Unfortunate that US lawmakers focused on few incidents: India

New Delhi, Feb 29, (PTI) : India today termed as "unfortunate" the letter written by some US Congressmen to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on religious freedom in the country, saying they have chosen to "focus on just a few incidents".

External Affairs Spokesperson Vikas Swarup also asserted that aberrations, if any, were dealt with by the internal processes that include independent judiciary.

"It is unfortunate that these Members of Congress while applauding India as a pluralistic society with a longstanding commitment to inclusion and tolerance have chosen to focus on just a few incidents.

"India is proud of its status as the world's largest democracy. The Indian Constitution guarantees fundamental rights to all its citizens, including minority communities.

Aberrations, if any, are dealt with by our internal processes which include our independent judiciary, autonomous National Human Rights Commission, vigilant media, and vibrant civil society," he said.

Expressing serious concern over violence against religious minorities in India, 34 top American lawmakers have asked Modi to take immediate steps to protect their fundamental rights and bring the perpetrators to justice.

"We urge your government to take immediate steps to ensure that the fundamental rights of religious minorities are protected and that the perpetrators of violence are held to account," the lawmakers, including eight Senators, said in a letter to the Prime Minister.

"Of particular concern is the treatment of India's Christian, Muslim and Sikh communities," said the letter dated February 25, which was released to the press by the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission.

The Spokesperson also asserted that the Government is fully committed to the Constitutional principles which underpin the nation of 1.25 billion people as a multi-ethnic and multi-religious society.


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    Tue, Mar 01 2016

    Can we not prosecute these US lawmakers for sedition?

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  • PenMightierThanTheSword!, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 01 2016

    Fortunately US congressmen focused on only few incidents happening in India. Imagine what would happen had they focused on all incidents of violence and intolerance against perpetrated against religious minorities with the full backing of the ruling Govt!
    Its not long before lawmakers in other nations start bring up these incidents!!!

    DisAgree [7] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Mar 01 2016

    There is one big difference: US President speaks and condemns violence in his country immediately. Our PM takes two months to comment!

    DisAgree [4] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • jeetendra hegde, mumbai

    Mon, Feb 29 2016

    Let trump to come to power...these so called india baiters will eat the grass...

    DisAgree [24] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valerian D'souza, Udupi / Mumbai

    Mon, Feb 29 2016

    It is true that US LAW makers focused on few incidents.
    But the same here as well.
    Our Law makers faults are overlooked.
    So Many powerful leaders criminal and corruptions records are overlooked.
    But Sedition charges are put on some dissenting voices.
    Today Common man is suppressed and harassed lot everywhere! All the rules are for them!

    DisAgree [3] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh, Udupi

    Mon, Feb 29 2016

    Ok uncle sam.. you have a problem with us... and you are so fair?

    Will you
    1. allow Binlaadan anneversary at university?
    2. allow flying cuba north korea flag to fly
    3. allow other faiths to abuse local deity and distribute pamphlet?
    4. azadi slogan like freedom to newyok and florida?

    if not, then pl keep quite.. here some scikulars are restless after loosing power and became crying babies.. . pl come and check facts... things here are better than what is faced by blacks and sikhs in your land.. leave hipocracy first

    DisAgree [40] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alwyn, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 29 2016

    Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 (UDHR), Art. 18:

    please see this site:

    These low profile BJP gang members want to enjoy their life by adopting the good in their life what western countries are doing but ordinary Indian should not follow. If these people want to follow the old non-sense things why Mr. Modi using BMW car?????

    DisAgree [3] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Mon, Feb 29 2016

    Can BJP Deny that "Sub Ke Sath Sub Ka Vikas" is all Cock & Bull ...

    DisAgree [4] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Clifford, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 29 2016

    Few incidents?!!!!!!. There hundreds of them. Minorities are attacked and killed almost everyday. Read the news papers daily. There are more unreported cases as well. BJP bakths will come defending the BJP governments. Continue like this you will be isolated like Iran and Moscow etc by world communities.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh, Udupi

    Mon, Feb 29 2016

    Yes, read the same old news paper daily, then you will get one killing. But we have to read different papers each day .. LOL

    How fair it is to exaggerate things like this just to get some agree comments?

    DisAgree [31] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • JJ, mlore

    Mon, Feb 29 2016

    It is FORTUNATE that US lawmakers made this observation. So people around the world are watching, listening and are ready to act. Local fringe elements taking law into their own hand, behaving as if they are the biological legitimate children of the RSS or BJP or VHP is alarming and highly disturbing. Anyone anywhere in any city could be in trouble for various reasons of Sedation, Religion, Caste, Patriotism, Corruption, Beef, Valentinism and so on.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • Stan, Udupi/ Dubai

    Mon, Feb 29 2016

    Its a shame that a foreign govt is writing govt reminding them off their towards its citizens. Its unfortunate that we have a govt who is not interested in its citizens who are not in its vote bank.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dr Mohan Prabhu, QC, mangalore/ottawa

    Mon, Feb 29 2016

    I am not condoning any violence especially against vulnerable minorities. I have been a member of the minority group all my life wherever I lived, in the community where I grew up, at the place of work in Mumbai, London and Canada, and in neighbourhoods where we are left alone, some showing their dislike in subtle ways. But I must remind the top Congressmen that people living in glasshouses should not throw stones at others. They should look in their own backyard and then preach to others. See how blacks and visible minorities, especially Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs, are treated by whites especially the police who gun them down for the least provocation. There are many incidents of this nature with gun culture. Whites, especially the police, simply eliminate nonwhites who they don't like. Is that a tolerant society?

    DisAgree [32] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Mon, Feb 29 2016

    Dr.Prabhu, you are simply creating a story like this through your comment to back up the BJP terrorizing on the minorities in India, their own country of birth.

    One rowdy police man in the State of Alabamma mishandled an old visitor from India in Huntsville. He said "no English" but the policeman disabled him, and the court punished him very severely with prison and monetary punishment upon the city.

    Sir, I am living in the U.S. for over 45 years in one of the notorious Southern States of discrimination I never have felt like you are writing about, but I have hundreds of friends among the White-Black-Hispanic and the rest.
    Another fact I have watched is the unfriendly and isolated habits of the people coming from certain countries, Including India. Let them change their attitude at first and be friendly, then they will rewarded with friendship.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dr Mohan Prabhu, QC, mangalore/ottawa

    Tue, Mar 01 2016

    Mr. Mathew, I am not backing anyone, least of all the current Indian prime minister. You have given a spin to my comment. I lived in the US long before you settled there - at Columbia University in the City of New York in 1966-67, and came to Canada not as a migrant but as a landed immigrant at the invitation of the High Commission of Canada in London. That was in the year 1965 after graduating from the London School of Economics and call to the Lincoln's Inn Bar. So, I have experienced much more than you in many countries, including Germany and India where I spent almost 30 years. I suggest you read my comment carefully and do not read any sinister objectives. In addition my daughter was born in the US and is born American and has been living in the US for the past 25 years practising as a doctor in Texas at the Medical Centre.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Robert Pais, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 29 2016

    But I must remind the top Congressmen that people living in glasshouses should not throw stones at others. They should look in their own backyard and then preach to others- Dr. Prabhu.

    Sir, It is not about you living there as a migrant as a minority. It is not about Congress either. Congress is just one of the political parties.

    As Indians we are focused on the issues that are current. The issue is about right wing nationalism that is based on intolerance. The religious intolerance is and effect of that intolerant nationalism.
    Our nationalism should be that of Tolerance, Accommodation and Mediation. Our freedom struggle unified us. Sure we had diverse views yet we were inclusive to fight the common enemy from outside. What we are facing now - is ENEMY from WITHIN perception.

    This perception thinks that those who hold our views our ways our religion are true nationals and are patriotic. Those who dare to criticize us anger us , enrage us (How dare they) and therefore they are barely tolerated and when the opportunity comes, they are branded as antinationals.

    The media is used to mislead the populace into believing that these are indeed anti-nationals. How else could you explain the comments of Union ministers saying " beef eaters can go to Pakistan"? Tacit silence of these comments and its likes is an endorsement.
    Why blame only the Delhi police for arresting the student leader based on a doctored media video? Why should be a person possessing meat ( beef?) lynched by a mob? Lawyers beat up accused in the court premises - is that right?

    In Pakistan the blasphemy laws are misused to grab businesses and attach properties of minorities like Hindus and christians. The nationalism followed by the supporters of the right wing establishment is also eerily going towards that.As a developing nation , lot of our time and effort goes towards red tape, with creaky administrative procedures. Religion which is a private personal matter somehow is seen nowadays divisive.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • geoffrey, hat hill

    Tue, Mar 01 2016

    Despite all this disparity/discrimination people from the subcontinent are prepared to give their right arms to get a foothold in the western paradise, why so? Doesn't living in dignity really matter to them, or they learn to compromise with circumstances?

    DisAgree Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Robert Pais, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 01 2016

    Dr.Prabhu I do not agree with your views reminding Congress men (Law makers) their own imperfections with regards to discrimination of non whites by white police men.

    I am not sure if these lawmakers who commented all were white or there were a mixture consisting of different background?

    Dear Sir I am glad you mentioned that you grew up in Mumbai, a diverse cosmopolitan city. Entire India is not like Mumbai.

    Sure the India friendly US congressmen have commented. Their comments relate to the way the government under which incidences reported are not condemned as silence follows after comments by Union ministers" Beef eaters can go to Pakistan"
    Is this not questioning the patriotism of Muslims in india? Is is not clubbing and stereo typing all muslims are antinationals?

    Lot of water has flown after the days of black slavery in USA or persecution of Jews in Germany or in Europe. The relative calm before the storm ( the period that precedes the event) is significant. For the slavery to be acceptable necessity, they were dehumanized first as also was the case with Jews.

    I see the troubling trend happening in India with the right wing nationalism of intolerance.

    DisAgree Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ashwin, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 01 2016

    Mr. Prabhu, don't get me wrong but I guess there is a difference when we, Indians or any other race living in other countries which is not our OWN country historically. What happens in India is the discrimination on the religious grounds for the fellow Indians who are Indians by every way. The discrimination on religious as well as on political ground only started recently after the present PM took change of the government, where as we did had discrimination on the ground of caste/region and language long ago as you noticed when you were in India. People from North don't like people from South, or people from East don't like people from West, that applies even to Bollywood where only Southern actress were able to shine(for some reason) and Singers like Jesudas and actors like Kamal Hasan were given cold treatment.

    DisAgree Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Amin Bhoja, Patte / Riyadh

    Mon, Feb 29 2016

    Some incidents are true with bit serious impact towards common man's livings but to say it is a rare the rarest incidents happened to the population of 1.2 billion livings!!!As usual US and it's big brother attitude towards small brothers !!!

    DisAgree [2] Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 29 2016

    After the world tours the foreigners are smelling foul inside India how the RSS is intimidating and managing to run RSS Chaaiwaala's government.

    DisAgree [13] Agree [76] Reply Report Abuse

  • stan, dubai

    Mon, Feb 29 2016

    I agree with the comment that only few incidents but what action you have taken that such few incidents will not be repeated???? Giving bail to all culprits?????

    DisAgree [4] Agree [58] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ashwin, Mangalore

    Mon, Feb 29 2016

    Hello Mr. Swarup, can you explain the meaning of vigilant media a bit more for us.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nazeer husain, jeddah saudi Arabia

    Mon, Feb 29 2016


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  • j.anata, Mangaluru / Mumbai

    Mon, Feb 29 2016

    In 2013, a group of 85 Parliamentarians from India belonging majorly to Congress, CPM, TMC had written to President Obama to disallow Modi from entering US of A. I wonder where these '85' MP's are now?

    In 2013 again, a group of 8 Women Congress 'workers' has hoisted false and malicious charges of 'following' a woman officer in Gujarat. Wonder where these 8 women members are other that Oza.

    There were approx 145 false cases hoisted on Modi in Gujarat for 2002 roits, mainly by Congress stooges, what happened to these case we all know...

    This too shall pass, the frustrated souls will be more frustrated, jealous and seething anger, head banging, venom spewing. We need to wait

    DisAgree [82] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vincent Rodrigues, Promenade Road,Frazer Town,B'lore

    Mon, Feb 29 2016

    They might have pointed out the increasing serious incidents with the students and other minorities.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [66] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sumit Shanbhog, Manipal

    Mon, Feb 29 2016

    Just few incidents???

    Ask 1.25 billion people and you will get the answer.

    DisAgree [22] Agree [92] Reply Report Abuse

  • Pramod, Kinnigoli

    Mon, Feb 29 2016

    Ask your pappu. Founder of incidents, anti national.

    DisAgree [93] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

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