News headlines

from Sophia Rodrigues     

Auckland, Sep 12: Mangalore came alive in New Zealand on Saturday September 8  That's what it seemed like when the first-ever celebration of the feast of the Nativity of our Blessed Mother took place in Auckland.

The celebration was the brainchild of a few families who decided that they should celebrate the feast with a get-together and a traditional Mangalorean "Noven" lunch served on banana leaves and the delicious "Warn"

Getting banana leaves proved to be the most difficult task because banana plants are rare in Auckland and the leaves tear apart in the strong winds here. A persistent effort led by Jeana and supported by Danny, Stany and Raoul ensured each of the nearly 75 members at the celebration got a banana leaf to eat on.

Calling the event a success is a modest term! It was one of the most beautiful events ever organized and every guest was reminded of our Mangalorean culture.

Being the first time, the invitees were limited to a few families but for the next year there is already a huge list of families lined up.

Watch Nativity Feast Celebration Photo Albums: From Mangalore, Bangalore, Mumbai, Middle East, UK, USA, Canada.... Click Here


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  • Miriam (Castelino Prabhu) Walter , Bondel/Auckland

    Tue, Oct 09 2007

    Sophia, it is so heartening to read of the Monthi fest celebrated in Auckland. I would love to meet you and encourage and help in any future such events. Cheers!! Miriam

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  • Noreen Pais, Auckland

    Thu, Oct 04 2007

    It was so good to see the Mangaloreans getting together at the Monthi Fest Celebrations. Would be happy to attend future clebrations. Sophia could you please email contact details of organisers.

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  • xavier machado, shirva jeddha

    Tue, Sep 18 2007

    Thank you Daijiworld for your very good work

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  • Janice Witheford, Waihi, NZ

    Sat, Sep 15 2007

    It was indeed thrilling to see the Mangalorean Monthi Fest so well celebrated in Auckland. God bless the organizers of the event and I pray that this inaugural landmark will continue in NZ for many years to come.

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  • Mr Augustine Daniel D'Souza, Safat, State of KUWAIT

    Sat, Sep 15 2007

    Thank you Daijiworld, I am very happy to see all our Mangaloreans people all over the world come together in order to celebrate the Monti Feast.

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  • Sr.Flevy D'Souza, Mangalore,Tanzania

    Thu, Sep 13 2007

    I am very glad to see people all over the world come together in order to celebrate "Monthi Fest" May it continue.

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  • Gracy Pinto, Kuwait

    Thu, Sep 13 2007

    Thank you daijiworld for wonderful monthi fest reports from around the globe. I must congratulate walter nandalike for his dynamic leadership through this media. It is because of his efforts Mangaloreans in entire world able to communicate and share the great festive reports. I am following your since last 6 years, every day I see great improvement and bringing people very closer. I must say, Walter your efforts made all of us to love this site

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