US student calls India a traveller's heaven, a woman's hell

Washington, Aug 22 (IANS) : Back from a study trip to India last year, a Chicago university recalls it as a visit full of adventures and beauty but also relentless sexual harassment, groping and worse.

In a powerful account posted on CNN iReport under the username RoseChasm, Michaela Cross says upon her return, she was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and is now on a mental leave of absence from the school after a public breakdown in the spring.

Her story "India: The Story You Never Wanted to Hear" has struck a chord around the world, racking up more than 800,000 page views as of Wednesday morning, CNN reported.

Cross, a fair-skinned, red-haired South Asian studies major, who left India a few days before the deadly gang rape of a 23-year-old woman in New Delhi, said that helped others understand what she and her classmates went through.

On her return, Cross struggled to find a way to talk about a cultural experience that was both beautiful and traumatising, CNN cited her as saying in her essay.

She writes: "Do I tell them about our first night in the city of Pune, when we danced in the Ganesha festival, and leave it at that? Or do I go on and tell them how the festival actually stopped when the American women started dancing, so that we looked around to see a circle of men filming our every move?

"Do I tell them about bargaining at the bazaar for beautiful saris costing a few dollars a piece, and not mention the men who stood watching us, who would push by us, clawing at our breasts and groins?

"When people compliment me on my Indian sandals, do I talk about the man who stalked me for 45 minutes after I purchased them, until I yelled in his face in a busy crowd?"
"How it feels to be a woman in India"

Later, she writes: "For three months I lived this way, in a traveller's heaven and a woman's hell. I was stalked, groped, masturbated at; and yet I had adventures beyond my imagination. I hoped that my nightmare would end at the tarmac, but that was just the beginning."

A University spokesman confirmed to CNN that Cross is a student at the school, but would not comment on her mental leave. He said the school is committed to students' safety at home and abroad.

The news channel quoted Cross as saying she didn't say anything to the professors on the trip until things reached "a boiling point"-what she called two rape attempts in 48 hours.


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  • Jimmy Nazareth, Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 23 2013

    I don't understand why there are dislikes for Veera Vas' comments. Pornography, Gay & lesbian marriages, Sex with animals (Of-course this is not forced)This is what Americans do. And all we know that how God punished the people of those two cities in the OLD TESTAMENT for their inhuman acts. God will also punish Americans and their supporters one day for their acts. Please don't support blindly for anything what the so called civilized people do.

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  • Seby, Kinnigoli

    Fri, Aug 23 2013


    please be in the Queue, do not misinterpret the comment on Vas.

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  • Blaan Mendonca, USA

    Fri, Aug 23 2013

    Sexual harassment and driving vehicle is the worst in India, they do not respect women, nor any human being in India.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Seby, Kinnigoli

    Fri, Aug 23 2013


    Pornographic are filmed in India too and nobody is spoiling anybody. Human being is one of the greatest creation of God, we can differentiate between good and bad, right and wrong, i mean we can think and decide and this is the thing which make us different from animal. There is something which we learn from our Teachers, something we learn from our Parents, something we learn socially and something life teach us, our learning is chunk of both good and bad lessons, but this is us who decide, what we have take and what we should give up. The same well can be used to appease our thirst and same can be used to do sucide.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Blaan Mendonca, USA

    Fri, Aug 23 2013

    Veera Vas Centuries ago India has openly taught the world 69 positions by carvings and statues, so that the world learns all the positions. Khajuraho erotic temples of India and exotic art works. Khajuraho temple walls have most sexual poses inscribed in ancient text of Kamasutra. Kamasutra was believed as science to attain the best carnal ecstasy. The objective of Kamasutra was to educate methods and purpose of attaining sexual satisfaction.

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  • Veera Vas, Belmen

    Fri, Aug 23 2013

    Americans also partly to blame for this incident. They produce Pornographic films and spread through internet and spoiling the youth of other countries.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • danny, mangalore

    Fri, Aug 23 2013

    Veera madam... If you didn know this, even India produces porn.. All countries produce porn... Its not just the americans.. But in most of the indian porn girls are forced or drugged(not always but still its true) unlike americans... Please dont comment senseless things

    DisAgree [3] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh Shetty, Mlore-Shj

    Fri, Aug 23 2013

    Well this is the mirror reflection of what congress did to our country. Another feather to the Cap of Congress Led Govt, Great economist PM & letter writer Madam who runs the show. Also additional feather to the caps of blind brainwashed congi supporters in this forum.

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  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Fri, Aug 23 2013

    Last week 16 years old girl delivered a boy in Bangalore..It is not a big news..Big news is that she was raped by her own father and now became father of his daughter's baby..Like this everyday sexual attack on children or girls is taking place..You can control this problem to some extent even though not fully,if there is powerful legal system is there..But our legal system is the weakest in the world.That is why rape,gang rape are taking place..

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  • Heri Fernandes, MANGALORE/UK

    Fri, Aug 23 2013

    However shameful and disgusting this might be, this is the FACT and BITTER TRUTH...

    DisAgree Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Blaan Mendonca, USA

    Fri, Aug 23 2013

    Mr. Shanker be matured. Maturity, self respect and dignity is very important and not the seductive clothes. Pray to God and say lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Let the people wear anything they like, who cares, it is not necessary to ask the public what to wear and what not to wear, who cares man. When clothes are designed and manufactured there is no restrictions from the government of India. Designs and patterns are not given to the fashion designer or manufacturer by the government. There are professional people who design clothes and they are called fashion designers. It is just a human behavior. If you have a good physique and strong arms with muscles you would surely like to show it off, by wearing short sleeve shirt and one chest button of the shirt open. What is the big deal with that. When we are young we need to be fearless and dashing.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Raj, Udupi

    Fri, Aug 23 2013

    Hello mister, it is not important that which rajya ruling.It is important to live as a human and know from which way you ped to earth.Then only you know to respect woman.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Praveen Kumaresh, Bengaluru

    Fri, Aug 23 2013

    Ours is a Country Kama Sootra. Country of Perverts, where every street vendor wrongly thinks that Americans & Europeans have Cheap Character and easily available.

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  • Valerian Dsouza, Udupi/Mumbai

    Fri, Aug 23 2013

    In India, be it female or male, all sober and law abiding people are victims of high handed, criminals and exploiters who have no fear of law or God.
    Of late all Govt have miserably failed to protect common man,
    be it in investment, property, educational frauds or personal safety.
    For defenseless common man it is impossible to protect himself from organised and fearless criminals.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nithin Poojary, Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 23 2013

    But why only Indians should be blamed.....When I used to do my Masters in Leeds UK.....The first day of my University there was oreintation program and at the end of the oreintation my HOD said "Please dont pass by Hyde Park( Park adjacent to University of Leeds) area after sunset". We asked why and he replied " females get raped by males, females get raped by females, male get raped by males and most importantly MALES GET RAPED BY FEMALES.
    The word "rape" and "molestation" is not restricted only to India. But by saying this Iam not justifying the act in India.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Reshma, Mangalore

    Fri, Aug 23 2013

    This is not something new having grown up in India where a cow is considered sacred, but a woman is considered lower than an animal I have experienced the same things this woman has and so have all my friends.. People like to say Indians have a lot of respect for women, their sisters, their neighbours, mothers etc, but it is just hypocrisy. Men talk about how they want to protect women, because they need protection. what women need is respect and to be treated like people with a mind and not a sex object. I remember countless times I was groped in buses and followed and these same guys go home to their wives and talk about controlling their womenfolk and giving them protection. I was an educated girl and confident and popular in school and college, but due to the cultural barriers and pressures and because of the shame attached to it (it can be very intimidating and daunting), I did not feel comfortable talking about this to my parents. I felt dirty and ashamed. I remember yelling at a guy in the bus and crying in anger and shame, but other people in the bus pretended it didn't happen. I once jabbed my heavy bag into the privates of a guy rubbing against me. It didn't even scare friend saw a man rub against a middle aged woman who was too embarrassed to complain, he then came to her d tried the same thing. She made a scene and he yelled louder than her, but the woman that was abused did not even open her mouth to support my friend who was only in her 20s. I saw a documentary on CNN once and I was so ashamed to see the video footage of the lustful looks and groping happening in Mumbai trains. It took me back to my youth... The youth of india need to arise and take a stand . If anyone sees this happening do not pretend it didn't happen, take a picture or video, and give the police. If not morals and conscience at least they may have fear of consequences if a few of the culprits are caught and punished and made an example.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [65] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sam, Bondel

    Fri, Aug 23 2013

    Very true..what reshma,has said..I have a sister when she used to go in bus..for school,there are some pyscho's/perverts who just board the bus to go nowhere,but to sexually harass young school girls at peak time,as the school girls are too young to understand the the horror that..they dont wear anything innerwear's and do their acts in the crowded sitaution.....and for these kind of perverts,there is no law-nor reform, as a matter of fact..even homosexuals can be seen doing the same acts in the bus!!

    Infact,if they dont do such acts in bus..they dont fear to do it in places..which are remote..if a girl goesby,showing their ***** and running away..when someone shoutes..which is beyond discussion in this forum.

    Very shameful and very disgusting..indeed what the American has said the truth..which Indian women go thru in their daily life!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • shankar, mangalore

    Fri, Aug 23 2013

    this girl seems to be fake. i am sure india has not gotten so worse. if she was being stared upon,definitely she must have worn some seductive clothes. she should have been a roman in rome. she was so keen on targetting india that she went on saying people were masturbating at her! sure this girl has unwell mind.

    DisAgree [54] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rosario Fernandes, Kallianpur

    Fri, Aug 23 2013

    School girl!! knows what is mustarbation? must be very brilliant student.

    DisAgree [28] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Blaan Mendonca, USA

    Fri, Aug 23 2013

    Mr. Rosario Fernandes, What makes you so excited with that, In India there is no sex education in school that is the reason you are so excited. But in USA there is sex education in school so that a child cannot be abused and also there is personal space which you cannot violate or touch any person. You will be sued for child molestation. Give respect and take respect. Education is given to protect the children from abuse. There is a big difference in the way how you understand with the subject, it is always better to be optimistic than to be pessimistic.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Golbert C Pinto, Mangalore/Muscat

    Fri, Aug 23 2013

    It is very sad and shamefull news. But this creation of HELL is their own countries contribution in big volume. Followed by India.
    In english movies, a famous actress is not agitating to undress. Indias film induries aslo following them, and over taking them, ten steps ahead.
    Some people (what she told about) are no money to have food/wear good cloth but they have money to buy movie ticket. This hungry people comparing every woman to those actresses. Whole culture spoiled for just money.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Blaan Mendonca, USA

    Fri, Aug 23 2013

    Mr. Golbert, What about Kamasutra. Please can you explain about that. It did not start in English movies nor from the western world.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Blaan Mendonca, USA

    Fri, Aug 23 2013

    Please travel India and visit Khajuraho statues. You will learn more than what you have seen in any of the movies on this planet.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shameer, UAE

    Thu, Aug 22 2013

    I am not surprised. Don't blame it on India, blame it on some sick minded people who don't know to respect women and all of us have to hang our heads in shame.

    The reasons for such things to happen in India are numerous.
    Every criminal minded person thinks he is above the law and he has can walk scott free committing serious crimes.

    India is unsafe for women..specially for women who come to tour/study in India. Can you imagine..2 rape attempts in 48 hours?

    We as Indians may call ourselves as educated, top notch literates, intelligent and progressive...but due to such incidents we are cornered as humans without values...nothing more.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [45] Reply Report Abuse

  • stan, dubai

    Fri, Aug 23 2013

    harles D'Mello, PangalaMonday, August 19, 2013
    stan, dubai
    I do not care about Americans...There are other people to take care about them. Let us see our own territory and not the whole world...!!!???? Which is beyond your control (Whole of India is also beyond our control) But to some extent we can help.unquote
    Majority of Indians have above mentality i.e. they are only bothered about justice to Indians.

    DisAgree [1] Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • Dinesh Poojary, Kundapura/Bengaluru

    Thu, Aug 22 2013

    Well said. The HELL is created by useless congress.

    Gandhiji called for Ramarajya, congress made it raperajya...

    DisAgree [40] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Fri, Aug 23 2013


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