Nairobi, Sep 22 (IANS): Armed Kenyan guards Monday opened fire at the entrance to a major shopping mall here following an accident at the parking lot caused by a sick customer.
A man suffering from an epileptic fit lost control of his vehicle, and collided with another car at the entrance of Galleria Shopping Mall in Nairobi. This resulted in a tyre burst and emission of smoke, which prompted a police officer on duty there to shoot in the air three times, fearing it was caused by criminals or terrorists, Xinhua reported.
The incident caused panic among shoppers and other people at the busy mall for several minutes before the situation was brought under control. Some of those present mistook it for an attack and called journalists and police seeking to help.
"A lot of smoke caused by the ill man's acceleration on his stationary car created confusion which made the armed officers on the opposite entrance to discharge their weapons three times," said a statement later issued by Galleria.
"No one was hurt apart from the man who is ill and is now in hospital. We are not under terrorist attack," said the statement.
Dozens of police were later mobilised there to cover the scene, and the driver was taken to hospital.
The incident comes a day after Kenya marked one year anniversary of last year's Westgate mall attack, in at least 67 people were killed over 200 others injured.