Indian rocket is off to Mars

Sriharikota (Andhra Pradesh), Nov 5 (IANS): India's first Mars orbiter was successfully placed in orbit by an Indian rocket Tuesday in a copy-book style, becoming the first Asian country and the fourth in the world going for a mission to the red planet, a staggering 400 million km away.

Exactly at 2.38 p.m., the rocket - Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle-C25 (PSLV-C22) standing around 44 metres tall and weighing around 320 tonnes - rose from its launching pad slowly, and then gathered speed as it climbed into the skies on a tail of orange flames.

The expendable rocket, costing around Rs.110 crore, had a single but important luggage, the 1,340-kg Mars orbiter costing around Rs.150 crore. Around Rs.90 crore has been spent on augmenting the ground support/tracking systems.

India began its space journey in 1975 with the launch of Aryabhatta, using a Russian rocket and till date, it has accomplished over 100 space missions.

In 2008, India expanded its space explorations with its maiden Moon mission - Chandrayaan-1. The mission led to the discovery of water on the Moon. The country is planning another Moon mission in two years' time.

According to Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) officials, the Mars orbiter will orbit the Earth till Nov 30 and then its motors will be fired to push it towards the red planet.

For nearly 300 days the motor will be off while the spacecraft floats through the inky void towards Mars. When the spacecraft nears Mars, the motors will be restarted and fired again to carry out maneuvers to put it in Martian orbit around September 2014.

Following that, the on-board instruments would carry out their jobs.

The Mars mission blasted off from the first launch pad at the Satish Dhawan Space Centre here, around 80 km from Chennai, and went up amidst the cheers from ISRO scientists and the media team assembled at the rocket port.

Space scientists at ISRO mission control room were glued to their computer screens watching the rocket escaping the Earth's gravitational pull.

At around 44 minutes into the flight, PSLV-C25 spat out the Mars orbiter.

Immediately on the successfully ejection, scientists at the mission control centre were visibly relieved and started clapping happily while the tracking systems began their work.

Minutes after its launch, Prime Minister in a tweet congratulated ISRO scientists for "successful initiation of Mars Mission and wishes for its successful future".

President Pranab Mukherjee described it as "a landmark in our space programme".

"I am extremely happy to announce PSLV-C25 placed Mars orbiter spacecraft very precisely in elliptical orbit around Earth...Now it will be complex mission to take the Mars orbiter from the Earth's orbit to Mars orbit," K. Radhakrishnan, ISRO chairman, said post launch.

In the next 10 days, "we will be raising the apogee of orbiter to around 200,000 km", and on Dec 1, "the great long difficult voyage for the orbiter would start", he said.

According to him, in September 2014 the orbiter will be around Mars and it will then be placed in Mars orbit.

V. Narayanasamy, minister in the Prime Minister's Office, who witnessed the successful launch, said ISRO scientists have made India proud.

The entire launch duration was full of suspense. Unlike the normal PSLV missions that ended around 18 minutes into the flight, the Mars Orbiter Mission took 44 minutes.

The suspense was heightened as the rocket had a long coasting period of around 25 minutes between the third stage/engine burn-out and the ignition of the fourth and final stage.

"It is a major challenge for us," S. Ramakrishnan, director of Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre and member of Launch Authorisation Board, told IANS earlier.

As the total flight duration is 44 minutes, necessary thermal management has to be done to protect the systems and equipments from low temperatures, added P. Kunhikrishnan, project director, PSLV programme and the mission director.

As missing the launch would have set back the mission at least by two more years, ISRO officials did not leave out anything to chance, including the weather forecast.

"As the launch was during northeast monsoon season, we enhanced our weather/cyclone forecasting techniques to 10 days. The preparatory work for the Mars mission while dismantling of the GSLV (geosynchronous satellite launch vehicle) rocket after the mission was aborted this year posed a challenge for us," M.Y.S. Prasad, director, Satish Dhawan Space Centre and chairman, Launch Authorisation Board, told IANS.

The objectives of ISRO's Mars mission are two fold - technological and scientific.

The technological objectives include design and realisation of Mars orbiter with a capability to survive and perform Earth-bound manoeuvres, cruise phase of 300 days, Mars orbit insertion/capture, and on-orbit phase around Mars.

It will also enable deep space communication, navigation, mission planning and management and incorporate autonomous features to handle contingency situations.

The scientific mission will be to explore the Mars surface features, morphology, mineralogy and Martian atmosphere by indigenous scientific instruments.

Launching the orbiter is only a job half done. The remaining part is further challenging.


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  • Bob Kalon, Canada

    Sat, Jan 10 2015

    Contains more history than recent progress of 2015 of this mission.

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  • Af, mangalore

    Wed, Nov 06 2013

    That's why we Indians are not so rich not so poor.Indians Brains are super in the world,

    DisAgree Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Muna Kudroli, Manglore

    Wed, Nov 06 2013

    That's right AF “Indians can be proud after spending Rs.500 crore on Diwali firecrackers, which don’t go beyond 10 meters and with Rs.500 crore, we are going to Mars,”......Great Work

    DisAgree [2] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joe Schmoe, Mangalore

    Wed, Nov 06 2013

    This is probably one of the very few projects where every rupee spent is accounted for and results delivered. Truly shows that we can do it if we choose to. Isn't this a driver of technology and aspiration for our children?
    On the other hand, your money that is given for roads and economic upliftment shows no results and is meant for the pockets of all the cheats and middlemen.
    I remain optimistic that projects like this most marvelous Mars mission that remind us what we are capable of and motivate like minded citizens to do what is right for the benefit of all.

    DisAgree Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Nov 06 2013


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  • Anthony , Mangalore

    Wed, Nov 06 2013

    the money is not waste which we put for scientific purpose. The money which suppose to go whatever mentioned is going to the cheats and your voted MLAs and MPs.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    Need good roads like almost all western countries have, need clean railway stations and the clean toilets they hold, need 2 times decent meals for those who do not have and afford it, need shelters for those who sleep on roads, bus stands and railway stations and do not need Mars / Moon / space missions, it is a total waste of money and could say only a pride spending which serves no purpose for anybody !.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Tony Pinto, Manglore - Dubai

    Wed, Nov 06 2013

    It is totally waste of money ?

    DisAgree [12] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rishab, Udupi

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    While it is worthy of congratulations so is the government of the day. By the way many NaMo chanters, one thing seem to be understandable! By the way when India tested nuclear weapons in Pokhran II, they (some sitting cosily in some Christian dominated countries comfortably enjoying all secular treatment - blaming India's secularism ) jumped into the conclusion that it was because of Vajpayeeji's great visionary leadership skills Indian nuclear scientists could do such a feat! But when the Congress party rules at the center and both Chandrayan and Mangalyan are conducted under their rule they don't want to give credit to the government of the day! Strange to say the least! Modi is hiding somewhere because he finds himself in a catch 22 situation where he cannot greet ISRO scientists without giving due credit to central govt. Meanwhile he's scared of media onslaught on Nigerian issue. Nigerian diplomat has threatened to throw Indian ( Gujrathi businessmen) out of Nigeria because Goa's BJP govt has mishandled the issue badly. Modi was thinking every ill should be attributed to MMS - Sonia and every credit should be taken by him and him alone! Grow up Namo Chanters - Let better sense prevail!

    DisAgree [7] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    Rishab, central Govt dont have spine..central Govt should first throw Nigerian diplomat from INDIA for his undiplomatic statement..He dared to say so since our Govt is weak..who ever overstays in INDIA without a visa must extend the visa or leave the country..Now, Indians are deported from Saudi, can INDIA say it will throw Saudi JV companies from INDIA..Every country is doing business in almost every country..WAR & terror torn Nigeria is hugely benefiting from the India diaspora Whether it is Gujarati or Bengali..we have a huge opportunity, all Indian businessmen can do one or the other business in INDIA if they come back..Nigeria is sitting on a volcano of radicalized people, today or tomorrow it burst..what Nigerians then do, eat sand?..

    DisAgree [18] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lavin Noronha, Paladka

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    Rishab, I beg to differ with you, all westerners are accusing a paltry Rs. 450 Cr spent on this mission is it worth when so many souls are sleeping hungry?.. The amount this present Govt. Has gulped from the scams I am sure India could have sent missions to Pluto or beyond our galaxy. The writing is on the wall.. it was not the Govt.. But our pride scientists did this job even after so much of a brain drain. Cheers to ISRO. After all it is India's Pride not corrupt congress.

    DisAgree [13] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rishab, udupi

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    Department of Space comes directly under PM. I hope you know that. Any space endeavor, in order to undertake requires cabinet's nod, specifically the PM's permission as it is the BOSS of ISRO reporting directly to him. If ever the present PM has set his foot down and said, " nothing doing, we're going through a rough phase now, we can't afford a Mangalyan now" would the ISRO scientists be able to undertake the whole business themselves? The political leadership of the day is (although the likes of you would tend to give due credit for Pokhran I to NDA, but on the same vain abhor a similar due credit to the present dispensation, that is beside the point) is fully creditworthy, however and howsoever one may like to discount that fact. If Obama says tomorrow to NASA to stop all space faring activities, what will USA and the world at large think of them? Would the people of US specially ridicule the political leadership there? If a similar situation if occurs here, would (NaMo chanters) you not make the political leadership a laughing stock? Think!

    DisAgree [5] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Damodar Bhat, Udupi

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    Who cares. Half of India's population sleeps hungry every night. Yet the Govt. of India blows money on such programs. Is it wasteful expenditure ? What will the poor in India achieve from this program or the cooly / loader / muncipal worker etc achieve ?

    DisAgree [4] Agree [4] Report Abuse

  • Ashok, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    This is the answer what Congress did past 60 years

    DisAgree [3] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Nov 05 2013


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  • Antonio DSilva, Kuwait

    Wed, Nov 06 2013

    Yeah great!
    India will send all its unemployed to Mars.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    spending 450cr ,what will be the results.Send our parliamentary team to mars for inspection.

    DisAgree [17] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Basil, mangalore/dubai

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    Will you comment Modi spending 250 Cr for a idle stone.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Nov 06 2013

    Yes, it is total waste & I won't support that.

    DisAgree Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    All credit goes to NAMO... See the moment he has been nominated as PM India began to shine. If he becomes PM then India will be a super power and You will see US /British coming to work in India as taxi drivers, cleaners in Panchayat, construction workers.... Jai hind
    Namo namah

    DisAgree [27] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rishab, udupi

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    Ignorance and sycophancy cannot be any worse than this! What are you on? Dope?

    DisAgree [3] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Nov 05 2013


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  • Nisar, Kundapur / Dubai

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    Proud to be an Indian. Congratulations to all... Lets move towards development of the Nation.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rahul, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    After 2 or 3 years.... Corruption in Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle-C25 (PSLV-C25)...

    DisAgree [30] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Amin Bhoja, Patte / Riyadh

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    A happy moment to India
    Congratulations to our Entire ISRO Team.A dream towards it's fulfillment.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse

  • Fr Stephen Dsouza, Shirva/Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    Congratulations ISRO scientists.......

    DisAgree [2] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Badru, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    Full credit goes to our congress and UPA govt.After all scientists work for salary only. It is the vision of Rajiv Gandhi which today has become realty under Sonia Gandhi.
    Tomorrow if Rahul becomes PM, we can think of India like any other developed country with posh roads,airports etc.
    Jai ho congress, long live Sonia Gandhi.

    DisAgree [32] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anand, karkala

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    And long live only "Badru".

    DisAgree [9] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • jossy, belthangady

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    Mr. Badru , It is milestone achievement by our ISRO and our Nation as a whole. Don't give credit to any Political parties . ISRO as well as scientists work on these projects even though Governments change. This achievement to be credited to whole people of India. As per you all development in our country is directed for political gain not for the benefit of society as whole.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ganesh, Bengaluru

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    If Rahul become PM & you get posh road then you have to walk in sky not on roads.
    Get up man it is 7.00 am in the morning, had a sweet & wonderfiul dream.
    For the past 65 years as a country we are struggling in all field except corruption. What more you can expect from these dynasty rulers.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh Shetty, Mlore-Shj

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    Dear BADRU
    right said, UPA has left such rockets before also like 2G rocket, CWG Rocket and a black rocket called Coal Rocket all fired in Jupiter speed....sorry its not rocket, its all UPA Racket.

    Because of UPA's rocket, common man in India has ended up in empty Pocket.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bakh Sala, Delhi

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    I agree with Badur this is successful because of the UPA government and if Rahul Gandhi becomes PM then we supporters of UPA can just climb on each other shoulder and reach moon no need of any spacecraft

    DisAgree [4] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    Congratulaion to all the ISRO team God bless to INDIA Ameen

    DisAgree [2] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • sudarshan, ganjimut

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    Great Achievement by Indian Scientist. Kudos all at ISRO. It is the Indian Army and Indian scientist who makes us proud all the time. Politicians are putting us down especially the corrupt cogis.
    Made us Proud .

    DisAgree [8] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    Congratulations to TEAM ISRO.....

    DisAgree [3] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • SM, Bangalore

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    Proud to hear this news . But the Sad part is our Goverment of India is still finding it hard to tackle the garbage management .They stiil can not control the mess .

    DisAgree [8] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • lukas, malpe

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    congratulation and best of luck!
    so this is answer to feku and their supporter that now india is the 4 th country achieved this,
    even in cricket 3 cricketer scored double century in one day inter-national and holding no 1 spot since many years now. these happend only because of unity and peaceful conutry of 60 years rules of congress. so people think before elect communal minded people. GOD BLESS INDIA!

    DisAgree [10] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sheikh Bava, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    India's first Mars orbiter mission took off from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota at 2.38pm. A great news. So far everything went excellent... A big salute to ISRO Scientist for keeping Indians proud. Congratulations....

    DisAgree Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • For Justice, Abu Dhabi / Ubar

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    Great success...Cngrats ISRO & thanks to the team.

    DisAgree Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonslaves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    Great achievement by Indians.
    I applause and applaud all the scientists and congratulations.

    I appreciate Indian government for supporting this mission even after handling and sustaining the economy in the best ever.

    DisAgree [14] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • J saheb,

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    Congratulations to bharat mata.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anand, karkala

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    All the very best and congrats to Team ISRO. Hope we will be successful in the very first attempt.

    DisAgree Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    Congratulations and best of luck.For India mission possible.

    DisAgree Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lobo AG, Mangalore/Mumbai

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    Congratulations to the Scientists of ISRO and the Government of India under able leadership of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. today we have joined the elite league of Russia, US, Japan and European Union.

    DisAgree [15] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • KRPrabhu, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    ISRO scientists have made us proud today.Congratulations.
    I am sad that MMS did nothing to bring our two brave soldiers heads taken by Pakistan soldiers.

    DisAgree [15] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bollu, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    When it land in MARS after one that time Modiji.. will be the Prime Minister...
    Double Bonanza for celebrate...
    It should have happen most of our scientists who are in NASA are brain behind..!!
    Let us wait and watch for next couple of days.
    It's big milestone in part of India..Jai Ho..

    Honge kaamyaab, honge kaamyaab, ham honge kaamyaab ek din...
    Ho ho mann mai hai vishwaas, pura hai vishwaas...
    am honge kaamyaab ek 2 0 1 4

    DisAgree [21] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lobo AG, Mangalore/Mumbai

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    Stop day dreaming.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • stan, dubai

    Wed, Nov 06 2013

    At present your Modiji is trying for American visa may be after 2014 Mars will refuse his visa there.....?

    DisAgree [2] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • rambo, mangalore

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    we need to be in any group of elites ....we are enough and have to be elite in the eyes of god ....India was great,is great,shall remain great ...always i wanted to join navy and die the death of velour ..Every Indian is a warrior ,love the country and people residing in it Muslim no christian no Hindu etc. etc. is one that is being Indian motherland ....see what is happening in Goa a small country like Nigeria is threatening us based on their color which is black And telling the world we are racist and they will put out Indian compatriots out on streets in Nigeria it seems ,my blood boils when i read this ...we gave so much of their economy by doing white collar jobs and here in Goa these sale drugs and spoil our Indian youth....why should we fear lets see who has the dare to put Indians out ....we need to clear our corrupt politicians and police etc ...i am living in goa i saw this episode with my own eyes ....i wished if they were in mangalore they would have got nice blue and black here or obstructing our national highway ....goans are very afraid of them ..i wonder why

    DisAgree Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • rambo, mangalore

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    i want India to take over the world ....India has never been aggressive, she should show now ......Please dont call me racist

    DisAgree [6] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar, M'lore

    Tue, Nov 05 2013

    Why should you be called a racist-pray? In any case 'India never shows'...All know what she has got and are 'wary' of it. Just 'cause she is not aggressive does not mean she does not have the 'potential 'or the strength... She has hands of steel in velvet gloves but....
    Bharat Maata Ki Jai....
    Jai Hind....
    Kudos-ISRO Group...We are all praying for the mission.....

    DisAgree [3] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

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