Kashmir: Three Protestors Killed in Police Firing


Srinagar, Aug 12: Three protesters were killed and five injured in police firing at Bandipora in Kashmir on Tuesday morning, according to official sources.

Curfew had been imposed in Kashmir on Monday after senior Hurriyat Conference Sheikh Abdul Aziz and three other protestors were killed in police firing.

They were killed during a march to protest the 'economic blockade' of the valley over the Amarnath land row.

Concerned over the escalating violence in the state, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has convened an all-party meeting on Wednesday at 10 am. Further details are awaited.


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  • Nafeez, Padil/Abu dhabi

    Wed, Aug 13 2008

    Already 18 protestors(most of them farmers growing fruits) have died.When we say Kashmir is the part of india why we dont give same importance as we give importance when farmers are killed due to police firing in rest of india?

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