Pranab event called off after Palestinian students protest Israeli ties

East Jerusalem, Oct 13 (PTI): Angry Palestinian students today protested against India's growing friendship with Israel at a university campus here today while President Pranab Mukherjee was there, forcing cancellation of one of his engagements.

Hundreds of students shouted slogans and carried placards critical of India's ties with the Jewish state while Mukherjee was being honoured by Al-Quds university at Abu Dis with an honorary degree and hailed as a "Knight of Peace".

After the university function, Mukherjee was to inaugurate a secondary school for boys named after Jawaharlal Nehru. But the function was called off due to the tense situation.
Mukherjee soon left for Israel, a short journey by road, on the first-ever visit by an Indian President.

The protesting students carried placards with slogans "India why do you cooperate with the occupiers (Israel)", "Indian President raise your voice against Israel's aggression", and "Indian President don't keep quiet against the butchers slaying Palestinians" as Mukherjee was leaving the campus here in East Jerusalem.

The demonstration came in the middle of heightened tensions and more killings between Israelis and Palestinians which have resulted in hundreds of casualties, including some today.

Inside the university auditorium, where Palestine Prime Minister Dr Rami Hamadallah was among those present, Mukherjee was hailed as "a Knight of Peace" and loudly cheered when he mentioned all the help rendered by India to the Palestinians.

In his acceptance speech at the university, the President said peace and stability in the Middle East region is in India's interest and proposed a three-pillar framework to propel its "historic" ties with Palestine besides building a second Information Technology (IT) centre in Gaza.

Mukherjee, who is in Palestine in the first-ever State visit by an Indian President, also announced an increase in Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation(ITEC) scholarship programme slots for Palestine to 100 per annum and setting up of an India-Chair at the Al-Quds University.

On Sunday, the President was conferred with an honorary degree in political science by the University of Jordan in Amman. On Thursday, he will be conferred a honorary doctorate by the Hebrew University in Israel.

Mukherjee delivered the speech after the inauguration of India-Palestine Centre for Excellence in Information and Communications Technology(ICT) in Al-Quds University.

"India will build a similar Center in Gaza. We look forward to the success of the Techno-Park in Ramallah. It will be jointly built and operated by the Palestine Investment Fund and the Indian public and private sector," he added.

Mukherjee said this will have a satellite centre in Ramallah and forward linkages with industry.

The President also gifted to the IT Centre of Al-Quds University 30 computers from India without the sophisticated communication equipment, which was held by the Israeli customs on grounds of security. India plans to replace the communication equipment not permitted by Israel with frequencies acceptable to Israel.

The President said the conferment of the doctorate on him was a sign of friendship and regard of the people of Palestine for India and for him.

He told the assembled audience that the university's pursuit of scientific knowledge and advanced research placed it at the centre of Palestine's national development programme.

Mukherjee said "India shares the perception that the Palestinian issue is at the centre of Arab-Israeli conflict. Peace and stability in the region is in India's interest."

Noting that the speed with which an event happening in one place of the world triggers a response in another is unprecedented in terms of its impact and scale, the President said maintaining regular contacts at all levels is, therefore, important.

Stating that India has always been at the forefront in promoting the Palestinian cause, the President said the strong foundations in this regard and shared belief in peace, prosperity and development for the people of Palestine "propel us to do more."

He referred to India's backing to several UN resolutions on Palestine to show its solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Mukherjee said one of the aims of his visit to Palestine is to suggest a framework for the future of India's relationship with it.

Noting that India continues to follow its traditional policy on Palestine, the President said the framework of their partnership can be reinforced through three principal pillars.

"First, closer political interaction; Second, deeper economic engagement and academic collaboration; Third, wider cultural contacts and people-to-people exchanges."

The President congratulated the people of Palestine on the momentous unfurling of their national flag at the United Nations-for the first time in history-on September 30, 2015.

Apart from our bilateral trade in goods, the President said there is vast scope for trade in services.

"India's strength in IT and IT-enabled services as well as consultancy can pave the way for greater engagement in the IT sector," he added.

The President also said that Government of India’s 'Make in India' scheme welcomes Palestinians to manufacture in India.


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  • Oliver, Udupi

    Wed, Oct 14 2015

    It is called 'Palestinian Terrorism.'
    'Palestine' is fit to be called as 'Porkistan-2.'

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    Wed, Oct 14 2015


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  • ER, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 14 2015

    @ Najam- The land you are talking about belongs to jews for thousands of year, which was reclaimed from Arabs. Whats wrong in it?IF you arE a patrotic Indian you cannot be hate ISRAEL. its our friend

    DisAgree [1] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • hans, udupi

    Wed, Oct 14 2015

    From which land was your beloved Pakiland created in the 1940's? The land of Israel belonged to the Jews since biblical times? What's the difference between a Palestinian and a Jordanian or an Egyptian? They are all the same.

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    Wed, Oct 14 2015

    Palestine is a worthless nation ,technically its not even a nation lol,anyways India will not benefit anything from them ,their military weapons include sling shots and stones ...

    DisAgree [9] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • ER, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 14 2015

    Why do want to go to Palestinian held territories and get humiliated? In the present Geo political changing scenario the Palestinian cause has lost any kind of relevance. India should become all weather friend of Israel and vice versa.stop all kind relations with these terror supporting palestine.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Wed, Oct 14 2015

    Vantage Point, who occupied land of who..what is the story of KSA,SYRIA,EGYPT,IRAQ..people are driven out from their land by the powerful people or tribe..they forced them to follow their rule or killed..this is the is blind on terror activities eminating from the palestine, same like one ready to talk how Pandits are drive out..ISRAEL always shown as aggressor,terrorist..But no one talks about whats the reason for Gulf war, why SYRIA war, what about YEMEN war..who is the real aggressor?

    DisAgree [7] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • sid, mangalore

    Wed, Oct 14 2015

    Boda Seeera ! why he had to go to Palestine

    DisAgree [5] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • juliana, udupi

    Wed, Oct 14 2015

    India due to its diplomatic relationship with both countries can work out a plan for both countries so that peace prevail in the region not based on technology and development but on mutual understanding because technology is only a dream but everlasting relationship is a reality

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  • JK, Udupi

    Wed, Oct 14 2015

    Where were those Palestinian students when India was attacked by Pakistani terrorists?. Israel is the logical ally for India in war on terror.

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Wed, Oct 14 2015

    If students do not like Indian help...why India must be interested to help rogue nation....!!!??

    DisAgree [12] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • Albert, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 13 2015

    India should join Israel to fight against terrorism across the globe

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  • Praveen, Kulshekar

    Tue, Oct 13 2015

    Chalu Modi expected the protests so he wanted the president to visit Palestine.

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  • RSRB, Kundapura / Singapore

    Wed, Oct 14 2015

    Praveen, Kulshekar

    If Pranab Mukherjee goes to Israel, I am sure no-one will protest there because he has set up welfare programs in Palestine. The culture matters not who goes at guest.

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  • Peter, Bangalore

    Wed, Oct 14 2015

    Praveen , Kulshekar
    Modi visits only places where preplanned crowd is arranged by his Gujju community and Feku bhakt.

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  • Krishna, Dubai

    Wed, Oct 14 2015

    Dear Mr. Praveen,
    you comments shows that you are thinking President / Prime Ministers visit to other country is like attending a marriage function.
    "Yenk office kaithal avvu hall yaan adeg pope, e ideg poyi"

    its not same man, what u think Prime Minister order to President to visit these countries??? U like to blame modi, for that u r ready to fall any level. your comments proved.

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  • nazeer Husain, jeddah saudi Arabia

    Tue, Oct 13 2015

    President pranab mukherji must keep his liberty of decession away from the digital chaddi cabinet.Some of the decessions like signing all the berf ban orders without any second thought created lot of doubt.Modi cabinet may be much more intrrested with terrorist nation israel but president mukerji has to protect the purity of presidential office by keeping away the countries like israel.

    DisAgree [58] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • hans, udupi

    Wed, Oct 14 2015

    God is with Israel and that's why it defeated arab/muslim armies repeatedly in 1948, 1967 & 1973 wars. The tiny nation of Israel with the population of a few million Jews withstood the combined assault of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Libya, Jordan, Pakistan, GCC etc and emerged victorious in numerous conflicts. Cant you see the truth? Israel won because it had God with it and will always emerge victorious in any future conflict with 10 times larger arab/muslim armies.

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  • Saihu, Udupi/Dubai

    Wed, Oct 14 2015

    its not God " its God Father America' is with them, thats why they are encroaching muslims land everyday and can defeat anybody on the planet.

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  • hans, udupi

    Wed, Oct 14 2015

    Atleast you have to accept that God was not on the side of Arab/Muslim armies in 1948, 1967 & 1973 wars? How else could a tiny nation of few million defeat arab/muslim armies 10 times its size?

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    Wed, Oct 14 2015

    Rightly said ..history is there for everybody to see .dont mess with the gods chosen people ..

    DisAgree [6] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • nazeer husain, jeddah saudi arabia

    Thu, Oct 15 2015

    When we see MECCA AND MADEENA surrounded with mountains along with keeping the progress says ALMIGHTY ALLAH WITH whom.God never be with oppressors and arrogant like israel .The present israel fully supported by the whole enemies of islam just because islam has enimity with HARAAM ROUTES OF ECONOMY.

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  • Vantage Point, Mangaluru

    Tue, Oct 13 2015

    India as always stood behind palestine cause....It is desperation of palestines who hop india would solve their problem...A guy below is commenting palestines hate India...If they hate India would anyone name a street in their country in favour of certain nation...Yes palestine has come up with new street called "India street" and circle named in favour of India called 'Indian circle" as a mark of presidents visit ...Have you seen any country naming their street in favour of other country...Yes...palestines hate india..i.e why the named street in favour of india not pak...This is what maximum they can offer with love...they cant give you missile,drones,technology...but they would definitely share love...Many palestines see India as hope not pak or saudi...
    Israel will provide you everything ..but when president pranab mukherjee visited Palestine through israel...His consignments were blocked by israeli agents which was ment for palestine-Indian friendship initiative...would you think a Indian agency blocking consignments of netanyahu when he lands in India...??...
    Guy below should understand millions of indians are working in arab countries...if they hated you somuch they would have long deported you back...Can you provide employement for all those in nagpur..??Many arab countries supported Indias cause for Permanent seat in UNSC..Is this because they hated you and stood behind pak. India palestine friendship is better for both nation...India always stood behind oppressed not opressor...And Israel is a terrorist on a occupied land..

    DisAgree [27] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Gurudath, M'lore/Mumbai

    Tue, Oct 13 2015

    Most of these protesters are budding terrorists.

    DisAgree [24] Agree [51] Reply Report Abuse

  • Don, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 13 2015

    hans, udupi

    You hit the nail on the head. Palestine which is part of the OIC has constantly supported Paki's. Each and every time whenever, and wherever the OIC have met for their conference they have openly supported Pakistan, no matter what and have again and again condemned India. Whereas Israel has been a true friend.

    Long Live Israel, and my the friendship with Israel be further strengthened by the visit of our President.

    DisAgree [15] Agree [45] Reply Report Abuse

  • ER, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 14 2015

    Mr.Don, I agree with you completely . We need to be friendly with Israel. one cannot play the same bugle for more than 68 years of support for Palestinian cause at the cost of our safety and prosperity. Let India forge a strong friendship with Israel give access to all Intelligence reports on these terrorist to Israel.

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  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Tue, Oct 13 2015

    It seems like, for the current BJP administration, the President and the Prime Ministers are greatly interested to play the "dove role" in the world stage.

    When the Indian President was invited by certain leading Christian denomination in Kerala last year for an important celebration, he delivered a colorful lecture about the great contribution given by the minority Christian community of India in health and social service.

    Whereas, when the minority Christian's rights are challenged by the BJP administration, like the tricky game plan of Srimiti Irani to erase the Christmas holiday from the Indian calendar, he kept quite.

    How you could sign the beef-ban bill drafted by the Governments of Haryana and Maharastra with long term prison term for the beef handling crime?

    Probably, the cancellation at the Palestinian function due to the agitation created by the Palestinian students may give him some stern warning about the aftermath of political double acting.

    Dadri lynching which was a religion-linked terrorism was not an issue for the PM but he was greatly concerned with the Turkey religion-linked blood bath.

    DisAgree [29] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Tue, Oct 13 2015

    ..who are Palestinian to dictate us on foreign policy..they are indebted to us, not we..we always stand with them in UN ,but do they supported us on KASHMIR!!..when US/UK started new relationship with IRAN, why we cant with ISRAEL..ISRAEL/INDIA relation always flourished during NDA..only Congress, to appease some section of people just makes some show off hating ISRAEL..Its seems PAPPUISM gripping bhakts..SMRITI IRANI tried to erase christmas holiday! can it be happen!! i wonder from where you find this abusrbd story..BEEF is already banned by Congress itself in more than 25 statement by DIGVIJAY..Meat banned by Congress for Jain festival not BJP..

    DisAgree [10] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • prasad, mangalore

    Tue, Oct 13 2015

    Beef ban laws in Haryana and Maharastra and other states were formulated by previous Congress govts not BJP. Smriti Irani didnt try to erase Xmas holiday. She was only inviting KV students to celebrate AB Vjapayee Bday which happened to be on Xmas day

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  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Tue, Oct 13 2015

    Please don't try to hide the fact and justify. Now the beef ban blame is upon the Congress Government. Those States, both Maharastra and Haryana enacted the beef-ban laws, one after other in the same order right after the BJP came into power in those States and the current Indian President signed that.

    Even while Sr. Vajapee was the PM of India, nobody showed much interest to celebrate his birth day through replacing the birth of JESUS CHRIST. Srimiti Iranai gave the freedom for the school to give academic assignments and test exactly on the 25th. Sir, you can't hid those facts.

    Her underground attacks on the St. Stepehn's college using a student and putting the blame on a disabled profession that he tired to attack her in an immoral way, now she has said the truth and the whole issue is backfired. Do you think that these are morally right things to do by the so called high level politicians of India?

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  • hans, udupi

    Tue, Oct 13 2015

    Where were these Palestinians when their paki brothers were slaughtering our soldiers and civilians during 1965, 1971, kargil and 26/11? They have always supported pak and are against us. Only Israel has stood with us and supported us. The Jewish state of Israel is India's only true friend and supporter. Long live Indo-Israeli friendship. God Bless Israel.

    DisAgree [42] Agree [88] Reply Report Abuse

  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Tue, Oct 13 2015

    It is very true that, since Israel was a small country and fully supported by the U.S. and the Western European countries, some of the former Indian Governments someway ignored the State of Israel.

    India was pro-Russian and Russia was anti-Israel besides not to offend the Arab countries for their trade relationship with India, India even didn't give a full diplomatic status to Israel for a very long time. They had a Consulate in Mumbai, ( I had some personal contacts with the Consul General at that time before I left for the U.S.) and their relationship with the Zoroastrian community (Parsi) was very strong.

    Around 1000 BC, the merchant navy of King Solomon came to the southern side of India (Kerala), for spices and ivory etc, then many Jewish people migrated to India, and India was very hospitable towards the Jewish people down through the years under all the Governments of India.

    Due to the high number of inhabitants of Jewish religion in the southern part of India like Cochin, Apostle St. Thomas came to the Southern side of India travelled even to Sr. Lanka for preaching the gospel.

    The great grand children of the same "Father Abraham" who is the only one person in the Bible with the title " Friend of GOD", are the Arabs and the Jews.

    The GCC countries like Saudi Arabia-Sultanate of Oman-UAE etc are having closer secret connection with Israel now.

    It is good for India to have closer relationship with Israel they are brainy people, the Jewish scientists have invented more scientific and medical inventions than any other people in history.

    India must keep a balanced relationship with Israel and the Arab world.

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  • vivek, Hirebile/ Abu Dhabi

    Tue, Oct 13 2015

    i wish Israel could be true Friend..But Israel is Such an Arrogant that taking their side means Isolating Link with Rest of World...

    DisAgree [13] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • John Tauro, M'luru / Kwt

    Wed, Oct 14 2015

    In 1982 when Israel invaded Lebanon for sheltering Palestinian terrorists, Mrs. Indira Gandhi ordered the closure of Israeli Consulate in Mumbai. Then there was no Israeli Embassy in New Delhi. On the contrary the Palestinians always sided with Pakistan on the Kashmir issue. When Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, again Palestine, then called the PLO, supported Iraq despite Kuwait’s unconditional support to the Palestinian cause right from the beginning. Ironically Israel stood behind India during the 1971 war with Pakistan, when the US under Mr. Nixon openly supported Pakistan, even at a time when India had no diplomatic relations with Israel. History shows Palestine’s disregard for India and even their once closest ally, Kuwait whenever there arose some crisis.

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