Sadhvi's remarks 'strongly disapproved' by PM in Rajya Sabha

New Delhi, Dec 4 (PTI): Breaking his silence, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today "strongly disapproved" of Union Minister Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti's controversial remarks, saying such language should be avoided.

With Opposition stalling proceedings in Rajya Sabha for past three days demanding sacking of the minister, Modi appealed to members to allow the House to function in national interest as she has already apologised.

"I was informed about the statement which caused the controversy on the day BJP Parliamentary Party was to meet. In the meeting I strongly disapproved of the remarks and I said we should avoid using such language," he said.

In election heat, he said, leaders should avoid using such language.
Modi said after the minister's apology the matter should rest and the House resume in normal functioning.

The Prime Minister said Jyoti is a first time minister and a new member of Parliament and the House should show magnanimity by accepting her apology considering this.

"When the Minister has apologised, I appeal and request the House (to resume normal business)... In national interest, we must carry forward work (of the House)," he said, adding members should maintain decorum.

Modi said he shared the view that after the minister's apology, the matter should be considered closed.

Modi came to the House when it reassembled after a 15-minute adjournment forced by the opposition members demanding resignation of the minister.
As soon as the House met for the day, the entire opposition was on its feet to press for the demand.

As Deputy Chairman P J Kurien asked ministers to lay the listed papers, slogan shouting Congress members trooped into the Well.

The slogan shouting continued even after he took up Zero Hour mentions.

With members unrelenting, he adjourned the House for 15 minutes.

When the House reassembled, Parliamentary Affairs Minister M Venkaiah Naidu said the Prime Minister wants to make a statement and he be allowed to do so.

After Modi's statement, Anand Sharma (Cong) said the Prime Minister should take strong action against the minister as the Constitution does not permit such utterances.

Finance Minister and Leader of House Arun Jaitley said the Opposition had been demanding that the Prime Minister come to the House and make a statement. Now that Modi has made the statement, the House should get on to its business, he said.

Sitaram Yechuri (CPI-M) said the minister had not apologised and had merely expressed regret. "Assuming that she has apologised... you apologise only when you have done some wrong," he said, demanding action against the minister.

As opposition members refused to resume their seats and treasury benches objected to the repeated disruptions even after Prime Minister's statement, Kurien said members were yesterday complaining that their Zero Hour concerns could not be taken up due to disruptions.

"You are losing Zero Hour. Don't blame me," he said. Kurien said the issue has been under discussion for three days and no further discussion can be allowed. "You cannot have discussion on the same subject every day," he said.

When Tiruchi Siva (DMK) asked as to why the Chair was depriving opportunity to one side to speak, Kurien shot back saying, "Don't cast aspersions on the Chair... You are depriving right of 15 members (who gave Zero Hour notice)."

Kurien said he has allowed Sharad Yadav (JD-U) to speak as he is a senior member and after his statement Zero Hour will be taken up. Yadav (JD-U) said this is not the first time that such a statement has been made and there have been several such statements to vitiate communal atmosphere. As pandemonium continued, Kurien adjourned the House till noon.

Similar scenes were witnessed again during the Question Hour and the House was adjourned twice.

As Chairman Hamid Ansari took up the first listed question, Leader of the Opposition Anand Sharma requested him to allow members to "speak their mind" which was objected by members of the treasury bench.

When Ansari did not allow them, Congress, SP and JD-U members trooped into the Well leading to a brief adjournment.

Ansari criticised their action as "utterly disgraceful". Scenes did not change when the House reassembled as protests from the opposition resumed.

When the opposition members rushed into the Well once again Ansari observed, "This is a very sad state of affairs." He then adjourned the House till 2 PM.


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  • Lingappa, Kuppepadavu/Amsterdam

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    Now, 5th std educated Italian Waitress Antanio Maino Khan and Raul Vinci Khan should apologize to the Indian population for using fake Indian names & a fancy surname 'Gandhi' thereby cheating the gen public in the election. Will they do that???? Similarly Janardhana Pujari should apologize to the Mlore public for making a big fool of himself and wasting the precious votes of all individuals who voted for him..Will he do that???

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  • N.M, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    Question: Which country's Govt asks their citizens to leave their own country?

    Answer: India's fascist BJP Govt led by Modi.

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  • Clifford, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    RSS and VHP agents in Modi's government slowly distroy his government and him and public will gradually get sick of them and will vote them out like Vajpey's government. I would urge Modi to get rid of these people and watch your back.

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  • sunill, bangalore

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    modi is not will get to know his achievements in turning india on the path of china w.r.t devolopment on march 2019.till then modi haters can daydream.

    he already has more than a decade experience in administarion as he proved his capability in gujrath and he will prove his capability as pm of india alsohe already showed what he is in the short duration that not only in india even world leaders are praising him.

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  • s k shetty , kundapur

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    LOOT LOOT LOOT LOOT .IiF THE ELECTION COMES FOOL PEOPLE BY CRYING SICKULARISM IS IN DANGER. AND GET VOTES .This idiots are not understanding next time they will draw zero if they continue like this

    DisAgree Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    The policeman chocked a poor man in New York with six children to death, he had no guns with him but killed him. It is very terrifying to watch, how six policemen jumped on him like crashing a snake. He was selling lose cigarettes to feed the family.

    The policeman said "sorry". When the politicians use derogatory and words which will create death, humiliation and inferno, then telling a "worthless sorry" is the biggest joke and fashion of the modern times.

    Well, let us wait and see this "sorry drama". She has used totally forest language and street culture in telling that if Mr. Modi is trying to protect her through his "sorry panacea", that is too hard for the world to comprehend. Another highly foreign educated fellow whom I don't want to name, made a statement like chopping the hands of certain minorities. If politicians are using these dangerous vocabularies, the imbecile emotionally charged street people will put the words of their leaders into action.

    She was not attacking verbally somebody at the opposition bench, but she has deeply wounded the minority population of India.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • raghavendra m k, mumbai maharashtra

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    Modi got very vast experience to deal with this type unconstitu acts,. because while he was gujrat CM govt sponsored communal riots thereafter eliminating the witness and evidence. He is amaster in this many police instpector,ACP are given eveidence aginst shri modi and shri amit shah to enquiry commisoion but after 12 years report submitted by committee, without mentioning their name at all.IN case of babri masjid demolition leher committee report not yet submitted. this is type of the social justice prevailing in this country. Hope truth will prevail and nature will punish these culprits.

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  • Suleman Byari, Udupi

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    "Tum maare jaisa roate jaisa karoonga..." These are all tricks to fool the people of India. Not a humble disapproval.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    Its disappointing to see a minister call all non-BJP supporters as "illegitimate children" and still gets to keep the job.

    By doing so, BJP has proven that it endorses her view and with PM choosing to be 'Maun'endra Modi - Part 2 he is indirectly encouraging extremism in our democratic nation.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • S.K, Mlore

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    Modi knows that these kind of people are assets. when nothing works in favour of them easiest way is to resort to communal speeches and Riots. Modi climbed to power using the same tactics but with little tricks.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Devdas, BANGALORE

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    Due to opposition pressure Modi opened his lips otherwise he wants such fringe elements in party and rewards them with ministerial births, because they polarize the communities on communal lines and get him votes

    DisAgree [7] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • sunill, bangalore

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    if former pm mms did not ask apology of nation and resigned

    for his statement that

    "minority has first right to natural resources of the country"

    instead of telling all indians have equal right to natural resources of the country.

    then what is the problem of these opp parties after she apologised and also said she told it not in the manner what opp percieved.

    DisAgree [21] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    ...CHIDAMBARAM coined saffron terror..its direct reference to Majorities..

    DisAgree [15] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vincy, Bangkok

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    What would you expect when Aseemanand made bombs,Pragya Sadhvi guided how and where to keep bombs and Col.Purohit trained RSS boys in Army camps .All three in Jail and you do not like the word Saffron terror means you are approving something else.

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  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    ..Aseemanda said he was pressurised by CBI & even told to implicate RSS chief..Col. Purohit said he was assigned to penetrate into RSS..On Pragya, CBI still not able to find any evidence & NHRC commission sent notice to security agencies..its on can cross check..UPA2 made all efforts to malign MODI/RSS..MODI is very religious man..God is great..MODI became PM..Look at CBI chief, what disgraceful exit with SC slap..

    DisAgree [3] Agree [2] Report Abuse

  • Aam Indian, M'lore/Bahrain

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    You reap what you sow. Now is the time for BJP to introspect and regret for the way they have repeatedly stalled the parliament when they were in opposition. They did not think at that time that some day they may have to suffer for their own mistakes. I remember the days of last year when BJP did not allow weeks after weeks to conduct business in parliament. Today they have to beg to opposition for running their business. it may be country's business but they should have thought the same then.
    This so called Sadhvi has intentionally made this remark. they have been set free to make these comments and create communal divide before Delhi election. This is a good cop bad cop strategy by Modi. He has instructed to say all that his ministers can say and then shed crocodile tears. Shame on this and BJP will not live long if they follow this fake policy. People are not dumb. they see everything and pay back handsomely someday.

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  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    Dear Mango,..Union ministers SIBBAL,SALMAN,TIWARI and all Congress leaders like DIGGY so on given derogatory statement on MODI & on majority community several time..even MMS famously minorities have first right without considering majority sentiment..even CHIDAMBARAM who coined safron terror was minister till the end..for SADVI's remarks already she apologized & PM rejected statement & warned..on several occasions Congress ministers did apologized for statement & continued..she need not resign & as its not need/other didnt per your belief this is a communal PM/Govt..this is the best a communal Govt can do..

    DisAgree [20] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Amith, udupi

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    dont forget umabarathi called Modi vinashpurush and Irani waitress sat on a dharna against killer Modi ...point at ur own people then talk about opposition

    DisAgree [3] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    ..Happy now..go to your seats & sit quietly/no shouting..listen inspirational speech of our beloved PM..SONIA write names of MPs who create ruckus..MAMATA tell your MPs begave properly..Eat samoosa at free canteen , go home..good boys..

    DisAgree [19] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • jacintha, middle east

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    Assuming there is sincerity in the statement.

    But.. it is not the language that should be changed, it is the spirit, feeling, thinking - all needs to be changed, not merely the spoken word because words get formed in the mind out of the feeling and thinking. If the root of formation is not amended, there is always a chance of similar recurring.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vincy, Bangkok

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    One Useless statement in a uncivilized and uncultured way by the Union Minister Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti's has cost us crores of tax payers money.
    The constitutional house could not function for three days just because the so called Super Man PM appointed a Sadhvi as a minister and she turned out to be a uncivilized person on her speeches.
    It is easy short cut by PM to say that she has apologized but why he should he such people when there are 333 MP’s in the government?
    There are educated MP’s from other states who can be better statesmen for the country.
    The lady has no knowledge of constitution and she simply consider black money is like holding a European country ration card. She has forgotten on does not have knowledge that her government promised of bringing back so called black money has failed and taken U turn several times.
    The BJP should field better candidates who has knowledge what to talk and what not to.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • MYB, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    The chances of promotion for sadhvi is bright in future similarly as Modi had after former P.M Vajpayee concerned over Gujarat in 2002 and said, was a blot on nation's forehead and has grievously harmed India's image in the eyes of the world.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Amith, udupi

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    Jaisi karni ..vaisi BJP knows how it feels to disrupt parliament ..

    DisAgree [15] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • jeevan, mangalore

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    If khangress disrupt parliament do you feel modiji or bjp are looser ???
    We are real looser kai bhakta...

    DisAgree [22] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Amith, udupi

    Thu, Dec 04 2014


    Thats why you are claiming 60 years of no work by congress ...dumb karasevak

    DisAgree [7] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Amith, udupi

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    so you admit what you did all these years was stall the countries development sitting in opposition ...Mr jeevan ..paid troll of sangh parivar

    DisAgree [5] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Francis, Moodbidri/Dubai

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    Did you realized same way when BJP paralysing the parliament with nonsense protest??

    If a insect dies also BJP was asking for PM resignation then. dont you remembered that?

    DisAgree [2] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • jeevan, mangalore

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    Unnecessary rukus by opposition to blackmail modiji...

    DisAgree [28] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    @ jeevan- feku deserves this. ....isn't this how BJP opposed UPA for each and every silly thing?

    Now let your feku party be prepared for the same dose.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 04 2014

    I wonder what kind of policy and administration these mis-fits, illiterate sadhvi and criminal ministers give for India.

    Its a concern that in a Democratic Country like India, we have fanatics and extremists making such ISIS type of statements.

    Its frightening to note that Feku keeps rapists, murderers, corrupt and semi-literate people in his cabinet.

    DisAgree [17] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

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