News headlines

Jakarta, May 13:
A strong earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.9 struck beneath the sea near Indonesia's Sumatra island, a news report said on Saturday.

There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. Private el-Shinta radio reported that the quake rocked Sumatra's town of Banda Aceh.

It said the quake had a preliminary 5.9 magnitude and was centered 47 kilometers (29 miles) under the sea in the Indian Ocean, about 95 kilometers (55 miles) south of Banda Aceh.

A Banda Aceh resident said there was no sign of significant damage, though many residents were panicked by the tremor. Aceh province was the single worst-hit Asian coastline in the tsunami of December 26, 2004, triggered by a magnitude 9 quake that claimed tens of thousands of lives.


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