Singapore, Oct 1 (IANS): Two Indian nationals are among seven men charged with criminal intimidation and assault of a restaurant manager in Singapore, that left the man with a disfigured face, according to a media report.
Koleth Navas and Koleth Abdul Nasir allegedly threatened Liakath Ali, manager of Victory Restaurant, days before his face was slashed with a knife in Arab Street on August 26, the Straits Times reported on Thursday.
"I have your photograph in my mobile phone, you watch out," Navas threatened Ali outside the Singapore Zam Zam Restaurant in North Bridge Road on August 22, the daily said.
Navas is accused of abetting a conspiracy with Zackeer Abbass Khan and Anwer Ambiya Kadir Maideen to grievously injure Ali.
According to court documents, three Singaporeans -- Joshua Navindran Surainthiran, Joel Giritharan and Ramge Visvamnathan -- slashed Ali's face with a knife on August 26.
Indian national Nasir also faces one charge of threatening the restaurant manager outside Zam Zam Restaurant. His bail has been set at $40,000.
The duo's passports have been impounded. They are required to report to the investigation officer every Wednesday if they are out on bail.