News headlines

Srinagar, May 23: Even as security was beefed up ahead of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to the valley, militants carried out a series of grenade attacks in Srinagar killing one person and injuring 29 people, including 10 security personnel.

The grenade attacks in Rainawari, Babarbar Shah, Fatehkadal and Soura localities of the city came a day after an audacious strike on a Congress rally here in which five persons, including two policemen, were killed.

Militants fired a rifle grenade aimed at a police station in Soura area of the city, but missed the target and hit a passenger bus killing the driver and injuring four tourists, one of them critically, official sources said.

Five policemen and seven civilians received splinter injuries in a grenade attack on security personnel posted at the Kathidarwaza Chowk in Rainawari area, they said.

Militant outfit Jaish-e-Mohammad has claimed responsibility for the attack.

In another strike, ultras hurled a grenade on a police party at Baba Dawood Khakhi bridge near Babarbar Shah in downtown Srinagar, wounding two policemen and five civilians.

The militants fled the scene taking advantage of the panic which followed the explosion, the sources said.

The third grenade attack on the security forces was in Fatehkadal area, in which six persons, including three CRPF personnel, were injured. 


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