SC questions practice banning entry of women at Sabarimala

New Delhi, Jan 11 (PTI): The Supreme Court today questioned the age-old tradition of banning entry of women of menstrual age group in historic Sabarimala temple in Kerala, saying it cannot be done under the Constitution.

"The temple cannot prohibit entry (women), except on the basis of religion. Unless you have a constitutional right, you cannot prohibit entry. Anyway, we will examine it on February 8," a bench of Justices Dipak Misra and N V Ramana said.

The bench was hearing a PIL, filed by the Young Lawyers Association, seeking entry for all women and girls in the Sabarimala temple which, as a practice, does not allow girls after attaining puberty to enter the premises.

However, women, who have crossed menopause, are allowed. During the brief hearing today, the bench posed a query as to why women cannot be allowed inside and observed that the practice was not supported by the constitutional scheme.

It asked the government whether it was sure that women have not entered the temple premises in the last 1,500 years.

The bench also observed that it was a public temple and everyone needed to have "the right to access". At best, there can be religious restrictions and not a general restriction, it said.

Senior advocate K K Venugopal, appearing for Kerala, said the women, who have not attained menopause, cannot preserve the purity during the religious journey to the temple, located on a hilltop, which usually spans 41 days.


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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Tue, Jan 12 2016

    There are women preachers in Christianity.
    And women are serving Holy communion in churches.
    Anglican church has women Bishops.

    Prophetesses in the Holy Bible.

    1. Miriam – Micah 6:4
    2. Deborah – Judges 4:4
    3. Huldah – 2 Kings 22:14-20 / 2 Chronicles 34:22-28
    4. Noadiah - Nehemiah 6:14
    5. Isaiah's wife – Isaiah 8:3
    6. Anna – Luke 2:36
    7. The Daughters of Phillip – Acts 21:29
    Hence there is no restrictions in Christianity to appoint women priests and there are already there are women pastors around the world.

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  • John R Lobo, Kaikamba / Dubai

    Tue, Jan 12 2016


    1.In Roman Catholic church, Orthodox Church ( Eastern and Western ), Coptic Church Woman cant ordain as priest.

    2.The biblical law states when a woman menstruates she is unclean for seven days. So she can not enter Holy Temple ( Leviticus 15.19-24, 15-25 )

    Earlier days Un divided church used follow the second rule....Now its not following in RC Church...

    Hindu Temples also practicing same rules....But In Shabarimale Devotee has to follow 41 days Vrata and he should keep him self CLEAN in these 41 days. and Ladies CANT follow due to 5 days SICK LEAVE

    DisAgree [5] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Tue, Jan 12 2016

    Dear John R Lobo, Kaikamba / Dubai,
    You are saying In Roman Catholic church, Orthodox Church ( Eastern and Western ), Coptic Church Woman cant ordain as priest.
    This is not from mistake God. It is man made.
    We are in the new covenant. All those old laws and practices were to keep holiness before the Holy God. Nobody had kept the laws and practices of God accurately as per His wish. Jesus had broke many of the Jewish and Pharisees laws and customs. Hence Jesus Christ without an iota of a law dotted out fulfilled in him by sacrificing himself on the cross for all of us.

    Dear John R Lobo, Kaikamba / Dubai,
    Jesus was circumcised when he was 8 days old.
    And even in the book of Genesis it says you should circumcise
    Are you circumcising now?!
    If not then don’t quote such old practices which were humanly impossible.
    The menstruation circle is natures gift to women folk.

    Faith followers of Jesus who pray and worship the Almighty God in one accord with father, mother, Husband, wife, children and with the society as a whole without any restrictions.
    Praying in one accord with one’s body, mind and soul through heart matters to God.
    Sanctifying cleansing and purifying the heart matters to God and not washing and cleansing of one’s bodies.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Tue, Jan 12 2016

    If this is the criteria how come the prophetesses were prophesysing preaching, praying and serving the people in the temple of God???!!!

    Corrected message: This is not from God. It is man made.

    Before: This is not from mistake God.)

    DisAgree [2] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • JR,

    Tue, Jan 12 2016


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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Tue, Jan 12 2016

    God made Man & Women Equal.
    Who are we to DISCRIMINATE ...

    DisAgree [4] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sheethal, Mangalore

    Tue, Jan 12 2016

    Mr. Mathew,

    Its wonderful you are so concerned about others religious practice(s). I would like to let you know that the people (of course it is men here) have to follow a vratam of 41 days, which is a continuous one with no breaks between days to be taken (just like the lent you have of 40 days taken at a stretch with no breaks :) ) . During these days they have to perform pujas and several other practices based on the religious guidelines. Now I am very sure you would be knowing that a women(here we are talking of the ones who are in the phase of their menstrual cycle) will not be able to perform pujas at a stretch for 41 days as she will be having her menstrual cycle in between those days.

    As per my religion we are not allowed to perform pujas/ go to temples etc during those days. I know it is a practice followed in Islam as well. I also know from Christian friends that Christianity did not allow these in earlier days (now that you guys are not practicing it is not our fault nor are we concerned).

    Further travel to the blessed temple in those days was not an easy task which women could. There were no means of transport like these days then!!.

    So having elaborated on all the details I am sure a sensible person would understand why women were not allowed and are not allowed now into these holy place. Its not that a woman is at fault or the practice. It’s a matter of belief and religious guidelines.

    Kindly do not interfere in others practices. Try to check any fault in yours and do the needful. Let each of us follow our own life styles and not interfere in others.. I am sure world would be a far far better place if we kept GOD in the place he has to be…

    DisAgree [6] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Indian, Mumbai

    Tue, Jan 12 2016

    @ sheetal i am amazed being woman u are considering yourself not worth and treating yourself inferior. menstruation is connected with child birth which is highest form of purity and human existence.

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  • Sheethal, Mangalore

    Tue, Jan 12 2016

    Indian... wow hidden identity!!!

    Who told you that I consider myself inferior.. i have not at all used such a phrase in my comment?! I know what i am worth of you better check in your house how much worth the women are? How much respect/importance you give them in day to day life? Before talking about others dignity. A sick mind will be considering any other person inferior to you.

    I was just explaining why a woman in her menstrual cycle is not allowed to enter this temple!! Sorry that you dont understand to read properly your problem.

    Between you are also a follower of a particular faith - does it not have any issues related to women?

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  • John R Lobo, Kaikamba

    Tue, Jan 12 2016


    You are right

    First and most, women right activist should not create this type of nuisance...

    Further to your comments, those who practicing Vrata, they have to get up early morning ( by 4.00-4.30 AM ) and take bath ( HOT WATER NOT ALLOWED )....This is nothing other than INDRIYA NIGRAHA / VAANCHE ( Abstain from Sex / Alcohol / Good food etc ).....Secondly Ayappa Vrata Dharis having only one meal per day...

    Practically it is very difficult for ladies follows these Rigid Rules....Bcoz of this Ladies are banned to enter the Sabharmale more than 1500 years.

    Last I have seen similar type of written rules in the famous temples in DK -

    1.Keep your footwear outside the temple.
    2.Rajaswale yarige pravesha Nishedisalagide.

    Can Women right activist go to court for above rules.

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  • jl, Mumbai

    Tue, Jan 12 2016

    Mr. Lobo the argument is about equality in going to temple and praying to God not about rituals. In the house of God all are equal. Fyi even in catholic church women are allowed to pray w/o restriction. The question is about praying and not rituals and customs dont twist the comment.

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  • Desi Jawan, Mangaluru

    Tue, Jan 12 2016

    Peter, looks like you are living in a different world! Are women barred from entering churches?
    Please realize temples and churches are not private properties. They are places meant to worship GOD if you believe in one God.

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  • Krish, Dubai

    Tue, Jan 12 2016

    SC interaction in religious belief is not good at all.
    If SC belief everything should be equal, then SC need to confirm why mens are not allowed in Ladies toilet and Why ladies are allowed in Gents toilet?
    Why a clerk can not sit in Judge chair?
    If our far fathers made some rules means there was some reason.

    In every religion there are some rules, Everything can not done as per constitution.

    If some one beating his wife, off course SC have right to question him. but not while following his religions beliefs.
    First off all SC need to understand its limits before questions.

    If it continue in future SC will make reservation law to visit Shabari mala temple.
    30% Ladies
    10% SC ST
    10% OBC
    10% VIP
    5% VVIP
    20% Minority
    rest for general.

    In temple only Priest can perform Main pooja.
    in Mosque only Mauli can perform Main Pray
    in Church only Father can perform main Pray

    this is rules of each religion. SC dont have right to ask why.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • KRPrabhu, B'luru

    Tue, Jan 12 2016

    There is no religious purity in this world.worshiping in any form or diety is anybody's personal right.God does not impose so called restrictions on his devotees.There are so many examples in the history that BHAKTHI or faith is the only way to attain God or salvation.Lord Krishna ,Lord Ram showed this theory in their times....

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  • Lexy Saldanha, Mangaluru/Sydney-Australia

    Tue, Jan 12 2016

    There was a controversy, when well known Kannada actress Jayamala was accused of touching Lord Ayyappa, there by violating the custom of hill shrine, that fertile woman should not visit the temple. Jayamala had touched Lord Ayyappa's idol in April 1987 when she was 27.

    Now SC is questioning the practice banning entry of women at Sabarimala. Honestly SC should leave the religious customs to the temple's and their priests, we have enough problems to tackle, we don't want communal unrest, neither do we want to hurt the sentiments of the particular religion, India is democratic country, every person has the right to follow his or her religion and worship god of their choice, and follow the customs of that religion. So please let SC first solve many cases which are pending for ages, we have to worry about several other problems in India such as frequent terrorist attacks, Chennai floods, price rise, corruption and so on, let SC question about these issues.

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  • Desi Jawan, Mangaluru

    Tue, Jan 12 2016

    Temple is meant for all without discrimination of sex and cast.

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  • Peter, Brahmavar, Udupi District, Karnataka, India

    Tue, Jan 12 2016

    Are men allowed to enter in ladies compartment in train ? If there is some rule or tradition it is for purpose and beliefs. Let supreme court not interfere in every thing.

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  • Fredrick Correa, Pernal/Mumbai

    Mon, Jan 11 2016

    Leave the matter to the experts. If the temple has followed the tradition for 1,500 years, it was due to the respect for the tradition. Everyone, including the women know as to why they are not allowed at this temple. There are enough scholars to study the matter. Please leave it to them.

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  • Rajesh, MANGALORE

    Mon, Jan 11 2016

    Generally people have stools in their stomach when hey enter any place of worship. why bar women with these bizarre argument of purity?

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  • Rajesh, Udupi

    Mon, Jan 11 2016

    Whenever the matter concerns Hinduissm some people become over aggressive to pass judgments not knowing head and tail of the issue or background. They conveniently forget to keep own house in order. Just one google with discrimination and a religion will give 100 results.. quite funny people…

    DisAgree [12] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh, Udupi

    Mon, Jan 11 2016

    I am not talking about judgment from the court, but the comments that people pass on here, and being judgmental on hindu customs .

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  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Mon, Jan 11 2016

    Great that the Supreme Court of India has given a solid blow to the traditionally implemented discrimination of the women through the religious philosophy.

    If the religions are acting up as if radical political institutions like Nazism, that is a very chalalenging question in the 21st century.

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  • Vincent Rodrigues, Promenade Road,Fraze Town,B'lore 560005

    Mon, Jan 11 2016

    The Indian customs in temple if challenged in the court,many may have to go because they were framed not as per constitution but as per the religious rules.

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  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Mon, Jan 11 2016

    The people who are going to Sabarimala after days of strict religious self-denial practice are not there for
    drinking and dancing but to get a vision of Sabraimala Ayappan. Why that religious privilege and right is prohibited to the women of the same religion?

    DisAgree [7] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh, Udupi

    Mon, Jan 11 2016

    Ayyappan is believed to be strict brahmachari. The devotees who take pilgrimage also follow brahmacharya for a while, avoiding food cooked even by any women including their mother. Many stay in a shed to practice brahmacharya. there are exceptions for aged women in the temple. This is enough for someone to understand why young women are no tallowed in this temple... These beliefs are formed centuries ago. whether it is still worth to continue or not is upto believers and only them.

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  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Mon, Jan 11 2016

    Rajesh: Sri Sabarimala Ayappan is a well known deity, not far away from my home. The outpouring of people from many parts of Kerala and the neighboring States passing through our area was a great event every year.

    I am not disputing what you said about him as a "bramachari". Many Hindu and non-Hindu deities are strict bramacharis. The women are trying to get his blessings like the men do, through getting a vision. How, their search to get the blessings of Ayappa can be fulfilled?

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Tue, Jan 12 2016

    Dear A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.,

    I haven't seen economic segregation in the churches in Karnataka.

    I don't know in which church and in which place are you speaking???!!!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [10] Report Abuse


    Mon, Jan 11 2016

    good question..

    urgent need of the hour for discussion in electronic media..

    most important national issue...

    jockers... pathankot is serious / mufti died/ no government in J&K/ chennai is still not normal / naxals are not captured / in kolkata students have locked VC inside/ farmers suicide in karnataka / more possible attack on india by pak/ drought in many parts of india/////

    court is finding a cause for discussion in entry of women to shabarimala...

    may lord ayyappa of shabarimala bless the indian court !!!!

    MY ONLY ONE DIRECT QUESTION TO ALL THE PEOPLE INVOLVED IN THIS ISSUE, " why women( for that matter any women of any age!!!) are not allowed in any of the mosques in india?" is it not included in constitution ?

    why intellectuals like burkha dutt / girish karnad / gouri lankesh / bakarabail bhat/etc not able to talk...

    i am an athiest & really not bothered... but why double standard????

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  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Mon, Jan 11 2016

    Doesn't matter an atheist or theist, we all have the fundamental right to question anything discriminatory. Else the misguided traditions will be getting bigger and stronger every day.

    I am a Christian by faith and conviction, and many things I see in different denominations are added traditions, purely man-made. I do greatly admire the equality of worship in the Mosque, both the rich and poor sit down on the floor, the same comfort, no special seating for the rich and socially powerful before the Creator. But when I watch the economic segregations seen in the Churches in India, and the color segregation both in India and in the U.S., I have questioned that without any tolerance.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Mon, Jan 11 2016


    islam or our prophet didnt prohibit women going to mosques for prayer...if the mosques have adequate space to accommodate women n have seperate ablutions for women, women are allowed to pray in any gulf countries its being practiced...As far as India, the mosques are very small n doesnt have adequate n seperate space for women n do not have seperate ablutions...lack of these basic facilities bars women from praying in udupi jamia masjid which was renovated n rebuilt enough space n ablutions are available for women n muslim women do pray at udupi jamia masjid...The perception that islam doesnt allow their women folk to pray in masjid is totally unfounded n misconceived..

    DisAgree [11] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ashfak A. Karnad, Al-Khobar

    Mon, Jan 11 2016

    Who told you woman not allowed in the masjid. Please whenever you have problems in your own religions try to solve it then come other religious matter.

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    Tue, Jan 12 2016

    Religious lovers dont cry like Barack Obama....... even he used 'raw onion' to make him cry during gun control

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