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Babubhai Khimabhai Katara

New Delhi, Aug 12:  Suspended BJP MP Babubhai Katara, facing charges in a human trafficking case, has again been denied bail by a court here on the ground that the alleged offence was grave as it was committed by a Parliamentarian.

Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate A K Kuhar refrained from releasing Katara, who had applied bail for the fourth time in the case, saying that the offence allegedly committed by Katara had become grave as he was a sitting Parliamentarian.

In his bail application, Katara pleaded that he could not hamper with the investigation in the case as the police had already filed the chargesheet.

Katara further said that he had already spent more than 90 days in custody since his arrest on April 18 from IGI airport here.

The MP was apprehended while he was trying to fly with one woman, Paramjeet Kaur, alongwith a teenaged body to Toronto in Canada on diplomatic passports of his wife and son.

Just in case you have forgotten the case:


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