By Basil Serrao
Sep 12: For the fourth year in succession, Members of Kanara Konkani Catholics of Nairobi (KKCN), with support from Consolata Shrine, celebrated Monti Festh with fervor on Saturday September 10, 2016 at Consolata Shrine, Nairobi.
The Novena in preparation for the event held for nine consecutive Saturday’s with Candle lit Rosary, showering of flowers and reflection at the Grotto, where 2.8 Mts. Tall statue of our Lady of Consolata, manufactured in in Mangalore, donated by KKCN members is installed.
During Novena for nine Saturdays, various titles of Our Lady were reflected upon like Our Lady of Lujan, Guadalupe, Fatima, Mount Carmel, Our Lady of the way, Our Lady of Rosary etc. and were assisted in this by various religious community, including Apostolic Carmel Sisters.
First Saturday Novena was graced by Ambassador of Argentina, as on the same day they were celebrating 200 years of their independence and She appreciated &congratulated the community for the very special way in which we honor our Mother by showering of flowers etc.
Feast day Holy Mass was celebrated on Saturday, September 10,2016 at 3 PM at the Grotto, led by Fr. Anto Thekkuden CMI, assisted by Fr. Paul of Missionaries of Poor and Fr. Evans, Asst. Parish Priest, Consolata Shrine. More than 150 faithful, majority of Kenyan faithful participated in the Mass, signifying increase in popularity of the event, considering presence of only about 30 people in the year 2013. Maize corn was distributed to families after blessing them. A Kenyan faithful Dorina, surprised everyone by singing the Hymn “ Sokkodsangatha..” both in Konkani and its translated version in Kiswahili.
Our brothers and sisters from Mangalore, living in Nairobi of every faith were invited to join for a celebratory dinner at Consolata Shrine and over 160 people gathered for a celebration, first of its kind in Kenya.
Michael Sequeira, (Gurkaraam) Chairman of KKCN, in his message gave a brief on Monti Festh, the Harvest Festival linking to Birthday of Mary and meaning of Family Feast and brotherhood linked to culture and tradition irrespective of our different faith.
RameshKotian, on behalf of Mangalorean Cultural association in his address, while thanking KKCN, recalled all the festivities and celebration associated with what he called as “September 8 Feast” and how this feast is also associated with harvest festival celebrated by Mangalorean’s as one family. Everyone once again joined in singing Happy Birthday to our Mother and also in showering of the flowers in Church Hall.
Fr. Evans, Asst. Parish Priest thanked KKCN and Mangalorean members for celebrating the event at Consolata Shrine.
During the celebration KKCN also honored and expressed gratitude’s to members who supported The Diocese of Mangalore Africa Mission, in response to an invitation by His Lordship Aloysius Paul D’souza Bishop of Mangalore to participate in their Missionary efforts, when he was felicitated during his visit to Nairobi in 2013.
Ladies from KKCN together with Ashok Bhanday of Chowpaty Restaurant prepared more than seven traditional and delicious vegetarian dishes with VORN, treating everyone with sumptuous meal. WilsonD’souza, Secretray of KKCN compered the evening program.
Comment on this article
Dr.Cajetan Coelho, Goa, India
Thu, Sep 15 2016Happy feast to all.
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Lenson, Udupi/Africa
Mon, Sep 12 2016Great event organized by KKCN. First event for us and the best. Excellent Leadership and good work from committee members bringing Mangaloreans together! Keep going KKCN !!!!
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Alex Serrao, Hirebile/Mangalore
Mon, Sep 12 2016Dear Members of KKCN,
First of all, Congratulations! The coverage conveys not only the festive mood but also the spirit behind the event. Congratulations because you are able not only sustain the celebrations for the past few years, but also have managed to bring together people of every faith. Your efforts have been amply blessed.
May our Lord through the intercession of mother Mary, guard and sustain the good work He has begun in you.
Our Greetings on this great occasion to all the members and the families of KKCN.
With Warm Wishes
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