urinals” because of their disgusting odour. People find it convenient to just stop by any corner of the street whenever they feel the need, do their business and walk away as if it was no big deal!
Why is it that we are forced to see people urinating openly on the streets no matter what time of the day or night it is? Is it the carelessness of the government to look into such issues? Or is it the ignorance of the people? Or is it because people have accepted it and feel that there is no need to make such a hue and cry about such a ‘petty’ issue?
Many a time, the public complain over this issue, reasoning the shortage of public toilets as the main culprit that forces them to urinate in the open, thus defending themselves. "If there are no public toilets nearby and we have to empty our bladder... what other option do we have?" was the response of one person. Hello…is it so difficult to wait until you reach home, or use a restaurant's washroom?
My question is how can we see this as a petty issue when our own small children and sisters walk through the streets and have to face such sights??? Is it acceptable if our kids are exposed to such offensive sights even in the middle of the roads? From when on have we started to become so ignorant and selfish?
We say that throwing garbage on the street causes the whole area to stink and hence add up to pollution. What about urinating in public areas? Doesn’t it stink??Doesn’t it cause pollution of any kind?
Once when in Bangalore, I came across a man, who, in spite of having a public toilet right next to where he stood, chose to urinate on the footpath outside it and that too in the clear vicinity of a policeman who stood rooted to his spot as if nothing untoward was happening. Clearly, ‘ignorance’ is the name that can be given for such contemptible acts. Such people should be caught on the spot, defamed and fined heavily.
Public urination should be made a crime in India, and people who choose to empty their bladder in public places should be heavily penalized. Such people should also be charged with littering, public nuisance, indecent exposure and any other possible things that their outrageous behavior causes.
Even in Mangalore, literally everywhere we can see such violators. Be it Jyothi circle, Hampankatta, Kankanady or State Bank area!
Awareness among the public can be created by distributing pamphlets explaining the problems caused by urinating in the open, more so for others rather than themselves!
Installing public toilets in busy streets, creating awareness and education among people and motivating them to stop littering and urinating in public, can all be adopted as a preventive measure. Still if people choose to pollute the streets, I personally feel that they should ‘pay the price’ for their ignorance.
DHNS Inputs
However, now, in a positive move as part of its proposed amendment to the Karnataka Municipal Corporation (KMC), bye-laws, the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) has proposed to impose a fine of Rs 100 on whoever is found urinating or spitting in public. On September 20 it will present before the Palike Council a list of fines prescribed against offenders. This move comes as a part of its initiative to clear garbage from the city streets.
Under Schedule-IA (schedule of fines), the BBMP has proposed a fine of Rs 100 for the offences, besides a fine of Rs 200 for littering the roads. A fine of Rs 100 was proposed for “burning of waste” by citizens.
As a part of its “Swacha Angala” programme, the Palike has provided a warning or “familiarisation” period of one month, during which fines will not be imposed. Once the period expires, the Palike will start penalising the offenders.
“For repeated offenders, the fines charged will be double the initial amount,” according to the draft proposal. Sources in the Palike said the BBMP will set up squads to catch the offenders red-handed. “For now, it is only a proposal.
Once implemented, squads are also likely to be formed,” said an official.
The schedule also mentions a penalty of Rs 500 for “not disposing of (non-household) fish, poultry and meat waste in the segregated manner as specified.” Besides, pet owners will be fined Rs 50 every time their pets relieve on roads.
Comment on this article
rajesh shastry, bangalore
Fri, Nov 07 2014The teaching should first start from the Home only.educating ur kids to practice good civic habits and deterrent punishment can only arrest this typical Indian public defiling phenomenon.Yes as sbdy commented if govt start constructing large no. of public toilets it would lead to Toilet so its very impractical to construct large no. of Public toilets to cater to every growing population.Ur netas wil first ask for a trip to china to study Chinese Toiletry habits
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Patric, Jeppu, Mangalore
Wed, Sep 26 2012Penalty will only fill someone's Pocket. Need of the hour is more and more number of public toilets in the busy area of Mangalore. We don't have sufficient number of toilets in Mangalore, that's why we have to see this public nuisance.
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Ramesh, Surathkal/Mangalore
Sat, Sep 22 2012Very good idea, whoever found urinating or litering to be fined instantly. Make sure that he has paid the fine within the stipulated period, if not the fine to be increased by 25%.
Make sure that the collected fine money to be utilized for the city development.
Also by this, we may be inviting another scandal or corruption within the MCC.
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PETER P, Bangalore / dubai
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Canute Pinto, Mangalore/Dubai
Sat, Sep 22 2012We cannot expect any better from our government, good clean toilets is a dream for Mangaloreans and even if miraculesly built our culture will not allow it to use it in a western way! Therefore let us go "baby" by asking pamper company to increase the diaper size to suite adults. So we can pass urine on the city streets of Mangaluru with out unzipping the trouser to avoiding police harassment and fines. This innovative idea will beautifully work in city buses too, but watch out for your face expressions!
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D.Prasad, udupi
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Ajmal Manaf, Mangalore
Thu, Sep 20 2012Where are those Bold letter Guys Nagesh Nayak, Dinsh Shetty,Dinesh Poojary who always talk about culture greatness Otherwise they poke their dirty nose everywhere
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R Shetty, Mangalore / Dubai
Thu, Sep 20 2012I agree with Pastor E. W. Frank, Udupi, Enough number of clean public toilets needed to be constructed so that people can stop Releaving themselves in public.
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Julie D'Souza, Mangalore/Dubai
Thu, Sep 20 2012First of all I would like thank Anjana Ramakrishnan for bringing up this issue through this article. Urinating in public is not only disgusting, also unhygienic. The passerby should hold their nose and walk due to bad odour.
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Frank, Tulu nadu state of India
Thu, Sep 20 2012Sir, The govts all over India have failed in providing basic public amenities. The Govt must first provid toilets in public. Where will people go if toilts are not provided
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Naveen, Mangalore
Thu, Sep 20 2012First concerned authorities should build enough public toilets/urinals before even penalizing people urinating in public. This is a natures call no one has control over it beyond a certain time.. So MCC please build enough facility first, then penalize people if they do not use the facility... Don't even think of penalty before building the required facility.
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Naveen, Mangalore
Thu, Sep 20 2012Do we have enough urinals in Mangalore for public use?? Can anyone/Daiji/MCC PLEASE publish the locations of urinals in public interest..
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R.Bhandarkar., M
Thu, Sep 20 2012Dear Asif Bhai
Releaving themselves urgently people would not mind anyone watching them at all-And if it's a v.v. v. urgent call one wouldn't care whose before him a PM or a CM!He would care two hoots -To hell with protocol..! Clean sanitation has indeed been a problem here and in many parts of our country- In fact and in case you are travelling to a place say like Mumbai, the scenes that welcome you first are of people releaving
themselves and they don't mind anybody watching them! For them it has become a 'way of life'. Hard measures indeed need to be taken to 'cleanse' this system and even the 'thinking process' in this regard.
The public park you referred to here I gather is known for more 'stinking' activities ...so no big deal!
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Asif, Mangalore
Thu, Sep 20 2012Yes.... this is a common scene in Mangalore.... One is Mangalore Service Bus stand, which is always busy daytime. But these urinating people dont mind anybody watching them... be it ladies. And there is a public park attached to his wall which is impossible to visit which welcomes people with this smell...
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R.Bhandarkar., M
Thu, Sep 20 2012It must be something to do with the 'Colour' of the walls also! A Research Committee may be set up
to study it. For prevention of
fund 'leekage' or 'seepage' set up another Committee. Penalties
however should not be heavy so that habitual offenders be petrified even to 'Contemplate Urinating'in safe places!
Bladder disorders may be the order of the day then!
This apart- Anything for a Clean India!
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Ramesh , mangalore
Thu, Sep 20 2012Arre everyone here is talking about building urinals everywhere but what for are we really going to use them? our men will urinate wherever they want , even if we urinate in the urinals how many of us use in in a proper way n leave it hygenic for the next persons use? why should a cleaner clean what mess we have made, can we each of us take up the reponibility to keep the urinal clean after our use? if so then urinals are good, but most of us dont flush properly so....just see the urinal s in hassan where our buses stop yuck.
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R.Bhandarkar., M
Thu, Sep 20 2012Dear Jacobnelson
Rubbing with Paper Western Culture
With 'Water' Indian Culture
We don't need Vulture's to teach their 'CULL' Ture
In that sense we are 'MATURE'....
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Vijay, Mangalore
Thu, Sep 20 2012partying inside a house/resort is wrong. urinating in public places is right. what a strange thing in our city.
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ummar shareef, Dubai
Thu, Sep 20 2012they should be penalized heavily, so that they can remember before they do the same in public.
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vashal, mangalore
Thu, Sep 20 2012Good.Fine should be high & impartial.But at the same time are the people have sufficiant public Toilets?????
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antony arun d'souza, Dubai
Thu, Sep 20 2012I hope BBMP won't become like a laughing stock by bringing these rules and bylaws.MCC is constructing toilets and is not bothered about it's cleanliness.These toilets smell so badly that anybody who want's to urinate inside practically can't urinate seeing the rotten toilets and the smell.Secondly they wan't to collect money [RS 2/=] from everyone who uses these toilets.What kind of rule and amendment is this?Also before imposing fine for spitting in public,why they are banning pan shops in the city?What a joke.....
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Vivek, Canara
Wed, Sep 19 2012ALL INDIAN CULTURE and tradition ?
can be included in school text books
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Blaan Mendonca, USA
Wed, Sep 19 2012The person who urinates or spits in public places must be made to clean. This type of community service will surely help every individual to maintain a healthy public life. Penalty and punishment just wont work. The citizen should understand the meaning of cleanliness and how to keep it up. This will help to improve or develop good attitude and behavior of every citizen.
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Blaan Mendonca, USA
Wed, Sep 19 2012It is not only the duty of the Government to pass laws but it is the citizens duty to stop these kind of behavior and attitude. Here we need Moral Policing by the general public to stop this kind of behavior and attitude. Every citizen must obey and learn to have decency and improve the city environment and the surroundings for a better life and good health.
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Pastor E. W. Frank, Udupi
Wed, Sep 19 2012Fining public urinating or spitting is good, but before taking action on them, let MCC in Karnataka build toilets under ground and keep it clean and then if the public do the same you can fine. Let the toilet use be charged. Even beggars on the streets have money now. Do it immediately almost on every main roads.
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Juliet Mascarenhas, Bejai/Mangalore
Wed, Sep 19 2012On introduction of western toilets, the 'Chembu Culture' is almost disappeared. Construction of public toilets in busy streets with supply of water and electricity will eradicate "Padke Culture". This basic amenity is essential to Mangalore to keep the city hygienic.Nominal rate to be charged to the user,heavy penalty to be imposed to the public urinate r.
Let us make "Namma uru, Swachcha Uru.
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Anilkumar, Mangalore
Wed, Sep 19 2012In every civilised country, the local administration provides decent urinals and toilets. What has the Corporation done in Mangalore? With so few stinking urinals what do you expect people to do? Urinate in their pants?
If you want to copy western countries, copy them fully. Not half of it. Mangalaore is a rainy place. All such acts get washed away in rain. In summer, the frequency is less. Let the people use some remote corners. It serves as good menure too.
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paul d`souza, balakunje
Wed, Sep 19 2012How many public CLOCK rooms provided by MCC within the city limit...? This, one thing was left & that too completed. Unless or untill MCC will not provide fecilities to public, they are not suppose to fine.Some metropolitan city, are engaging full time, one person to keep clean the CLOCK ROOMS & they are charging. This system is good.
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Stephan , Moodbidri
Wed, Sep 19 2012Welcoming these kinds of steps in India... Keep it up///
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Shekar Moily Padebettu, Udipi/India
Wed, Sep 19 2012Dear Anjana Ramakrishnan,I do fully agree with your write up but what is the other option other than urinating in public places with passerby's view when it is badly uncontrollable situation and we can not hold it any more.Either there should be a public toilets or we have to choose whatever is easy access for us to urinate.MCC or concerned authorities must think twice before imposing a fine or implementing any directives in this regard.When there are facilities to urinate still disobeying the rules yes I do agree culprit must be caught red handed and fined on the spot without any consideration.First of all let MCC or concerned authorities should think of constructing public toilets at each nook and corner then think about imposing a fine or awarding punishments.Without that very sorry it is not practicable according to my view.In foreign countries yes there are plenty of public toilets.People there are very obedient,polite,follow the rules sincerely.Over and above violators are being punished accordingly.Where as in India forget about Mangalore,in each every part of cosmo/metropolitan cities that is the practice/trend.Who will bother?Ms.Anjana your article is one sided.You have not touched other side.Even I hate or don't like this practice?But what we can do,or how we can educate the people when concerned authorities are in slumber/sleeping.
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Vijay, Mangalore
Wed, Sep 19 2012pissing & spitting in public is allowed but kissing no. people spit everywhere on the roads,from the buses , inside the malls/business centre staircases. with the development of MANGALORE to be the next metro city these things have to be controlled. before development comes self discipline. lack of education is 1 big prob why people piss and spit on the roads. concerned authorities have to change the people before changing Mangalore into a metro city.
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Wed, Sep 19 2012In India one can piss in public but can't kiss in public..Likewise in western countries you can't piss in public but kiss can!!!So cultural disparity between western and Indian culture.
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Rudolf, Bantwal
Wed, Sep 19 2012Urinating in public is purely because of non-availability of enough toilets at prime places and junctions! People are well educated today not to urinate in public, but if one gets the urge, where will he go other than pee on the roadside? Somebody saying, cannot he control till he goes home is utter foolishness!! Especially in the rainy and winter season one feels the need to urinate frequently! Then there are the senior citizens with weakened bladders, diabetics, and other urinary related patients who get the urge frequently, where will they go!!
If you go to a hotel and tell the owner you have come to use the toilet, he will surely show you the door!
The best idea would be to maintain paid toilets on the lines of sulabh sauchalaya to get rid of this nuisance!! The one at KSRTC bus stand is a very good example!!
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Ayes P, Mangalore/KSA
Wed, Sep 19 2012MCC is spoiling Indian culture after fining the urinating in public streets and all. Urinating in public streets and all is Indian culture after all we are Indian and we should protect the Indian culture.
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Justice smith, Duabai
Wed, Sep 19 2012First introduce toilets at least one in 1KM in the city
Where the public will empty them
In other part of the world if any one found urinating in public the muncipality is questioned for not providing toilets in the area.
But this is India money making buizness all fine collected will go to someones pocket
Ji ho hindustan
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narayan, mangalore
Wed, Sep 19 2012if paid service,or sponcered i can construct toilet without any spending of MCC. but land ,water and electicity should provide by mcc free.
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francis, Abu Dhabi/Perampalli
Wed, Sep 19 2012There should be enough toilets to be builded by the goverment with paid access of Rs 2.00 so that public will not think of second option.
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C Sharath, Mangalore
Wed, Sep 19 2012Please dont build more public toilets , if you still insist then Carefull with the calculations this time...after 5 years CAG might come out with evidences of 5 lakh "COMMODE SCAM" aka "Thotti Scam" & if the Govt is UPA usually they will say we are ZERO TOLERENCE against Nature call & ZERO LOSS for the exchequer. Another official will say , don worry, public memory is too loose that it will flow down the drain like it did in Bofors, 2G, Coal & Thorium.
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Amin Bhoja, Patte / Riyadh
Wed, Sep 19 2012Urinating in Public is a Shameful Act but in India it is not considered a offence so far.India a billion people having said that very few public toilets in vicinity is seen around the cities,like Railway Station,Bus Station,Temples,Churches,a mass gatherings etc etc... .The Muncipal corporation,the corporate world and the govt itself should keen while solving the problem to an extent.We after 65 years independence,having a democratic system it is hard to belive the conditions of the toilets and even the numbers itself,a unhygenie totally. We see the scams of our political parties day by day but we are far behind just providing some basic amentities to it's citizen like even toilets.A Growth story we are always boasting,our ministers are boasting, a story without any truth we see always!.
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Wed, Sep 19 2012Finally ..i couldn't bear the smell of urine while waking in mangalore...
good move by muncipality..
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C. D Souza, Mangalore, Jeppu
Wed, Sep 19 2012This is a very good start. Yes, urinating at any place, spitting very much in front of a person's face, throwing garbage anywhere & everywhere other than a dustbin, such disgusting, filthy, sickening habits should come to a stop. Only when there is a fine, this could be stopped or else there is no other way even if posters are put up, they are torn. Public toilets with exhaust fans, and garbage bins in the toilets and outside, should be made available especially at busy places and at bus stands and dustbins put at most of the places. People spend huge amounts on hospitals and doctors to cure their illnesses. "Prevention is better than cure" should be on every lip. Lets look forward for a hygiene Mangalore.
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Wed, Sep 19 2012I recommend Public Urinals like in NEW- DELHI. Number of Urinals in most of busy Places es. Mangalore must adopt that system.
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Vincy, Bangkok
Wed, Sep 19 2012The people who use these walls should go and use MCC walls.The MCC should provide proper toilets to the public use.Have you seen a good public toilet for people who go pay stamp duty and then register thier properties in Mangalore.
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M.sadiq mulki, MULKI/JUBAIL
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Kevin, sydney/ Mangalore
Wed, Sep 19 2012Agnel DSilva, Dubai... which era are u living in to say 5 Rs is very expensive... how much do u expect it to be
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Ajith, Mangalore
Wed, Sep 19 2012In India public toilets are in shortage.That is why this menace prevails.Fine will not deter these people because authorities may have to deploy one person after every person and again one more person after that person.Need of the hour is more Sulabh Toilets in public places.
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Dr Kusuma Kumari G MBBS DGO DNB (obs&Gynae), Nellore/Kodyadka
Wed, Sep 19 2012This is bad habit which people of Mangalore have to give up.I am sure this will prevent many people will urinating in public.
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Mark, Udyavara
Wed, Sep 19 2012This is a good move. Perhaps full implementation of this rule the world will start calling us - developing nation at least!
wondering if guardians of the law welcomes it to their benefit to make a quick buck & encourage further avenues for bribing.
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Lydia Lobo, Kadri
Wed, Sep 19 2012Please bring one more change - cover long distance trains' toilets and stop urinating/defecating directly on the tracks by using these toilets. And, keep water supply in a train so that the stink will be less.
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Benny, Mangalore
Wed, Sep 19 2012This is like bowler arrives before the ball. Before asking for a fine, ensure decent public toilets! Are the citizens now supposed to piss in their pants if they do not have money for fine ?
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varun, mangalore
Wed, Sep 19 2012Thank god, finally!! People should also be fined, when they spit on public places like bus stand, market, especially pan chewers. Pan chewers should be fined heavily.
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Vikram, mangalore/sharjah
Wed, Sep 19 2012Sathish , Muscat
Jacobnelson, Bejai is right .Urinating in toilet is not Indian cluture..because toilet was invented by a western person...
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R.Fernandes, Dubai
Wed, Sep 19 2012Good comments Sathish.
Some people try to bring politics in every subject.
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James, Mangalore
Wed, Sep 19 2012Dear Ms Anjana before you put blame on the general public for releasing in the public can you please request the Municipal Commissioner to construct rest rooms at spots where large number of people roam i.e. bus tands, market places or shopping malls etc. The existing few are badly maintained and no one is there to take care of. Go to Udupi service and city bus stand and find yourself the neatness. Uou won't find people urinating there in public! Clean your backyard before you accuse the general public. Your suggestion to enter a restaurant rest rooms to release, one should be prepared to receive thrashing from the restaurant workers!!
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Sathish , Muscat
Wed, Sep 19 2012Dear JacobNelson..
Urinating in toilet is a 'Civilized Human Culture', dont say it is a western Culture..
Urinating near any wall is an 'UN-CIVILIZED Human Culture' like Western Culture...
I guess you not an Indian...
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Browny - Kuwait, Kuwait
Wed, Sep 19 2012Government must pass a "TOILET BILL". Every time we have to enter an restaurant or hotel or hospital to urinate. We do not find any toilets. Even if we find one will be dirty, smelling.
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mubin, udupi/dubai
Wed, Sep 19 2012good decision but fine should be minimum 500 . security should b kept every were . on the spot fine .
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Pearl D'Souza, mangalore
Wed, Sep 19 2012very good step taken by you people/ thanks a lot. it is disgusting to see people spit and urinate in public areas,busy roads and streets. specially it is very awkward for the ladies. so public toilets must be installed everywhere and they should be maintained and kept clean. and if people still ignore this policy then the fine must be increased from 100 to 1000.
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Merline, Mangalore / Sharjah
Wed, Sep 19 2012good job Anjana, wake up all sleeping people
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Subhash Pai, Mangalore
Wed, Sep 19 2012@ Agnel, in Europe even in common public toilets, you have to pay 1/2 to 1 Euro, comparitively IRS.5 is cheap in Mangalore Airport.
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Ahmed, Mangalore
Wed, Sep 19 2012Urinating on the roadside is Indian culture as we have not built enough of public toilets. Do not blame the politicians for this. We go on strike & bundh for useless things why not for Toilets?
Finally a joke: A person questioning a roadside urinating fellow: kya yahan police nahi pakadti hai?
Urinating person: nahi nahi yahan hame khud hi pakadna padta hai.
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Pradeep, Mangalore
Wed, Sep 19 2012Men can relieve themselves anywhere but this creates problem to women who either have wait till they get back to their home or find a secure place. The solution would be to build pubilc toilets similar to the one in the main bus stand in Mangalore with 'pay & use' conecpt.
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Santhosh Bhandary, Mangalore
Wed, Sep 19 2012It is not a bad idea to have "Pay and Use" toilets wherein you pay a nominal amount each time you use the toilet. This will generate enough funds to maintain them in a user friendly and hygienic condition at all times. This is a regular feature in most of the developed countries and is well received by the public.
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Vivian Rodrigues, Mangalore
Wed, Sep 19 2012Good opportunity for cops to make pocket money. May be we will see more cops performing their duty especially when it rains and bladders are bursting )
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roshan braganza, udyavar / mumbai
Wed, Sep 19 2012Its getting too much day by day , more regulations , more fines. Are we living in a democratic country , or is it just the banana republic?. Whats the defination of civilised? , its to do fearlessly what we like or what we r comfortable with ........not others think what is right or wrong. If muncipality is more responsible , they shuld have built more toilets.
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Kamal Taiyyeb, Mangalore
Wed, Sep 19 2012I fully agree with Jacobnelson, Bejai. Will HJV thrash people for using toilets saying that they were only protecting Indian culture?
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Mohan, Mangalore
Wed, Sep 19 2012Please install more public toilets for both Ladies and Gents.
There are no public toliets at or near Bunts Hostel Circle, Jyothi Circle and many other places in Mangalore. People use Mall toliets, Shopping complex toilet and Hotel hotels for time being. Please do something?
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saleem, brahmavar
Wed, Sep 19 2012good decision from the municipal corporation, it is ugly and unhinge urinating in public
places. Please provide some good, clean public toilets with reasonable maintenance charges
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Agnel DSilva, Dubai
Wed, Sep 19 2012using toilet at Mangalore airport is very expensive Rs. 5/- per use !!!
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HSK, Mangalore
Wed, Sep 19 2012if MCC install and maintain the toilets ,than who will like to urinate in public places.Can anyone let me know where in city we can find well maintained toilets.
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suhail, mangalore
Wed, Sep 19 2012Please put Hoardings on streets about this fine...Let public know it...Especially at Rickshaw stands..Because they are the one who do it most often on roadside.Very good initiative to keep the city tidy.
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Thomas, Dubai, Mangalore/Dubai
Wed, Sep 19 2012Take the videos and upload them on Youtube so the ashamed will not repeat the same mistake again, to ministers please build public toilets at least in the main city so that the travelers can atleast relieve themselves.
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Juliet Mascarenhas, Bejai/Mangalore
Wed, Sep 19 2012This Indian culture takes another decade to change. Lol another issue to PC sir on taking charge on this auspicious day followed by Bundh on 20th. Mangalore will provide you lots of opportunities to excel.
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Jacobnelson, Bejai
Wed, Sep 19 2012Urinating in toilet is Western Culture,
Urinating near any wall is Indian Culture,
HJV please protect our culture!!!
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R.Fernandes, Dubai
Wed, Sep 19 2012Good move. At the same time build more number of decent well maintained public toilets. Not the disgusting toilets where you get scared to go inside.
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