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New Delhi, May 23: In a blow to the anti-quota agitation, the Indian Medical Association (IMA) has split over support to the contentious issue and members favouring OBC reservation have formed the parallel Indian National Medical Association (INMA) which has described the medico stir as ''unconstitutional''.

The INMA, comprising OBC, SC/ST IMA members, alleged that the Indian Medical Association with the tacit backing of a political party were ''managing'' the medical strike for political mileage.

The INMA alleged that the IMA had been ''hijacked'' by upper caste people and before pledging support to the anti-reservation agitation they had not sought the opinion of the backward class members.

''The IMA is run by its three-member executive and they did not seek our opinion.... It is wrong on their part to use an organisation like IMA for political and nefarious gains,'' INMA National president Dr S P Singh told a press conference here.

Without naming the BJP, the president of the INMA, which was formed three days ago, said though leaders like Ms Sushma Swaraj publicly favour 27 per cent OBC reservation but at the same time they visit the striking doctors and medical students.

''Mr Navjot Singh Sidhu of this political party addressed the anti-reservation rally on Saturday without realising that it was not a cricket match but a very serious issue,'' he added.

Appealing to the striking doctors and medical students to withdraw the agitation, Dr Singh said when the constitution had provided for reservation for the backward classes it was wrong to oppose it.

''Doctors should be above caste, colour and creed issue.

And it is wrong to deny anybody his constitutional right,'' he added Dr Singh announced that a rally will be held here on June 4 which is expected to be attended by pro-reservation supporters from across the country.

Dr Singh said IMA's stand on the vexed reservation issue did not represent the views of all its members. He said the INMA was formed to check anti-reservation supporters within the IMA. ''We will check this trend within the IMA they can not hijack a non political organisation,'' he added.

The INMA president, who was flanked by five SC/ST and OBC members of the IMA, said reservation will provide the marganilised section of the society an opportunity to progress.

''Reservation is a must in our society which has so many social disparities.... The backward classes should not not be denied the opportunity to progress,'' he added.

Hailing Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Union HRD Minister Arjun Singh for the reservation policy, Dr Singh said they were the saviors of the backward classes.

However, he was very critical of the members of the Knowledge Commission who are opposing OBC reservation.

Demanding that the Commission be scrapped, he said the members were not speaking on behalf of all the sections of the society.

''They are not aware of the ground reality.... why don't they visit rural areas and then they would know if reservation is required?'' he added.

Meanwhile, the Medicos Forum For Equal Opportunities at AIIMS held a sit in during lunch hour, supporting OBC reservation.


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