Gandhinagar, Dec 8 (IANS): Slain Gujarat RTI activist Amit Jethwa's father Bhikhalal Jethwa on Thursday moved the Supreme Court for violation of its order which had said that the prime accused, BJP MP Dinu Bogha Solanki, can be released from jail with the condition that he be immediately moved out of Gujarat but he was still is in the state after more than 24 hours after being freed.
"The depositions of all the eight eye witnesses were completed on December 6. Surprisingly, on the evening of December 6 itself, in complete violation of the jail manual, Solanki was immediately released with utmost promptness and alacrity by the jail authorities," said the application by Jethwa's father.
It also said that Solanki, after his release from jail, went to Kodinar and since Thursday morning, has, in "complete violation and abhorrence of the direction of the SC has been arranging political meetings and gatherings at his office and residence in Kodinar in view of the upcoming legislative assembly elections".
Right To Information (RTI) activist Jethwa was murdered in 2010 right in front of Gujarat High Court. His father Bhikalal Jethwa had accused the Kodinar MP from Kodinar of being behind the murder and moved the Gujarat HC as there was no action on the murder from the local police authority. Following the Gujarat High Court's order, the investigations were handed over to the Crime Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
Thereafter, many witnesses to the murder case had turned hostile, following which the SC had ordered the CBI to re-investigate the case and arrest Solanki.
The apex court had, following Solanki's bail application, ordered that "once the depositions in the form of examination-in-chief and cross-examination of the eight eye-witnesses is over, Dinu Bogha Solanki whose bail has been cancelled shall be thereafter released from jail and he shall immediately move out of the state of Gujarat and shall not enter the said state till the completion of remaining evidence, except on the days of hearing when he would be appearing in the court".
The SC had directed partial retrial of the case, because most of the 105 prosecution witnesses turned hostile allegedly due to threats and inducements by Solanki.