Take Good Care of Your Parents or Else...


  • Lok Sabha passes law to ensure senior citizens are not left at their children’s mercy

New Delhi, Dec 7:  Parents are expected to take care of their children. Now children too had better take care of their parents or they can land up in jail.

The Lok Sabha on Wednesday night passed a landmark bill to convert the moral duty of children and grandchildren towards their parents into a legal duty. The bill envisages stringent measures against ill-treatment of parents and senior citizens.

More importantly, it allows people to take back property they had willed to their children or grandchildren who ill-treat them.

The law will come as a great relief in these times when increasingly there are reports of parents and senior citizens being treated shabbily by their children, grandchildren, stepchildren or adopted children.

The bill will now go to the Rajya Sabha on Thursday or Friday for its consideration.

The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Bill 2007 moved by social justice minister Meira Kumar was discussed over two hours and passed by the house.

The bill was introduced in March and referred to the standing committee for its recommendations. The government has introduced a provision for penalty – ranging from a fine of Rs5,000 to imprisonment for three months.

The Bill, earlier called The Senior Citizens (Protection, Maintenance and Welfare) Bill 2006 has been renamed to include parents after a lot of hue and cry from civil society and NGOs.

The definition of senior citizen means a person above 60 years of age. However, since many aggrieved parents were below 60 it was feared they may not get the benefit of the law. Hence, the bill covers parents under the age of 60 as well.


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  • Victoria Lobo, Goa / Kuwait

    Sun, Dec 09 2007

    Our parents deserve the best and our love and devotion when they grow old and should not be left in the care of Aged Homes where they long for the love of their own children and to care, cuddle and hug their grandchildren. Actually they take better care of their grandchildren than the nannies they leave their children.

    The government should go ahead with this Bill and Law for it will be good for the old parents since they suffer from their children’s harsh treatment after doing so much for them. It would really bring justice to the aged parents and they can live peacefully.

    My grand-mother told me a story about a son and mother. When the mother became old his wife told him to keep her in a small hut near the home as she broke her many plates and told him to a give a wooden plate which he did when his small son saw this he asked his father. Then after a few months the grand-mother died and the grandson collect the plate seeing his son the father asked him why he was taking the plate. The son retorted in this same plate I will give you to eat when you grow old and keep you in the same hut where you placed my grandmother. So see this is an example for us to see what takes place when you do wrong to our parents.

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  • agnel fernandes, kundapur/uaea

    Sun, Dec 09 2007

    I have read your remarks, indeed so true and is happening quite often. It is a lesson for everyone if we are one among those unfortunate ones. Let us remember that life is cycle and one day we can be in that situation.

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  • abba, abudhabi

    Sun, Dec 09 2007

    Love is replaced by law.now think what reason government forced do so.  I think one reason is mothers have no time to teach their childrens our culture.(makkalige maneye modala pathashale)

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  • Alfred J. Rebello, Kundapur/Dubai

    Sat, Dec 08 2007

    Once I read. There was a family who had a son, staying together with the mother of the husband. The mother due to old age was falling sick every now & then. The wife, though was taking care of her got fed up and told her husband to get rid of her as she did not want to take care of her anymore. The husband, though giving some excuses everytime and postponing but one day the arguement reached to the extreme and the wife offered the choice, either she or the mother. Husband had no alternative but to oblige his wife because she is the part of his family and not the mother and therefore he decided to leave the mother in a far place.

    He took a old broken chair and made mother to sit in that chair and left the house together with his son. When they reached to a place from where mother can not come back, they left her there with the chair and started to return. At that time son told the father to take that chiar back. Father told him the grand mother can sit in that chair and it is old and broken. Son replied, I need that chair to bring you here when you become old & sick.

    Therefore, my dear friends, we forget that we will be in the same shoes of our parents one day and perhaps it is too late to realise what we have done to our parents when they needed us the most. Though our parents are not the members of our family, we are the members of their family. If at all we are in this world it is because of them. Therefore, let us take care of our parents not because of the rule but because to return a little back to them for their sacrifices to make us a man or a woman.

    One can understand there could be some unavoidable situations but let us take care our parents maximum we can. Here I give a true story. There was a drunkard who never took care of his parents though he could but still staying with them. Once his friend asked him, why don't you take care of your parents. You shaould take care of your parents, because of them you are in this world, he replied, who says, I am here because they enjoyed their life. For such people I have nothing to say.

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  • Ashraf Sheikh, Belvai/Dammam

    Fri, Dec 07 2007

    Very good move and step taken by Government.

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  • Gladys Mudarth, Mangalore

    Fri, Dec 07 2007

    We brought our children into this world and it is our duty to give them the best of education and then everthing else falls in place. Do not part with your assets before you die. Make your children just nominees and you will have no problems.

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  • K. S. Mayya, Mangalore/South Korea

    Fri, Dec 07 2007

    What a shame that we need a law to practise the obvious. School textbooks are filled with parables to make the point clear already when kids are growing. While some might see this as government intervening into their personal lives, this is one such positive example wherein the government finally shows that "where there is a will there is a way". It remains to be seen how this law will bring relief to the needy.

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  • A.D'Cunha Shenoy, Mangaluru

    Fri, Dec 07 2007

    Over the years while the Indian society troading along with affluency, has miserably failed its purpose in life. I was thinking this only happens in the "Western World" where the seniors have been basically dumped in seniors homes. The moral fabric and our taditional values have been torn apart among us in India now. Money, name, fame and materiality has overtaken the weak minds of people. In this process, the very own are neglectd or made to live in senior citizen homes or are totally abandoned.

    The reason is quite self explanatory- selfishness, individualism and materiality. Wecome to the West. The Bill of course can be challenged since this bill has no appeal process. Challenged or not perhaps forcing the children to take care of the parents has to meet the test of the times. When "love" is replaced by "law" would this measure be effective? I would have my own doubts. Nonetheless, this is a step in right direction, at least, to be aware that someone is watching, albeit legally.

    Would the parents be succesful in taking the children to court where there is abuse? Again, we need to wait and see. Whatever the legal implications be, the fact of the matter is we must take care of our elders and that is a given, not in the eyes of law but in the eyes of humanity and our relationships. I am quite saddenned to see parents, lets not call them senior citizens, who are living either in ashrams being neglected or paid seniors homes when their children either in kuwait or USA making a livelyhood after leaving their livelyhood back home.

    Ancestoral homes and properties are being sold, parents are being taken out to paid shelters and children have taken a flight to make a living elsewhere. And the society calls this prosperity in the despair of our loved ones. I am qustioning what has happened to our wisdom being so called literate? a wisdom our illiterate parents had. Do we want law to love and take care of our elders?

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  • richard cutinho, mundkur/abu dhabi

    Fri, Dec 07 2007

    good very good. a bold step.

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