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New Delhi, May 17: A woman from Kerala, looking for a baby-sitting job abroad, was allegedly gang raped in a moving car in Ghaziabad near Delhi, a senior police official said on Tuesday.
The complaint of the victim from Purka Cheri town of Kerala's Idukki district was registered at 10 p.m. on Monday night, Senior Superintendent of Police Piyush Mordia said, adding that the police were on the hunt for five persons.

He said the woman in her 30s had come in search of a job and was due to go to Australia.

She had been staying with her sister in Noida. While waiting for a bus at the Mohan Nagar stand on Saturday night, two persons in a car stopped and offered her a lift, he said.

Before she could respond, they allegedly pulled her inside the vehicle and took turns raping her while driving through Sahibabad, Vaishali and Vasundhara areas.

After three hours of bearing the ordeal, she managed to get out of the car and flee when it slowed down near a colony in Vasundhara, he said.

Mordia said the woman then called her relatives from Kerala and together they filed an FIR against five persons. The car is owned by one B L Bakshi, who runs a placement agency.

Another police official said the woman approached Bakshi for a job as a baby-sitter in the Gulf. He said the driver allegedly offered her a lift on the pretext of taking her to the passport office for the requisite documents and then sexually assaulted her.

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