Full text of PM Manmohan Singh's speech on Independence Day

New Delhi, Aug 15 (PTI): My dear fellow citizens, brothers, sisters and dear children, I greet you all on this Independence Day.

Today is certainly a day of joy for us. But on this celebration of independence we also feel pain in our hearts that our brothers and sisters in Uttarakhand had to face devastation about two months back. Our deepest sympathies are with all the families that suffered loss of life or property. I want to assure the people of Uttarakhand today that the whole country stands with them in this moment of crisis. Our government is working with all the resources at its command to rehabilitate those whose houses have been destroyed and rebuild damaged infrastructure.

Our Army, paramilitary forces and numerous officers and staff of the Central and State governments worked in difficult conditions in partnership with the common people to perform an outstanding task in providing relief to those who were stranded. We especially pay homage to the officers and men of the Air Force, ITBP and NDRF who sacrificed their lives to save others.

We are also deeply pained that we lost the submarine, INS Sindurakshak in an accident yesterday. Eighteen brave sailors are feared to have lost their lives. The accident is all the more painful because the Navy had recently achieved two major successes in the form of its first nuclear submarine, INS Arihant and the aircraft carrier, INS Vikrant.

We pay homage to the brave hearts we have lost. We also congratulate the Navy on its successes.

Brothers and sisters, we achieved independence in 1947 under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. If we look at our subsequent journey, we would find that our country has seen major changes every ten years.

In the decade beginning 1950, India took its first steps as a democratic republic under the leadership of Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru. We established institutions like the Atomic Energy Commission, Planning Commission and Election Commission, which went on to make a major contribution to the processes of nation building in later years. The first general elections were conducted and a beginning was made towards the formulation of the First Five Year Plan for socio-economic development of the country.

In the sixties, Pandit Nehru set up new industries and factories, implemented new irrigation projects and opened new universities. By laying emphasis on the role of science and technology in nation building he started the work of transforming this ancient country into a modern nation.

In the seventies, Indiraji boosted our confidence as a nation. During this period, we launched our first satellite in space. The Green Revolution enabled us to be self sufficient in food grains for the first time.

In the next decade, Rajiv Gandhi ji set into motion the process of technological and economic modernisation. The foundation for the progress we later made in the area of information technology was laid during this period. The importance of Panchayati Raj Institutions was emphasized and this later resulted in amendments to our Constitutions for strengthening and empowering these institutions.

In the year 1991, under the leadership of Shri Narsimha Rao, we successfully negotiated a major economic crisis and embraced reforms for strengthening our economy. These reforms were opposed by many political parties at that time. But the reforms were in national interest and were therefore continued by all governments that came to power subsequently. Since then, the reform process has continually moved forward.

I believe that the last decade has also been a decade of major changes in the history of our nation. In no other decade has our economic development increased as much as in this decade. Democratic forces have been strengthened and many sections of our society have joined the mainstream of development for the first time. The common man has been given new rights which have led to his social and economic empowerment.

Brothers and Sisters, the first UPA government came to power in May 2004. Ever since, we have worked with sincerity and honesty to build a progressive and modern India.

We have envisioned a prosperous India. An India which has got rid of centuries old burden of poverty, hunger and disease. Where the light of education has driven away the darkness of ignorance and superstition.

Where there is social equality and all citizens enjoy equal economic opportunity. Where no section of the society faces injustice and exploitation.

We have dreamt of an India where the youth get employment opportunities that enable them to contribute to the noble endeavour of nation building.

We have strived for India's voice to be heard loud and clear at the international level. We have strived to build a nation that is looked at with respect and honour by the whole world.

We have taken many measures to realise these dreams. But the journey is long and a large distance still remains to be travelled.

Brothers and Sisters,we have recently issued an Ordinance towards a Food Security law. The Food Security Bill is now before Parliament and we hope it will be passed shortly. This law will benefit 75 per cent of our rural population and half of our urban population. Under the law, about 81 crore Indians would be entitled to receive rice at 3 Rupees per kg, wheat at 2 Rupees per kg and coarse grains at 1 Rupee per kg. This is the largest effort of its kind in the whole world.

We have been able to implement this law only because of the hard work of our farmers. Our food-grain production reached a record level of 25.9 crore ton in 2011-12.

Without rapid agricultural growth, we cannot achieve our goal of making our villages prosperous. We have constantly endeavoured to increase production and to ensure that farmers get remunerative prices for their produce. In the last nine years, support prices for various crops have been enhanced as never before. The support prices for wheat and paddy have been more than doubled. Many states which faced shortages of food-grains earlier are now producing more than what they require for themselves.

The average annual rate of agricultural growth in the 11th Plan was 3.6, which is more than both the 9th and 10th Plan levels.

We now see clear indications of enhanced economic prosperity in our rural areas. In the period from 2004 to 2011, rural per-capita consumption has increased four times faster than earlier.

Rural wages have also increased much faster in this period. MNREGA provides employment to crores of people in rural areas.

Measuring poverty is a difficult task. There are diverse views about what constitutes poverty. But whatever definition we may adopt, it cannot be denied that the pace of reduction in poverty has increased after 2004.

Many states which had been considered backward for a long time, with some of them being called Bimaru, are now progressing rapidly.

We have enacted the Right to Education Act to provide every child in the country the opportunity for education. Almost all our children are today being imparted education in primary schools.

The number of young men and women going to college has more than doubled in the last 9 years.

We have implemented new schemes for scholarships on a large scale to enable poor children and those belonging to the weaker sections to access opportunities for education. Today, the Central government provides scholarships to more than 2 crore children.

Many new institutions have been opened in the area of higher education. For example, 8 new IITs, 7 New IIMs, 16 new Central universities and 10 new NITs. New institutions have also been opened to boost scientific research. Steps have been taken to attract students to the study of science and encourage Indian scientists working abroad to return to India.

However, much still remains to be done for reforming our education system. Many of our schools still lack drinking water facilities, toilets and other necessary infrastructure. There is a need to improve the quality of education. To achieve this, it is necessary to lay more emphasis on training of teachers.

About 11 crore children are being provided afternoon meals every day in schools under the Mid-day Meal Scheme. This programme is of immense benefit for both education and nutrition of children. However, it is necessary to improve its implementation. The tragedy that happened in Bihar some days back should not be repeated anywhere in the country.

We had launched the National Rural Health Mission in 2005. The Mission has started showing good results. Both Maternal Maternity and Infant Mortality rates have come down sharply. A much larger proportion of children is now born in hospitals. There has also been a large increase in the proportion of children being inoculated.

No case of polio has been detected in the country in the last two years. We have been able to eradicate a disease which used to cause disability to lakhs of people.

The Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana, which provides free in-patient treatment in hospitals to our poor brothers and sisters, now covers about 3.5 crore families.

We have implemented the Health Mission in urban areas also. This will result in both expansion and improvement of health services in such areas.

For ensuring better safety and security for women, we have strengthened the law dealing with offences against women.

There has been good progress in the last 9 years in the infrastructure sector also, covering areas such as Roads, Railways, Power, Civil Aviation, Ports and Telecommunications. About 2 lakh km of new roads have been constructed for connecting villages under the Pradhan Mantri Gramin Sadak Yojana.?More than 37,000 km of new highways have been built, facilitating travel and trade. More than 40 airports have been built or upgraded. In 2004, only 7 per cent of the people had telephone connections. Today, 73 percent enjoy this facility. In rural areas, this figure has gone up from 2 to 40. There has been a record addition to our capacity for electricity generation.

Brothers and Sisters, in the recent months, there has been much discussion on the fact that last year our growth rate came down to 5 percent. This is indeed true and we are trying our best to remedy the situation. However, it is not only our country that is facing economic difficulties. The last year has been difficult for the world economy as a whole. Major European nations are experiencing a slow down these days. All over the world, there has been a slump in export markets. All developing countries have slowed down.

I believe that this phase of slow growth in India will not last long. In the last 9 years, our economy has grown at an annual average rate of 7.9 percent. This pace of development is the highest in any decade so far.

Brothers and Sisters, countries today are more integrated with each other than ever before. We have endeavoured that our foreign policy exploits this fully to India's benefit. In the last 9 years, there has been a continuous improvement in our relations with the major powers of the world. Our Look East policy in respect of 10 ASEAN countries in East and South-East Asia has borne good results, especially in economic matters. We have also strived for friendship with our neighbouring countries. However, for relations with Pakistan to improve, it is essential that they prevent the use of their territory and territory under their control for any anti-India activity.

There has been improvement in the area of national security also. Despite some worrisome communal incidents in 2012 and this year, the last 9 years have been good for communal harmony. There has been a reduction in terrorist and Naxal violence also. However, the area of national security calls for constant vigil. We have not been successful in preventing Naxal attacks that happen from time to time. The Naxal violence in Chhattisgarh on 25 May was a frontal attack on our democracy. Recently, there was a dastardly attack on our jawans on the Line of Control with Pakistan. We will take all possible steps to prevent such incidents in the future.

Brothers and Sisters, we have taken many important measures to make the work of the government responsive, transparent and honest. I would like to mention only two of them here.

Through the RTI Act, the common man now gets more information than ever before about the work of the government. This legislation is being used on a large scale at all levels. The Act frequently brings to light irregularities and corruption and opens the door for improvements. I am sure that the RTI will lead to further improvements in the way the government functions.

We have introduced the Lokpal Bill in Parliament. The Lok Sabha has passed the Bill and it is now before the Rajya Sabha. This legislation will be a major step towards making our political system clean.

Brothers and Sisters, we have journeyed a large distance in the last decade. But much remains to be done. The process of change that we have initiated will be continued in the coming time.

As I have stated earlier also, rapid economic growth is an imperative for our country. Without it, we cannot possibly achieve targets such as removal of poverty, provision of good quality education and health services and creation of new employment opportunities. The average rate of economic growth that we have attained in the last 9 years shows what we are capable of. However, economic growth has slowed down at present and we are working hard to remedy the situation.

We have recently taken many steps to speed up the process of government clearances for industry, build an environment more conducive to trade and industry and increase investment in the economy. A special Cell has been set up to help big projects with clearances. The Cabinet Committee on Investment is working to remove hindrances in the way of stalled projects.


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  • Sanjay A, Udupi

    Fri, Aug 16 2013

    I , Mr Moun singh happy to open my mouth this independence day to read out my handy lengthy texts which i prepared during my moun wrath.

    Please kindly note people,” Don’t disturb me as I continued to hold my moun wrath for the welfare of corruption

    The next reopening of my mouth will be on next independence day, Till then enjoy with every freedom

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  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Fri, Aug 16 2013

    Today gutter chaap feku revealed his true self that his own party man Advani had to hide his head in shame. This feku's reaction to the speech made by the Prime Minister showed his true class, character and calibre which is pathetic and disgusting. He is only fit to wait upon customers in a tea stall.......Jai ho

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  • Jagdish, Riyadh

    Thu, Aug 15 2013


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  • Ramakrishna. K. , Mangalore

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    Today PM ManMohan Singh mentioned in his speech all the names of earlier Congress Prime Ministers of India, except Lal Bahadur Shastriji. Why ?

    Indians respect Shastriji Ten Times more than Rajiv Gandhi. Even then his name is always forgotten by Congis. Why even a single Social program of the Central govt is NOT named after Shashtri where as more than 50 programs are named after Rajiv Gandhi only ?
    If Sanjay Gandhi was alive in 1984 then he would have become PM as planned earlier by Indiraji, and in that eventuality today all the govt programes would have been named after Sanjay Gandhi and all Congis would have danced to the tune of Maneka & Varun Gandhi and everyone would have forgotten Rajiv, Soniaji, Pappu, & Damaad.

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  • T.K.Hamza, Kushalnagar

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    No doubt UPA has honestly tried to impriove the conditions. PM talks less and acts more.
    Please remember Modi supporters that Mr. Vajpayee himself advised Modi to follow RAJDHARMA, who not follows RAJDHARMA is not fit to rule any democratic country.

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  • Rosario Fernandes, Kallianpur

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    Did anybody viewed Times Now on TV.
    How we can respect our politicians.?

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  • Ramakrishna. K. , Mangalore

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    In his whole speech there is not even a single word about getting us true Independence from the pathetic corruption of Politicians.

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    Today FEKU gave an Election Speech and Advani had to reprimand him that today is Independence Day.....

    DisAgree [17] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mahesh Sanil, Hejamady / Abu Dhabi

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    Nation is under the umbrella of corrupted ruling politician and it is well criticized by Daiji readers almost all, then let the truth prevail and embrace Modi(HE IS THE BRAND OF ALL DECADES) to rule the country for at least one term if not decade long. Change is the must boss without any compromise.

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  • Rosario Fernandes, Kallianpur

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    All of us know change is MUST.
    But the problem is, all of us are not Gujaratees.!!!
    Modi should have been in Gujarat, particularly today or he may loose that too.

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  • Tony Crasta, Mangalore

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    First of all Happy Independence Day to all my fellow country men, women and children.

    PM`s speech may be a bit dull and mundane, as someone commented, but honestly, let us give some credit to the Congress Government who have progressively done some remarkable job over the years in managing the country (except curtailing and/or eliminating corruption) towards the development and progress of the nation, especially in the fields of education, health, and eliminating the poverty, in spite of India`s massive population and social/ cultural problems.

    There has also been much progress and development during their successive term of Government in the agricultural, scientific and industrial fields, and also roads and infrastructure, as detailed by the PM, which needs to be be recognized and acknowledged.

    The annual growth rate of 7.9% during the past 9 years is quite an achievement in itself, when compared to some other developed and developing world nations, where the annual growth rate has not been more than 3 or 4 per cent.

    More work, however, needs to be done and on an urgent basis in the areas of containing the population increase, and also completely eradicating the corruption, which are the two major issues being faced by India today, and when these two important problems are successfully tackled, India would be just fine, and a great country to live with.

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    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    PM We Want Corruptionfree Terrorismfree Communualfree India with strong economy and safety of women. We want India to be future super power. Jai Hind.

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  • Francis, Moodbidri/Dubai

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    If BJP did something good why they are struggling from 67 years to come to power ??

    Samajdaar ko ishara kafi hai bhai!!

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  • Dinesh Poojary, Kundapura/Bengaluru

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    Francis, Moodbidri/Dubai

    Congis are coming to power from VAMAMARGA. Through money, henda and from CBI. What do you think is the reason for Congress Govt in Karnataka? It is CBI misuse..

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  • Francis, Moodbidri/Dubai

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    You mean to say that, you BJP people are behind congis henda and money and sell "YOURSELF" to Congress!!! thanks for confirmation buddy

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  • sudarshan, ganjimut

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    Same 40 yrs old written speech with some changes made after the sub marine disaster of yesterday. With Uttering again again name of Jawahar lal Nehru and Indira gandhi, the speech was looking like congi party progress for last 66 yrs rather India as country progressed. You need only Mr. Modiji to give speech from his heart not like reading out the pages written by some specially appointed Congi person.

    It will be dream come true to listen Mr. Modiji's speech on next election .

    DisAgree [22] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rosario Fernandes, Kallianpur

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    Today is not the day of self appreciation, as Modi yells. I did this/that in Gujarat.?!!
    Also not the day for acknowledging achievements as MadMohan did.
    Both are useless of the first order. Today is the day for encouraging youth. Keeping challenges ahead in front of the public and petting them on their back. Together, with joined hands we can do miracles. Not criticizing one another pulling each others legs. This is not democracy.
    Don't ever say what others had done bad, only talk about what better you can do.

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  • sudarshan, ganjimut

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    Mr. Rosario, you know what is the achievemnet of Mr. Maun Mohan , not to open his eyes when corruption taken place right under his nose / not to speek about it and not to hear from opposition party. A puppet with key to dance the tune of amul baby and Sonia madam.

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  • Rosario Fernandes, Kallianpur

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    YES, I know that. He is the worst PM we ever had. But again its our own mistake. All these years we were giving respect to his educational background. Its never too late, now we realized.
    He is like best dish without salt & pepper, now let him eat it alone. Ha ha ha.

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  • godwin, mangalore

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    here people talking about chaddi yeddi reddy,diggy,MMS.baba,baby.bla bla....from last 10 years we people struggling in our life for daily needs now its become worst then ever before ..because of white Ghandi topis, they are make us wear chaddis near future

    DisAgree [5] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse


    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    I respect you dear P.M of my country ..you speak only one hour once in a year that is 15 TH august....i have just noticed the sprits of youths who partcipated in NAMO brigade rally....small kid of 1st standard was shouting a solgan MODI LOWO DESH BACHA so you have lost all the credibilty to be a P.M dear maunamohan singh INDIA NEEDS STRONG LEADER LIKE NAMO......

    DisAgree [18] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • maxi, kinnigoly/mumbai

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    all state funded schemes(cc.to rahul gandhi)are major source of corruption & black money.only 17% of fund reach to said cause and balance 83% of of more than 2lakh crore is..? secret accounts.this is all about our schemes of UPA.

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  • Bollu, Mangalore

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    As long as people don't have two time 'full meal' never call ourselves independent. More than 40% people still starving below poverty line. Who is going to look after them..?? Government just ignore them from last 67 years by giving false promises..

    DisAgree [5] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • godwin, mangalore

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    MMS ke sath sonia,amul baba,damad...ko be dedho...
    Independance day offer..

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  • Vincent Rodrigues, Katapadi/Bangalore

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    Everyone has their own opinion about PM's speech on the Independance Day.I liked his speech which is crisp,meaningful and to the point.All the best.Thanq.

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  • Doddanna, Damaskatte

    Thu, Aug 15 2013










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  • Rajesh Shetty, Mlore-Shj

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    Dear Pakistan
    Doodh maango,Kheer Denge
    Kashmir maango,chiir denge
    MMS maango,free Denge

    DisAgree [22] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anand, karkala

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    Mute PM's secretary also not aware of what is going on around as he forgot to write the following :

    We have recently taken many steps to speed up the process of GOVERNMENT TREASURY CLEARANCE.

    DisAgree [16] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rakesh shetty, mangalore

    Thu, Aug 15 2013




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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    keep on dreaming.....

    DisAgree [37] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh Shetty, Mlore-Shj

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    On one hand you say to Rosario to start adapting Chaddi culture and your are pretty optimistic of BJP coming to Power @ the same time telling Jeevan to dream on. Confusing soul you are, happy independence.

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    Thousands of Indian soldiers died in Kargil because your dumb PM was fooled by Musharraf.
    Your Home Minister released 3 dreaded Pakistani terrorists in Kandahar
    who till date have killed thousands of innocent Indians...

    DisAgree [37] Agree [41] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh Shetty, Mlore-Shj

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    One rule by BJP they chased out the terrorist from Kargil which your party allowed and welcomed them in previous 50 years. Now pakis, Chinese Banaalis, all have come from all the sides. Its fortunate that sharks cannot survive on land, otherwise they would have invaded from rest of the Indian sides. Seems like congress has too much love to outsiders.

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  • Alfred, Mumbai / Muscat

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    Rajesh a slight correction to your comments, Do not know if you know what happened in Kargil during your BJP rule, The pakistani soldiers had entered Indian territory (Kargil is part of India) just because your BJP government was sleeping at the centre and than our brave Indian soldiers had to fight and lay down their life to drive these Pakistanis away, so many lives could have been saved If yiur BJP government was vigiliant, Hence please do not give useless comment for time pass

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    Thu, Aug 15 2013


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  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    By next year Modi could be in jail for mass murder and fake encounters........Yes he can then give his feku speeches to fellow inmates to buck up their sagging spirits.

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  • Rosario Fernandes, Kallianpur

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    The most dull speech I ever witnessed in my life time. A typical speech written by parents to read out in the 6th standard class room. He did mention about Uttarakhand natural calamity, but failed to utter a single word about man made calamity. He should have capitalized on this speech because this is his last ID speech.

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    Be prepared to send your children to school wearing khaki half chaddis...

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  • jatin, mlore

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    Can imagine the IQ of a Rahul Gandhi blind follower

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    Jatin, I don't support women beaters and molesters....

    DisAgree [7] Agree [13] Report Abuse

  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    Dear Rosario..Your comment is more powerful than Mr Moun..Your comment is very short but impact is VERY BIG....Happy Independence Day...

    DisAgree [18] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • juliet mascarenhas, bejai mangalore

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    Are you planning to contest to solve the man made calamity?

    DisAgree [9] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • kurt waschnig, Oldenburg Germany

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    India is celebrating and on such a day is it important to think of the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi. He was not the first, nor would he be the last, but he is certainly the most famous of the world´s peaceful dissidents. Mahatma Gandhi – also affectionately known as Mahatma – led India´s independence movement in the 1930s and 40s by speaking softly without carrying much of a big stick, facing down the British colonialists with stirring speeches and non-violent protest. For his troubles, he´s often named among the 20th century´s most important figures and remains revered in India as father of the nation. More than anything else, Gandhi proved that one man has the power to take on an empire, using both ethics and intelligence. Other peaceful resisters such as Martin Luther King Jr. during the 1960s civl rights movement and Tibet´s Dalai Lama have emulated his methods in years since, shaking up dynamic of world politics in the process.
    Finding extreme poverty and famine in his own Gujarat province, Gandhi led an initiative to clean up the area, install new schools and build hospitals. He was ultimately arrested by British-appointed landlords for causing unrest, but talked his way out of jail and negotiated better conditions for the Indian farmers. Indeed, Gandhi was known as much for his wit and intelligence as for his piety. When he was arrested several more times over the years for his actions during the movement, Gandhi calmly fasted in prison, believing that his death would embarrass the British enough to spur independence, which had become the focus on his politics by 1920.
    Gandhi´s non cooperation movement, kicked off in the early 1920s, called for Indians to boycott British goods and traditions and become self-reliant. His most famous protest came in 1930, when Gandhi led thousands of Indians on a 250-mile march to a coastal town to produce salt, on which the British had a monopoly.
    India finally gained full independence in 1947 when Gandhi was 78. Although some historians argue that independence was inevitable with Britain´s economic collapse after World War II, most agree that it would not have happened without the foundation of dissent he built among several hundred million Indians throughout the 1920s and 30s.
    Martin Luther King Jr. is said to be have been heavily influenced by Gandhi´s philosophy of non-violence, believing it to be the only logical approach to the problem of race relations in America.
    Gandhi´s ideals and his vision have still the power to inspire Indians to create an India with opportunities for all.

    Best regards

    Kurt Waschnig Oldenburg Germany

    email: oldenburg1952@yahoo.de

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  • avani, mlore

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    Ha Ha Ha....no prize for guessing....let me tell. Quote"the first UPA government came to power in May 2004. Ever since, we have worked with sincerity and honesty to build a progressive and modern India" Sincerity & honesty!!!? Ha ha wooo.. do not know whether to laugh or cry!

    DisAgree [13] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Doddanna, Damaskatte

    Thu, Aug 15 2013



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  • Rajesh Shetty, Mlore-SHj

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    Finally PM spoke formoe than 30 min for the second time his year after 26 January. 20 minutes in that speech was only three words "UNFORTUNATE/PAINED/SADDENED".
    Same old speech recorded 9 years back. Everything is unfortunate. Only addition is Uttarakand & Submarine. We are being led by this corrupt Govt is by itself unfortunate.

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  • Anand, karkala

    Thu, Aug 15 2013

    We definitely agree with the following :

    I believe that the last decade has also been a decade of major changes in the history of our nation. In no other decade has our economic development increased as much as in this decade.

    We never have expected we will reach to this level today.

    We create politcal opportunities that enable them to contribute to the noble endeavour of Bank Balance building.

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