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Ranchi, May 22 :Jharkhand Chief Minister Arjun Munda has been selected for the prestigious 'Mother Teresa Millenium Award' as politician of the year 2006.

The selection committee has shortlisted 39 other prominent personalities in the fields of education, culture, music, social work, sports, industry, media, medicine, best principal and best youth worker.

Besides, the 5th and 6th Mother Teresa International Awards will be presented to former South Africa President Nelson Mandela and jointly to late Princess Diana and Mohamed Yunus of Gramin Bank Of Bangladesh, a release of the award committee said here today.

The award giving ceremony would take place on June 24 at Calcutta University Centenary Hall.

UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi is expected to give away the awards while former Prime Minister V P Singh, Governors of West Bengal and Tripura are to garce the occasion as guests of honour.

Former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, former West Bengal Chief Minister Jyoti Basu, late Nepal King Mahendra and Senator Hillary Clinton were awarded by the committee for their struggle for peace and harmony and their continued service to the poorest of the poor in India and abroad.


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