Nehru's niece questions Modi’s silence over 'reign of terror', to return Sahitya Akademi Award

New Delhi, Oct 7 (DHNS): Eminent author and Jawaharlal Nehru’s niece Nayantara Sahgal has decided to return the Sahitya Akademi Award in protest against the rising attacks on people who question the “ugly and dangerous distortion” of Hinduism.

Sahgal also questioned Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s silence over such “reign of terror”.
“There is a rising tide of the environment of hatred and killing of those people speaking against Hindutva ideology. I cannot remain silent anymore,” she told Deccan Herald over phone from Dehradun.

Sahgal, author of several novels, won the award in 1986 for her work “Rich Like Us.” She is the daughter of Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, Nehru’s sister.

In a statement titled “The Unmaking of India”, she referred to the recent killing of distinguished Kannada writer and Sahitya Akademi Award winner M M Kalburgi, as well as murder of two other rationalists Narendra Dabholkar and Govind Pansare, saying India’s “culture of diversity and debate” was now under “vicious assault” despite right to dissent being an integral part of the Constitution.

“Rationalists who question superstition, anyone who questions any aspect of the ugly and dangerous distortion of Hinduism known as Hindutva — whether in the intellectual or artistic sphere, or whether in terms of food habits and lifestyle — are being marginalised, persecuted or murdered,” she said.

Sahgal also referred to the recent killing of Mohammed Akhlaq in Dadri, noting that he was dragged out of his home in Bisara village and “brutally lynched on the supposed suspicion that beef was cooked in his home.” “In all these cases, justice drags its feet.

The prime minister remains silent about this reign of terror. We must assume he dare not alienate evil-doers who support his ideology,” she said.

“In memory of Indians who have been murdered, in support of all Indians who uphold the right to dissent, and of all dissenters who now live in fear and uncertainty, I am returning my Sahitya Akademi Award,” said Sahgal.

She also criticised the Akademi for its silence on the issue. “It is a matter of sorrow that the Sahitya Akademi remains silent. The Akademis’ were set up as guardians of the creative imagination, and promoters of art and literature,” she said.


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  • sudarshan, ganjimut

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    Mr. Milan for you may be its shanti on Maun Mohan time. but us we will not forget Mumbai attack and Train blast. This is the difference between you and us. you tent to forget easily because of your pyar towards dongi congi.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • ANIKETH, mumbai

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    after all she is from NEhru family ..this is expected from her.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Amith, udupi

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    when farmer committed suicide in kejriwal rally ..Feku tweeted ..when patels went on strike ..he appealed on TV ..when a minority is lynched by his henchmen ..Silence of the lambs

    DisAgree [8] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Hussain, Abudhabi

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    Blind bhakts think India got developed only in last 1.6 years .....Typical Blind bhakts

    May be all were born after May 2014

    DisAgree [14] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vikas G, Udupi

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    Oh...someone got enlightened.... but you want Acche din in just that 1.6 years is it? Which your dongi party don't give in 60 years.

    DisAgree [19] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lokesh, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    @Mr. Ganjimat,what mumbai blasts has to do with this?? Jokers are always jokers and this bhakths will never improve.. God save my country!! btw, can I ask when Modi feels like speaking. He had no problem to talk cheap about my country in foreign land but cant talk anything in my country. @ Vikas, you need to go back to past and count the number of years that non congress parties rules India and what they did during their time, forget about this 1.6 years. Do you know we have a state called UP in India (if not check it out) This UP is Under non congress governments since 1992 (including that of your leader great Kalyan Singh) Did non congress parties made UP, the Singalore of India???

    DisAgree Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ravi, Kapu

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    Why should the PM speak on each and everything? Did MMS speak when our country was being looted by the fake Gandhis? We know how the sickulars and the paid medias are trying their best to defame the BJP.

    DisAgree [22] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • prem, moodbidri

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    @ Vikas G, udupi
    Accusation can be ignored (being responsible person, he should clarify accusations too & come clean), but what is happening is reality. Are you dumb? Can't you hear the ridiculous & provocative statements given by Sangh Parivar members & FAKU has failed miserably in controlling them? You call him most powerful 56 inch???

    If you relate the people, who are raising questions to FEKU, to barking dogs.. that for hat you ralate BJP leaders, who were doing drama from past 60 years, when Congress was ruling???

    DisAgree [3] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sk, Mlore

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    Where were these seculars when Salman Rushdie was not allowed to enter the country for Jaipur literary fest when congress was in Centre and state? Where were they hiding when Kasmiri pandits were chased away from homeland and when Sikh massacre happened? Where were you when Muzaffarnagar happened when Congress was in centre.

    It is SP government in UP and why is she blaming Centre here? In that case Congress has to be blamed for Guarat riots as they were in centre.

    First of all she was awarded because she is a relative to the Gandhi family and not for the any great work she has done. So it does not matter. Simply trying to hog limelight

    DisAgree [26] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ahmed, DOX / IXE

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    Modi in always on flight communication..only flying.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    ..its too late to return this award..she is a Pandit from J&K, she should have returned this award long back for Govt failing to help PANDITs to return to Kashmir (why she will bother, she is living like Royals)..I never read protest from this writer when TASLEEMA virtually chased from every state,when RAHSDHI boycotted from Jaipur literature festival, a lady Editor of Urdu magazine chased..leftist thinkers/writers ruining nations..politicians chased for slip of tungue , but some writers write everything under freedom of blah blah,leading to communal tension and corrupt a whole generation,supporting naxal,maoist cause with ease and get awards also!!..just check for these awards, other than cash what all other facilities they get for a life yearly state RAJYOTSVA awards reached to 150!!..

    DisAgree [24] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    It's shameful and deplorable that BJP leadership is so incompetent.

    They are sitting in their ivory tower and seem to tacitly support such action with their inaction.

    Feku must know that the world sees through this and brands India as a dangerous place.

    sorry modi can keep on begging for investments in Christian countries.

    DisAgree [14] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ahmed, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    modi is pm of criminal sanghis. He and his follower will not understand the pain of farmers, dalits, minorities and people who have concern for justice & Truth.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Oct 07 2015



    DisAgree [6] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    bjp and rss have completely ruined India in the past 18 months with their neo nazi policies.

    They have led to the rise of prices of commodities, rise of communal hatred and the division of Indians based on language, religion and caste.

    Pathetic RSS fanatics.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mahendra Shetty, Mumbai Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 07 2015



    DisAgree [31] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    Intellectuals, artists, writers judges and academicians are the pillars and building blocks of a progressive nation and society.

    They have now understood the sinister design of BJP-RSS who dangerous hidden agenda.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • SH, Mlore

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    It is very easy to abuse anyone. But it requires courage to speak truth and support Justice.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valerian D'souza, Udupi / Mumbai

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    Indians have been reluctant to resort to any means of violence to achieve their goal but continuous tempting and encouragement from fanatics, we are seeing changed trend. Violence such as murder and rape is continuously increasing.
    I hope animal rights activists also should join human rights activists to condemn all sorts violence in society!

    DisAgree [3] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • sudarshan, ganjimut

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    Another from Nehru fly trying to score a point. Let her give back the award which congis give her. God only knows how many gandhis/nehrus yet to come with crocodile tears. modiji will speak when he fees like speaking.
    moreover we all know how much maun mohan has spoken. where was these people when maun mohan was pm.

    DisAgree [41] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Oct 07 2015



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  • peter lewis, Brahmavar/Sharjah

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    At least one lady spoke truth and dared to speak. If we read the Holy books many places we see God used women to destroy the evil.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • manohar bhandari, mangalore

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    Good decision by Miss Seghal transfer her sahithya akadami award to Mr Bhagavan.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar, Mangaluru

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    Like in Divorce see...
    First ...
    Husband is returned....
    Then slowly his 'Saamaans'(Hindi-Tulu-O.K)...I mean belongings...But still the wife or now somebody sings...
    Mera Kuch Saaman..
    Tere Paas padaa hai...!
    Use Lauta Dho...

    When Wife is returned...aa??
    You want me tell that also- aa??
    (I would have written but for some
    'scratch syndrome fellows'!)

    DisAgree [13] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • yogesh, mumbai

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    Also pls go back to jinnah's country...there is only peace(or piece) there !

    DisAgree [42] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    you should ask your pitahmaaha - Advani to go back to pakistan.

    He can also take RSS walas along with him because they never fought for India's independence.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • Hussain, Abudhabi

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    PM Modi might be overwhelmed by the reception he gets in foreign countries...So he thinks his silent mode won't affect anyone....
    Sooner or later his silent mode will backfire...He used to ridicule the then PM Dr. MMS on being maun..But now what he's doing is nothing but a favour on chaddi groups

    DisAgree [13] Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vikas G, udupi

    Wed, Oct 07 2015


    Winston Churchill once said…”if you stop every now and then to throw stones at barking dogs, you will never reach your Destination”….. I hope you get what I am saying.

    DisAgree [25] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Hussain, Abudhabi

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    Vikas G

    Churchill also said this :
    "Power will go to rascals, rogues, freebooters. . . .
    All leaders will be of low caliber & men of straw. . .
    They'll have sweet tongues & silly hearts. . ." Unquote

    What are ur thoughts on this ?

    DisAgree [10] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vikas G, udupi

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    YEs, You are right. WC was also right on this, immediately once they left India, Power had gone to the rascals, rogues, freebooters, looters, scamsters, rioters...and what not. We just uprooted them a year back in May 2014 and now proceeding towards a better future. Still some traces of rascals are left, which will be cleansed eventually.

    I hope I have not upset you with my thoughts and you deemed it satisfactory!

    DisAgree [23] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • prem, moodbidri

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    @ Vikas G, udupi
    Accusation can be ignored (being responsible person, he should clarify accusations too & come clean), but what is happening is reality. Are you dumb? Can't you hear the ridiculous & provocative statements given by Sangh Parivar members & FAKU has failed miserably in controlling them? You call him most powerful 56 inch???

    If you relate the people, who are raising questions to FEKU, to barking dogs.. that for hat you relate BJP leaders, who were doing drama from past 60 years, when Congress was ruling???

    DisAgree [3] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • monu, perla

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    Modi silence is part of "CRITICAL INDIA"

    DisAgree [8] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sunill, Bengaluru

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    This lady received this award 2 years after anti Sikh massacre during rajiv gandhi government . she did not had any problem receiving this award from rajiv gandhi nor returned it. hypocrisy at its best . This was disclosed by sickular loving journalist raj deep sardar.lolz

    DisAgree [18] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan, Mangaluru

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    What about Ashok Vajpai, celebrated poet, who returned his medal too for the same reasons?

    Feku's can make politics of nothing, even in Dadri case one BJP leader asked why so much of compensation for a muslim family?
    He does not mention part of it given by his own Modi govt.

    Feku's are biggest character assassins. They said the same thing to the Soldiers who returned their gallantry award on OROP issue. Time to name and shame the character assassin feku bhakts.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • deju, mangalore

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    award scam within fake dynasty...only deserved get award ... whr was she during dhongi's ruling scam era ...was she enjoying the award money that time?????

    DisAgree [14] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shankar, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    She should return the cash too!!

    DisAgree [21] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • jeevan, mangalore

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    She did not return Cash ??? oh my God

    Govt must serve the notice...

    DisAgree [16] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shankar, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    Nattunakul kaas epa return malpere?

    Lynching of one Muslim in UP prompts her to return her award. Burning a compartment full of Hindus couldn't stir her conscience then.

    DisAgree [14] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • jeevan, mangalore

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    Who killed Netaji...
    Who Killed Lal Bahadur Shastri..
    Who allowed Bharath Mata Partition to become PM ???

    DisAgree [25] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • prem, moodbidri

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    FEKUs silence on burning issues is really mysterious. It looks, everything happens as per his instructions!

    There is no respect for his 'Monkeybath' from his own party leaders & followers, where as they listen & adhere to uncivilized Bhagwat, Thugadia, Sadhvi, Adityanath, Amit Shah, Sangit som, Giriraja, Seksy Mahraj etc people's advice. Those thugs have more weight to their words, than FEKU!!!

    FEKU had promised when he became PM that, "If anyone comes anytime & knocks my house door. I will respond". But now...

    DisAgree [16] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar, Mangaluru

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    This has become fashion now...
    Returning of Awards...medals-certificates...
    Nobody returns Cash- House plots and such stuff.
    Is it not?

    DisAgree [13] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alphonsa Rodrigues, Udupi

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    At last you woke up. As it is we are paying for the benevolent blunder by Nehru. Yeah return the award that you received due to the 'Nehru' tag & without any merit. Nice publicity stunt.

    DisAgree [19] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • John, mangalore

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    dear gm, uska moo nahin kolega jab tak, tu uska moon mein hajmola candy nahi dalega....

    DisAgree [5] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vikas G, Udupi

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    Good, we hope all the Nehru's family and extended family members return back all the freebies, facilities, privileges etc given to them by the samgress as if its their fathers property.

    DisAgree [23] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • gm, mlur

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    India mein sab ka moo kultha hai lekin ek moo nahi kultha hai..

    DisAgree [12] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • malcolm pereira, Dadra & Nagar Haveli Gujarat

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    I salute u madam.U r a eminent author.Thank u for enjoying the award since 1986 till now which is almost 29 years.What i felt bad is u recieved the the award in 1986 from the Govt who butchered 3000 sikhs in 1984 just 2 years back. U as a kashmiri pandit till date tightlipped as they thrown out of kashmir.I know from today onwards u will be there in Paid channels like a sacrifice start the channel will call like minded thugs so that one more week all u will omit venom on my democratically elected Prime Minister.

    DisAgree [30] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    Yenchina Avasthe Modi ...

    DisAgree [19] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • j.anata, Mangaluru / Bengaluru

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    Hopefully FAKE Gandhis also have change of heart & return stolen accumulated goodies back to Indian Govt!

    DisAgree [30] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shaan, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    Good, now someone more worthy of the award can receive it, and also better to entire gandhi family should return their bharat ratna awards and Please also return the money your family looted in last 65 years...

    DisAgree [17] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • RSRB, Kundapura / Singapore

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    Yes Madam... You are right...
    Speaking nonsense against Hinduism is normal.

    However, those days have gone. The wheel is moving. Change yourself. Respect your religion. Advise your rationalist fraternity about speaking good about Hinduism or any other religion.

    DisAgree [30] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • jeevan, mangalore

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    Good decision... only deserved must get award.

    Did you ask the silence of Italain waitress / congi role in 1984 anti-Sikh riots ???

    DisAgree [42] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Santosh, Mangalore UAE

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    Baba Ramdev,Anna Hazare, Are Deserved For Sahitya Academy Award For The Role Of Bringing NDA To Power..

    DisAgree [12] Agree [41] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rebecca D'Souza, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 07 2015

    I fully agree with you Mr Jeevan. Your question is justified. But the so called Italian waitress was not in the Indian political arena at that time.

    And please do not demean any profession. You are insulting all the waitresses throughout the world. It is a decent profession wherein you work for a living

    Personally I don’t support congress. But the once upon a time Italian waitress is now a corrupt politician.

    Being a waitress is better than being a thief.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

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