US informed of fasting Modi's 'dietary preferences': India

New Delhi, Sep 23 (IANS): India has indicated to the US the "dietary preferences" of Prime Minister Narendra Modi who would be observing the Navratri fast during his visit to Washington next week and the host country has taken note of it, an official said here Tuesday.

External affairs ministry spokesperson Syed Akbaruddin, to a query on what Modi would be eating during the Sep 29-30 repast in Washington, said that it is normal in diplomatic practice to discuss the meals and food to be served.

He said "it is normal for the host to request and the guest to indicate dietary preferences and this has been indicated and taken note of and would be prepared accordingly".

Modi is to have a private dinner with US President Barack Obama on Sep 29. There had been speculation on what Modi would eat during the dinner and other engagements in the US keeping his fast in mind. The prime minister is reported to abide strictly by the nine-day fast during which he consumes only lime water and tea. The Navratri this time is from Sep 25 to Oct 3.


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