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New Delhi, Jun 19:
Alarmed at the growing number of disputes in NRI marriages, the National Commission for Women on Monday asked the Centre to take diplomatic measures to ensure legal protection to women marrying overseas.

It also asked Indian embassies to play a pro-active role in the matter.

"Since last year, 1820 cases have been registered with the Commission that have to do with disputes in NRI marriages. A large number of unregistered cases are also there which we keep coming to know of," NCW Chairperson Girija Vyas said.

Noting that majority of the complaints came from countries like the US, UK and Canada, she said the Commission was facing difficulties in helping the women due to international legal barriers.

"India needs to sign the Hague conventions which are related to the issue of NRI marriages. We also need to sign more bilateral treaties with other countries to tackle the legal issues involved," Vyas said.

She also noted that the Indian embassies were not playing an active enough role in the matter and suggested that the marriages could be registered with the consulates.

In view of the large number of cases, the Commission, together with the Ministry of Overseas Affairs, is holding a first such conference on the issue in Chandigarh on June 20-21.


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