New Drug Cuts 40% Cholesterol in Two Weeks


  • It is useful for those who can’t take statins

London, Dec 23: Scientists have developed a pill than can cut cholesterol by 40 percent within two weeks, good news for thousands of patients who are unable take statins or the hypolipidemic drugs used to lower cholesterol levels.

Researchers at Swedish pharmaceutical firm Karo Bio, who carried out tests of the pill on humans and mice, said the drug could be an alternative to statins for people who suffer side effects such as muscle weakness and liver problems. The tablets are codenamed KB2115 and expected to be on market within three years.

Both the drugs lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes by reducing the build-up of cholesterol in the arteries. High cholesterol in the blood can increase the risk of several health disorders including heart attack.

John Baxter of the University of California carried out the research in conjunction with Swedish scientists on animals and humans. In tests on humans, one tablet a day for two weeks was enough to cut cholesterol levels by 40 percent, the scientists said.


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