Ahmedabad, Sep 17 (PTI): A 25-year-old man, who was allegedly thrashed by cow vigilantes on September 13, died at a hospital here today, police said.
Mohammad Ayyub Mev was admitted to V S Hospital after he was thrashed by unidentified persons on S G Highway on the night of September 13 after his car met with an accident.
A calf which he was allegedly carrying in the car died in the mishap. Ayyub's brother Imran alleged that he was beaten up on the suspicion that he was transporting cows for slaughter.
"Ayyub's car met with an accident on SG Highway on the night of September 13. When some bystanders checked the car, they found a calf and a bullock. Due to the impact, the calf died while the bullock was rescued. To save himself from people's wrath, Ayyub started running," said inspector P B Rana of Anandnagar police station here.
"Since he tried to run away, some persons caught him and thrashed him. We had lodged a case of attempt to murder against the mob. Now as he has died of injuries we will file FIR for murder. No one is arrested yet," said Rana, adding the previous FIR did not name any specific person associated with cow protection groups.
However, Ayyub's brother Imran alleged that assailants were cow vigilantes."Those who killed my brother were indeed gau rakshaks. My brother was not carrying any cow. Out of some grudge, these gau rakshaks mercilessly thrashed him. We want the police to nab the real culprits," said Imran.
The BJP-ruled state was rocked by a huge controversy in July when some Dalit youths were flogged in public by cow vigilantes at Una.
Comment on this article
Vincent Rodrigues., Frazer Town,Bangalore
Sun, Sep 18 2016Please put the people who were responsible for the death in jail and punish them for the murder
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Michael Noronha, Mysore
Sat, Sep 17 2016Such cow vigilantes, moral policing etc., should be given life imprisonment. Why do people take law into their hands and get away during the NDA rule? It is a mockery of governance.
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Vantage Point, mangalore
Sat, Sep 17 2016Why trash poor people and kill them when your own govt in the center is happily enjoying million dollar beef industry dominated neither by Muslims nor dalits...Seems like if a beef business is done by a upper caste or a Jain these people don't find problem in it
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Allen, Mangaluru
Sat, Sep 17 2016Mentally Sick people! I hope they will die a dog's death very soon!
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SMR, Karkala
Sat, Sep 17 2016Jaswant Singh has rightly said PM Modi's is nothing but UPA-3 plus cow governance.
As long as 'pink revolution' only performing industry of $5 Billion annually there will be no mann ki baat.
Human sacrifice for cow sanctity.
Is it the minimum government,maximum governance'?
Why the entire 'Digital India' is silent for extra judicial murder?
Jai Hind
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Ks, Mangalore
Sat, Sep 17 2016Human being become animals
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krishna bhatt, MANGALORE
DisAgree [24] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse
Ks, Mangalore
Sat, Sep 17 2016Will you say the same if the died person is your dearest one? Insaan bano pahle. Don't be so cruel
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moshu, Mangalore
Sat, Sep 17 2016You ignored of Beef exporters list comes first in that context. They all your beloved.
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John, Udupi
Sat, Sep 17 2016Modiji, these gau rakshashas are bringing down India in the world's eyes!. They are not able to understand how humans are killed for the sake of a highly neglected commercial animal!!!
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For Justice, Abu_Dhabi / Ubar
Sat, Sep 17 2016Now we all should realize that FEKU THE GREAT was perfectly right when he promised so called achhe din!
He n his blind BHAKTS are really enjoying it killing the human beings in the name of cow as well as maintaining No.1 / 2 place in exporting beef in the world.
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A.Quadros, Kundapur
Sat, Sep 17 2016Happy Birthday to our dear P.M. Please also visit this young man's Mom and take her blessing too.
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nazeer Husain, Jeddah Saudi arabia
Sat, Sep 17 2016Treat animal as animal.But here it can be treated as god sometime or source of livelihood sometime where completely destroying valuable human life.We cant find anywhere in the world where human life is inferior than the animals but mind made of cowdung will not understand this seriousness
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Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore
Sat, Sep 17 2016No RamaRajya.
No RomeRajya.
In RSSBhajiya.
Only a CowRajya.
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Gangaram, Moodbidri
Sat, Sep 17 2016When is the election due in Gujju state?
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Sat, Sep 17 2016As per police itself there was bullock and calf in the car and due to accident the calf died and the illegal,stolen cow transportation have come into picture.
People with anger might have thrashed him who was responsible for robbery and accident which might have costed another life.No one speaks about this.People here appreciates Imran and his brother as if there are innocents.First better stop this illegal activities and then you blame vigilants.
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S.M. Nawaz Kukkikatte, Dubai
Sat, Sep 17 2016Why GOU rakshak not active in BJP ruled GOA? just because eating beef is permitted there?
Killing human so easy for them.
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Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai
Sat, Sep 17 2016Gujarat is a Model City ...
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Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai
Sat, Sep 17 2016oops. Model State ...
DisAgree [2] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse
Shaan, Mangalore
Sat, Sep 17 2016Better to ban cow slaughter in whole country, its good time.
DisAgree [21] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse
Zeitgeist, Mangalore
Sat, Sep 17 2016Shaan,
If cow slaughter is banned then dairy farms will also close. Then the prices for dairy products will rise.
People who demand for ban on cow slaughter have no real understanding of what it takes for upkeep of a cattle. So i dont want to hear nothing from them.
Also to all the ignorant people out there demanding cow slaughter ban must also be against the killing of cows when they contract infectious decease. Also demand central govt to build some state of the art medical center for the treatment of cows. If you dont demand these then you are hypocrite of the highest degree.
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Concerned1, bengaluru
Sat, Sep 17 2016Truth
They should have published the picture of the accident scene with the bullock (father) crying over it's dead calf so no one dare refute it was a case of cow (no cow here) transportation.
People can very well differentiate between a cow and a bullock same like man and woman...!!!
In any case, is it worth to kill a human being over an animal that is being transported? When they caught up with him, they could have handed him over to the Law for any action as per law.
A hindu person was killed recently and it was said he is with BJP. Immediately he was forsaken by everyone from BJP !!!
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The Guru, Mangalore
Sat, Sep 17 2016Carrying a Calf and bullock on a car and running away is a cause of suspicion..
Killing a person for the above reason is higly objectionable and it needs to be dealt by law
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Vikram, DXB
Sat, Sep 17 2016Yes.. Clearly Demons have rose from their sleep after May 2014.Everywhere demons in the form of intolerance, moral policing, blamegame etc etc (etc?). We never knew these b4 May 2014. Seems like the environment is favorable for these demons.
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Ks, Mangalore
Sat, Sep 17 2016No, it will beat Afghanistan in jungle raj. Let the people loot the country, our administration enjoys foreign trips. It's not ram rajya, it's ravan rajya.
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Shankar, Mangalore
Sat, Sep 17 2016BJP might start slowly losing the trust of traditional voters too.
High time to be alert.
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peter, Bangalore
Sat, Sep 17 2016Today someone celebrating Birthday in Gujarat.
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Shaan, Mangalore
Sat, Sep 17 2016Its not someones.. its our honorable & non corrupt P.M Modi's birthday
DisAgree [43] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse
PAM Suvarna, Karla
Sat, Sep 17 2016Mr Peter,
Your comment indicates how much frustrated you are, be worried for many more decades.
Incident of cow thief death is not acceptable,these go rakshaks would have handed over this cow thief to police instead of thrash
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Praveen , Kulshekar
Sat, Sep 17 2016Is someone coming from Islamabad to wish someone in Gujarat. If he is not someone then he could have controlled the gau rakshaks by now
DisAgree [2] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse
Vikram, DXB
Sat, Sep 17 2016That someone is made busy in Sindh & Balochisthan, gilgit and POK. We should be busy condemning the incident rather ranting personally against someone.
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