Baroda, ov 27 (Bhaskar News) : This came as a shocker to the Baroda city when a girl on social media site Facebook wrote a post for selling herself for money on Wednesday evening. The girl took this step to earn a living for her family that includes paralysed mother and injured father.
Her phone was flooded with calls after she made her statement public stating that she is doing all this to get rid of her financial crisis.
Speaking to, she said that it is a shameful act to sell her like this. But, she is bound to do this as she faces a financial crisis and is the only bread earner to the family. Looking on the condition of her parents, she opted for this path.
Surprisingly, 95 percent people rather than helping her with a decent job to earn a living are ready to pay for her services.
Comment on this article
Imran, Delhi
Sat, Nov 29 2014Please give bank details of this girl. In Sha Allah i will transfer some funds into her a/c.
Please provide details soon.
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P.Dsouza, Kinnigoli
Fri, Nov 28 2014Put yourself into her shoes and try to visualise. You will understand what she might have gone through to do this.
Sitting in Gulf corridor and earning a decent salary, we feel the world is better place for all of us.
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P.Dsouza, Kinnigoli
Fri, Nov 28 2014Dear Editor,
Can you please get produce the details of bank account of the girl. I am sure with PM's initiative. She will be having bank account.
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Enayet Mowla, USA
Fri, Nov 28 2014Five percent did agree to help her, didn't they? That should enough for her needs. This is our society. We are ready for a crticism and a lip service because that does not cost money.
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steevan, ajman/sacheripate
Fri, Nov 28 2014there are so many other ways to earn money to your parents or other person whom you want to spend.please think 1oo times when u do this type of cheap act.this is shame on you girl
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