New Delhi, Feb 18 (IANS) : The AAP Tuesday aplogised to Transparency International for citing a report by the organisation that said corruption had come down in Delhi after the party came to power. The corruption watchdog denied issuing any such report.
A statement issued by the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) said one of its leaders Shazia Ilmi got the report from "someone who was an employee of Transparency International" and assumed it to be a survey by the organisation.
"Since then, we have come to know that the said survey had no connection with Transparency International and the source of Shazia Ilmi's information had quit by then," the statement said.
"We regret this error. We hold Transparency International in highest esteem and offer apologies for any embarrassment that this controversy may have caused to the organisation," it said.
Ilmi and former Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal had cited the report and claimed that corruption had declined in Delhi during the party's 49-day rule.