Hong Kong, Oct 21 (IANS): Hong Kong's Chief Executive C.Y. Leung Tuesday said he would consider disclosing the evidence of external interference in the Occupy Central movement.
Leung said Hong Kong, being a part of China, is a highly open city with a complicated international environment, and he believed the society is aware of the presence of external forces, Xinhua reported.
Leung said he was not merely speculating when he said Sunday that there are external forces involved in the Occupy Central movement, adding that he has a duty to know such matters as the head of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government.
He said any government must deal with such matters, and the questions on whether to disclose related evidence to the public and how to do so would be considered at an appropriate time.
Later in the day, government officials and student leaders will hold talks in a move to try to end Hong Kong's political crisis.
Leung said the talk cannot solve all the problems at one time, but it would be a good start for the constitutional reform discussions.
Thousands of protestors, mostly students, joined the Occupy Central movement Sep 28 to express their discontent with an electoral reform package for choosing the city's next leader.
According to Hong Kong's basic law and the top Chinese legislature's decisions, more than five million Hong Kong civilians can choose the chief executive in 2017 through a "one man, one vote" election.