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Daijiworld News Network - Dubai
Dubai, Oct 2: With the widespread demand and love for Konkani literature. the Daijidubai Konkani Writers' Forum has planned to conduct a day long workshop on Konkani Story Writing on October 20, 2006 at the Al Mas Residence in Dubai.
Noted writers as well as the upcoming ones too will be participating in this workshop. Timings of the workshop are from  9.00am to 4.00pm.
This workshop aims at not only imparting the basic principles for aspirants in the field of writing but also for those who have the skill and want to improvise on their talent.
Emphasis will be laid on the basic principles, theme, character and plot development. In the latter half of the training, techniques and general topic is will be discussed and deliberated upon.
Stan Ageira, Hemacharya, and Melvyn Rodrigues will lend their valuable insights and help develop the latent talent of story writing in the participants.
Registration to this workshop can be done online.

Click Here  to register your name


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