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New Delhi, Sep 12: The Centre has told the Supreme Court that there is no evidence to prove the existence of characters or events in the Ramayana and the Ram Setu is not a man-made structure.

The Setusamudram shipping canal project has been seeing sporadic protests from Hindutva forces. The project, which is expected to cost Rs 2500 crore, was inaugurated by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh two years ago.

But Hindu groups opposed the project as they felt it would damage the Ram Setu. They even wanted the structure to be declared a national monument.

Protesters say the project will destroy a bridge built by Lord Ram as per the Ramayana. But while they took to the streets, the Centre told the Supreme Court that the Ram Setu is a sand formation and not a man-made structure.

It said Ram Setu cannot be declared a national monument based on mythological evidence.

The apex court, which is examining the project, had earlier stayed dredging on the Ram Setu till September 14.

Science vs faith

Now ships coming to the peninsula have to circumnavigate Sri Lanka. When completed this project will shorten the journey by 785 kilometres cutting down travel time by nearly 30 hours.

But those opposing the project aren't happy with the Centre's latest remarks on the Ramayana.

"It is an insult to Hindus. Prime Minister should explain how the ASI can file such an affidavit in the Supreme Court,'' said Ravi Shankar Prasad, Spokesperson, BJP.

But historians say emotions should not be played up.

"What we are able to conclude from NASA pictures (that) it was not really man built. But there is some natural formation, we tend to believe on that. We should stand together and not allow any emotional campaign to take the upper hand. That's the challenge,'' said Dr G J Sudhakar, Vice-President, TN History Congress.

The Setu Samudram Shipping Canal Project has got all ingredients for a gripping story - faith, reason, politics, progress.

Critics say it will demolish their faith. Its supporters say canal makes economic sense. As usual the truth may be between these two views. Now on Friday the Supreme Court may decide whether work should restart.

VHP protests

As VHP protestors were demonstrating against the demolition of the Setusamundran bridge, a 30-year-old woman delivered her baby on the streets of Patna.

Nine months pregnant and hugely in pain, Sunita and her husband Jitendra were desperately trying to get to a doctor.

But the VHP protestors refused to listen them and she could not go to the hospital on time. Jitendra put her on his cycle and began peddling to hospital.

"I could not find any transport for one hour. Her pain grew and I brought her on my cycle,'' said Jitendra.

The protests resulted in traffic jams, loss of public property all across the country.

Some of the worst hit were tourists like a group from Europe and Canada in Khajurao.

They were made to get off their bus and walk in the intense Madhya Pradesh heat. Some of them fainted and if this wasn't enough the saffron brigade then made them shout Jai Shri Ram slogans.


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  • Royston, Mangalore

    Thu, Sep 13 2007

    Does govt have to interfere in religious beliefs of a faith? No govt. in the world can try to get proof if Christ, Buddha, Rama ever existed or not. This is related to faith of millions of people belonging to respective religions.  My personal opinion is that govt. is unnecessarily meddling in the religious beliefs. I fail to understand the reason why our govt is doing so?

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