Pics: Spoorthi Ullal
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangaluru
Additional Pics by Roshan Madtha
By John B Monteiro
Mangaluru, Mar 25: Good Friday, which falls on March 25 this year, commemorates the painful crucifixion of Jesus Christ. From earliest times it was a day of mourning. The church ceremonies on this day include reading of the Passion of Christ, reciting a string of prayers, unveiling and veneration of the Cross and communion service. The day’s celebrations are held in the afternoon. Since only one service is held on this day, to accommodate the bunched-up congregation, the celebrations are generally held outdoors. In cosmopolitan cities like Mumbai, non-Christians also attend the Holy Week ceremonies noted for their piety and somber dignity.
The Way of the Cross is enacted in the churches, depicting the events surrounding the crucification of Jesus Christ. The devotees carry statues of Jesus and Mother Mary.
Rosario Cathedral
Milagres Church, Mangaluru
The journey of Jesus with the cross is preceded by an action-packed eve when Jesus was cought as he emerged from a garden where he was praying. It had been arranged with Judas, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus, that he would kiss his master and, thus, identify him to the crowd that had come with swords and clubs. As pre-arranged, Judas approaches Jesus, greets him “Hail Master”, and kisses him. At this signal, the crowd catches Jesus and leads him to Caiphas, the Jewish High Priest. There they plot to accuse Jesus of claiming to be the king of Jews and, thus, pit him against the Roman Emperor, Caesar, who ruled Israel through his Governor, Pilate.
Despite many questions to Jesus, Pilate could not find any guilt in him and was keen on releasing him. He had Jesus scourged with the hope that the heavily bleeding man’s sight might cool off the accusers. When this did not work, he presented another option. On the impending Passover feast, it was customary to release a condemned prisoner. So, Pilate gave the choice of releasing Jesus and a notorious criminal called Barabbas. But, the crowd bayed for the blood of Jesus with the refrain, “Let him be crucified”. A frustrated Pilate, to forestall imminent riots, symbolically washed his hands and declared: “I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to it yourselves”. And all the people answered: “His blood be on us and on our children!” Pilate released Barabbas and delivered Jesus to the mob to be crucified.
Once condemned, the high priests and the mob led him away carrying the cross to a hillock called Golgotha. There Jesus was stripped of his clothes, crowned with thorns and crucified, with two other condemned criminals also crucified on his either sides. After an agony of three hours Jesus died on the cross.
Judas had betrayed Jesus for thirty silver coins. When he saw Jesus condemned to death, he repented and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the high priests and elders saying, “I have sinned in betraying innocent blood”. They said, “What is it to us? See to it yourself”. Throwing down the pieces of silver in the temple, Judas went and hanged himself.
Even unto the last, Jesus had a good thought for his oppressors: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do”.
Mangaluru Diocese
Udupi Diocese