State Minister Firm on Action Against Catholic schools

State Minister Firm on Action Against Catholic schools
DHNS Bangalore
Bangalore, Aug 31: Vishveshwara Kageri Hegde, Minister for primary and secondary education, on Saturday said that the Deputy Directors Public Instruction (DDPI) have been directed to issue notices to all the catholic institution which were shut down in the State on Friday as a mark of silent protest against Orissa violence.

“The DDPIs and the Commissioner of Public Instruction will issue notices to the catholic schools for having disrupted the academic schedule. These schools had not taken prior permission to shut down and have violated the norms,” said Kageri.

But Sr Genevieve, Secretary, Regional Commission for Education justified the closure. “Every school principal is entitled to declare five discretionary holidays and hence the institutions have utilised this condition for a cause. The silent protest by the Catholic institution was across the nation and not just in the State. We declared a holiday for the cause and conducted prayers. We did not take to the streets or conduct a protest rally with students.”
“The schools will make up for the holiday by conducting classes on Saturdays. Some city schools have already conducted classes to compensate for Friday,” added Sr Genevieve.

Meanwhile, the State BJP president D V Sadananda Gowda has come in support of Education minister Vishweshwara Hegde Kageri, who had taken serious exception to Christian education institutions declaring holiday on Friday as a mark of protest against violence in Orissa.

Gowda, in a release issued on Saturday, has said that Christian education institutions have committed a crime by declaring holiday without obtaining the state government’s permission. Every individual has right to protest. But education institutions, which enjoy government’s aid cannot declare holiday with the governments’ approval. The minister’s stand on the issue is valid.

He said, a gang belonging to Christian Missionaries had killed Swamy Lakshmananda Saraswathi and his four assistants. Christian institutions of the state have staged protest in support of killer - Missionaries in Orissa. The move to protest over such event will have adverse impact on student community.

Sadanand Gowda also criticised Congress leader D K Shivakumar for his statement asking the Education Minister to seek apology of Christian institutes for his remarks on the protest.


The Congress on Saturday condemned Vishweshwara Hegde Kageri for his statement to take action against Christian education institutions for closing down their schools on Friday protesting violence in Orissa.
“The minister’s statement is not proper. It may lead to law and order problem in the State,” leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Assembly Mallikarjun Kharge told reporters.


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  • Hemanth, Mangalore/Dubai

    Wed, Sep 03 2008

    Dear Mr. Shenoy, I agree what you say. Children pray to God & only god. Thier soul is clean and only God can hear them whom I have not seen and you have not too. Can you do a thing if you dont mind, just close your eyes and pray, just pray and I think you will be just praying to god, who is unseen, whom we believe.

    Mr. Shenoy maam, Beleif is main & not a name. You beleive positively on what you want to and you will get it accordingly. Orissa and Godhra it is temporary and it will not go longer bcoz the new generation is not interested in dirty politics but they search for good friends, loving & caring atmosphere and a country where they wat to celebrate every day Diwali, Christmas & Eid. Can we help them.....

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  • Gerald, Mangalore/Dubai

    Wed, Sep 03 2008

    Mr.Bharat,for you this issue may be a silly thing what would you tell to this when Rajkumar was abducted by Veerappan so many days schools were closed,where were you then.I dont support closure of Schools,but at the same time if we close our eyes and keep quiet tommorrow the same people may take advantage and harrass the community.

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  • Marian D'Souza, Mangalore Falnir

    Wed, Sep 03 2008

    This state education minister belongs to an uneducated lot.Otherwise he or his state party president both would not have passed such irresponsible comments which are totally unbecoming of elected representatives and does not behove well for the responsible positions they occupy. Their words and deeds are clear acts of sowing the seeds of disunity and creating hatred among communities which are criminal offences punishable under law because both have grossly violated the oath they have taken while being sworn in as members of the legislature and parliament swearing allegiance to the constitution of India .

    It is said that when ignorance is bliss it is foolish to be wise. Such is the calibre of these so called peoples representatives.Absolute power has gone into their head and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Another former MP of the same party says that in future schools could be closed for incidents happening in Bangladesh or Srilanka.One cannot understand the hight of stupidity of these politicians while commenting .

    It appears as though he is trying to please his higher ups in the party with such uncanny utterances in order to get a lucrative post like chairman of a board or corporation after having failed to get a nomination to the upper house of parliament (Rajya Sabha)recently.

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  • Rajesh, Udupi

    Wed, Sep 03 2008

    Higher the monkey goes up on a tree the better of its rear seen. A minister need not be communal. Ministry does not belong to any party it is to serve the people being elected to power by the civilians of the state. As parties keep changing on the basis of their performance when in power, the minister of the party in power better behave and serve in a way that suites common and universal good.

    Pointing fingers and commenting on communal lines does not reflect any vision or education on part of the minister. And we are talking of a n EDUCATION minister ??? what is EDUCATION ??? People of India need to be much more educated when they elect the ministers... Oh it is not the people that assign ministry portfolio... It is the crooks who get elected TRY AND DEVIDE THE LOOT among themselves. LET ALONE SERVING IN THE MINISTRY that comes on his / her platter... Do we worship Saraswati, Wisdom, Knowledge??? And have monkeys from the Animal kingdom to rule us ? How about disqualification and assessing elected ministers from time to time??? Do they not live on poor mans sweat and drink his blood and care less for the real work ( ministry) ??

    The Ministers need to be better educated, non communal, mean their business ( serving the elected people) and not helping thepersonal and party kitty amassing maximum wealth the short time they are in power..

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  • Rolphy Almeida, Udupi/Bangalore

    Wed, Sep 03 2008

    Dear Vital, your comment in the second part is highly objectionable. Christians donate money for the poorest of the poor of our country please add this to your knowledge. Mind you, it was not a bund but just a protest against all the killings of innocent people in Orissa.

    For your knowledge we all Christians are going to spend a day of fasting and prayer for peace in the country on 7th of September. Christians did not burn any busses or inconvenienced any one on the road. There are many hospitals run by Christians in the country. None of those hospitals ware closed on that day, because Christians care for human life. Christians condemn killing of all forms.

    Dear Bharat, are you trying to justify that killing of poor Indian innocent is right? Or perhaps Mr. Gowda’s comments. You are right these children are future of India and must learn how to protest peacefully. There are hundreds of politicians to teach to protest violently. You are not seeing education part of it.

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  • Ronald Pereira, Mangalore/Dubai

    Wed, Sep 03 2008

    While Education minister and BJP president were busy in wrongly accusing christians the Chief Minister was in America with begging bowl asking them to invest in Karnataka.

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  • Mohan H Naik, Mangaluru

    Wed, Sep 03 2008

    Dear Prakash, Dubai/Bhatkal, I am not trying to explain you. But I am correcting you, as piece of information given by you is untrue and uncalled for. You said that, Mr. Kageri is a vegetable vendor, with out education. Now after reading, sahil on line, which I sent you, you must have realized that he is not a sabji merchant as gossiped by you, but a law graduate. That was my ONLY intention behind posting that to you. I am not here to discuss anything more than that, right now.

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  • Simon, Mangalore / Abu Dhabi

    Wed, Sep 03 2008

    Mr. Barath: Do you have these kinds of people over there in USA who garner vote by spilling venom, hiding their fake hypocrite- Faces for mere sake of vote. For your kind information general election is around the corner, issues are needed and how one expects a good fruit from a bad tree? So it’s so silly for you to comment.

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  • Westor, Kallianpur

    Wed, Sep 03 2008

    Atleast the protest was not enforced on everyone like when it was done when Uma Bharathi was arrested, or Akshardham temple was attacked. It was voluntary. Shops and other establishments as well as bus services were not affected. Thus no one was deprived from earning his daily bread. Learn from this. As for Kageri, he does'nt know what he is saying.

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  • Westor, Kallianpur

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    Atleast the protest was not enforced on everyone like when it was done when Uma Bharathi was arrested, or Akshardham temple was attacked. It was voluntary

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  • Marcel D, Cunha, Mangalore/ Muscat

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    Tell the education Minsiter that Govt. dont pay from their pocket for Govt Aiding schools. Whos money they are spending? Peoples money. We pay the tax not the minister. Let him know that tax payer has the right to ask what they are doing to poor people and what action they have taken against the BJP activists and the fundamentalists in Karanataka who always trouble minorites .

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  • S.Crasto, Thottam

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    I read most of the comments on this article. One point I want to highlight regardless of any cast or faith we should protest any kind of inhuman acts done to any human being. Not to protest just bcos people from our faith affected. If we join in the grief of our brothers and sister from any faith and protest against it I am sure no politicians can take advantage of these situations. And there will be peace in India.

     People in Orissa is suffering bcos there is no unity among them. If Hindu Muslim Christians get together they can make difference in this place. Respect each faith and love each person as human and standby them when they are in trouble this will change the whole situation in India.

    Some people want to follow the devide and rule policy of British inorder to rule India please do not give them a chance. Join hands to remove evil from the society.

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  • Yajna, Mangalore

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    Bharath, Appreciate your comments! I can undesrtand why some people here cant understand your logic.

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  • Prakash, Dubai / Bhatkal

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    Dear Mohan Naik, I do agree with sahilonline content. When a bad politician dies all rest of the politicians praise him and make him a good politician. Same in this Kageri case that’s what Sahil online has written. I know very well in Sirsi situation and know what Kageri is.

    No need to explain me through Sahil online. Even u read properly his achievement over his party(BJP / ABVP) is mentioned. What he has done for the people no one knows. I do not say that he has not done any work in his place. He has done , but maximum did for his own people in Sirsi. Better go to Sirsi and know about normal people feedback. You will understand very well.

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  • Nina, Mangalore

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    BJP, VHP can have bandh at their own convenience occasion without permission and that does not matter giving inconvenience to all people of the country. In spite of bandh they destroy public and private property and harm persons and that doesn't matter. Only when catholic institutions closes it gives great tension. What a bad thinking First see yourself and then point others.

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  • john, Ududpi

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    Mr. Bharath doe you belong to any of the political parties??? you should have been in politics!!!. you should have taken initiative to close Hindu institutions rather than commenting here when things went wrong.

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  • Alwyn D'Souza, Mumbai

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    Bharat, nobody need your advise on whom to vote. Christian people are educated enough to make a right decisions and they are succesful in all areas of life. Catholic educational board is strong in India and they know what they are doing.

    So your silly/cheap comments has no value. God Bless you.

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  • Frankmen, India

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    Dear Smitha, You judged them correctly those who kill their own brothers and sisters who are living in a greatest democratic country - India. Many call our country as MAHAAN INDIA. Hope these fanatics do not know the meaning of MAHAAN.

    Whole world knows about the dedication and charity institutes run by cahtolics without expecting reward or some fanatics call it as conversion. I think fanatics themselves need conversion and it is called to listen the VOICE OF GOD which dwelling in their heart. If a fanatic listens to this he never will kill or abuse or judge others. Minsiter Hegde and gowds's remarks do not suit to the society and they do know that they hail from a religious family.

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  • Prashanth, Mangalore

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    People there is no point crying. This is the lesson I think one should learn for having brought the BJP in power in Mangalore and Karnataka. I think the next time all christians and other minorities should make sure that they do not vote for the BJP.

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    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    Mr.Hemanth, I agree and appreciate for your comment.

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  • William D'Souza, Dubai.

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    Awake people of Sirsi, and give a befitting verdit in the next election. Now the true colour has flashed in front of you.

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  • Mohan H Naik, Mangaluru

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Mr. Prakash, Dubai, you have every right to express the truth. But,Untrue postings dis grace the whole forum. Please read article at, I hope you will catch me right.

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  • Shanthi, Mangalore

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Dear Eulalia, My opinion about your comment is that being violent for any issues is not accepted and not advisable. It gives a feeling that Catholics don't like violence and it's proved time and again. Keep up the peace loving quality and let the world watch Catholics maintaining peace and harmony. We have always observed a difference in students who have passed out from catholic institutions and other institutions. Keep up the good work of educating children with human values of life with accademical values.

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  • Eulalia D'Souza, Bijai / Mangalore

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Where was the Education Minsiter and other voices which have raised objections to closure of Catholic Institutions one day, when the entire country is paralysed for silly things that happen in OUR SOCIETY? Gujarath riots, Mangalore was closed, Amarnath yatra problem, country was closed for a day when crores of revenue was lost & thousands of schools n collges were closed??

    Where were thse voices when we Mangaloreans faced Curfew for the 01st time in Mangalore in decades and all Institutions were closed for nearly 08 - 10 days?? Why wern't you then bothered about children going to study?? May be I think if we Catholics got down to streets n threw stones at buses n buildings, burnt tyres on roads n held the entire city ransom n then the Institutions were closed for a couple of days, Educationa Minsiter would have kept queit coz that's normal..

    We Christians are peace loving and protested queitly by closing institutions one day and that's been made as such a big issue.. Why are few sections of Politics and few elements of society after us as minority? Why are they trying to instigate Chritsian Community? Dont we know why children come to school? Dont we have the responsiblity of educating children to be better citizens n human being?? I must reiterate that by closing Catholic Institutions we have just tried to convey to the society n the students that we DO NOT BELIEVE IN VIOLENCE AND DISTRUCTION. WE CHRISTIANS BELIEVE IN PEACE N HARMONY. WE DO PROTEST AGAINST CRIME TO OUR BRETHEREN BUT WE DO NOT TAKE A LIFE IN RETURN COZ INNOCENT LIVES OF OUR BRETHEREN HAVE JUST GONE.. WE VALUE ANOTHER HUMAN BEING. WE VALUE LOVE AND PEACE..

    Therefore I request Education Minister to reconsider his decision and NOT TO TAKE ACTION AGAINST CHRISTIAN INSTITUTIONS. I SINCERELY HOPE YOU ARE READING THIS MESSAGE SIR..!!!!!!!

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  • Hemanth, Mangalore/Dubai

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Attn: Mr. Gowda/ Mr. Hegde, Just want to ask you that are you familiar with what has happend?? are you familiar with what has happened in past may be anything in regards with relegions or any Political issues. You people can call bundhs at any time you want. I think you forgot that you are public servants and if you are a public servant do you ask the same public who elected you that whether they will to participate in Bundhs or not.

    Do you people sleep when the reporters show LIVE on TV the miscreants spoiling your country. Can you give me one good reason saying that what wrong have catholics done to this country??? Do you forget that 85% of Indian Citizens would like to send their children to Catholic Schools, becoz they know that their childrens are safe there without your dirty politics and its cent percent sure that they come out learning good manners and a good and superior state of life, which is good for a developing country.

    Thanks for Sr.Genevieve for showing the Education Minister what the rule says & I think which he has not read earlier. In conclusion I would like to say that Catholics have never raised their voice nor did any mis-deeds that will hurt this country's progress. Instead we support strongly in development of this country. Unnecessarily please do not blame saying catholic gangs have killed any swamy etc.etc.

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  • Lesly, Mangalore/Qatar

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Mahathma Gandhi and many other leaders sacrificed their life to bring us freedom with a message of love and peace to help each other and not to hate and kill each other. O state and central govt under authority, please open your eyes and stop attacks on each other and the individuals. Innocent people who are killed will be enjoying heaven. Life on earth is short but think about your immortal soul.

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  • smita shetty, mumbai

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    I would not like to comment on these fanatics who kill one another in the name of religion.Though i am a hindu and a bunt,i am against the thinking of the BJP.About two years back on the eve of New Years, a group of boys molested some NRI's and instead of being arrested those boys were said to be shivsainiks and went scottfree.These people have no value for religion or life.They do all the dirty things and show the world that they are very religious.Even if God comes to earth,they will be condemned for their behaviour.They behave like animals,no rational thinking.

    To gain alittle mileage,they do all thes things.Who are the people who loose their lives in all this.It is the poor and unemloyed youth.The ministers themselves need a hundrd bodyguards,bullet-proof cars etc.y can't the ministers themselves come out of their AC chambers and do some good work for the people.And then they talk about the temples,mosques,religion etc.there are many other problems in India which they can solve if they want to.But they are not capable of doing so hence they fight with regard to religion.Throw Mr.V. Hegde out of that post. he is not fit for the post.

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  • C. Ferrer, mangalore

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Oh my gosh. Now we are being told it is OK for political parties to call for a Bandh and then threaten the public transport people not to ply by virtue of which children/teachers cannot reach schools,colleges,etc which means the institutions are deserted or closed. (Amarnath Bandh)is an example BUT WOE BE A NON POLITICAL BODY for calling a solidarity closure as a peaceful form of protest.

    Mr DSY everyone knows that you mean good for the State but can you get your underlings to follow your path and not that of the radical fringes around you. Do not lose the goodwill you have/had or it will be back to square one for the BJP.

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  • Sequeira R, Mangalore/AUH

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Dear Friends, Pen is mighter than a sword. I call upon all fellow mangaloreans to start a signature campaigne request the cheif Minister to remove the education minister for his irresponsible behaiver or take an unconditional apology. The campign should open to all indians irrespective of cast and creed who belive in human dignity

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  • Fredrick Correa, Nairobi, Kenya

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Dear Ravindra, In case a teacher in school dies, we have to tell the teacher to inform the school in advance, so that prior permission can be obtained to close the school!

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  • Lester Frank, Goa

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Dear Mr. Padmanabha Shenoy, I Passed out from don boscos where all religions are treated with respect, and we all have a choice to send our children to school of our choice , as for your friends why dont they admit thir wards to a B.J.P insitute, you all take quality education from these so called christian schools and still complain about it.

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  • Fredrick Correa, Nairobi, Kenya

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Dear Clement, Which government should have been asked for the permission to close the schools? The state government run by BJP? You expected them to give the permission? Sr Genevieve, Secretary, Regional Commission for Education has answered your query in the news mentioned earlier.

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  • Merwin Dsouza, Neermarga -London

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Sounds like education minister is idle in his office without having a proper direction about his role and now his secretary must have woke him up from sleep calling "Saaru ". That's not his problem because it’s the first time they are in power and not sure what is their roles and responsibilities. It’s also shame on Education minister and Sadananda Gowda who do not understand the meaning of democracy.

     Being people of this country, we have every right to protest whenever injustice is done to our community. It’s obvious that fundamentalist and extremist cannot tolerate the challenges posed by the Christians for making a silent protest. It’s not worth to name which political party fueled the Jammu and Kashmir violent for land revoke issue and now they are silent after realizing their blander.

    Just relax and think how many strikes and protest your party has carried out in the state and country and how much losses have been incurred to our county’s economy. I hope you will realise your mistake sooner than later and regret for your action which you asked DDPI to initiate against Christian education institute. Even DDPI must be having laughing at you for unjustified action.

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  • Fredrick Correa, Nairobi, Kenya

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Dear Jannet Prescilla, Well worded comments.Tomorrow Sadananda Gowda may say that all the Naxalites are Christians/Christian missionaries to prove his point!

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  • Ronnie, India/Canada

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Mr.Padmanabha Shenoy. You should ask your friend to send his children to a non Catholic school to avoid any inconvinience

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  • Fredrick Correa, Nairobi, Kenya

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Dear Pramod, Please do not call any school anti national. Attend one of the school functions of any of these so called anti national school on Independence day and see for yourself whether these schools are promoting national unity and pride or anti national policies. You can even attend a children's day or a parents' day to see what is happening in these schools.

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  • William Sequeira, Suratkal/Dubai

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Regarding Mr. Shetty's comment. I personally believe that all institutions, educational or otherwise, should have the right to protest against injustice and atrocities. Catholic colleges should not be targeted because they are run by Christians.I do not think that they are misguiding students and they have also said that they will compensate for the classes missed.

    The college has specifically mentioned that students have nothing to do with the protest. I don't see why Mr. Shetty has a problem with peaceful demonstrations. India is a democracy and minorities have ever right to protest and get their point across with resorting to violence or terrorism.

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  • JT Maxim, Beendur/UAE

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Pramod, why dont you send your brethren to the govt schools that you all are so used to?

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  • Roshan Pais, Mangalore

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    I want to share my analysis as to why BJP has come to power. Other parties were useless and people ( irrespective of religions) want who can do progress and not waste time at the office. Congress mismanaged the election and wakes up and behaves it is a saviour of minorities! This is bad. We should be wanting to vote Congress because it is good and not just because its supportive of minorities.

    Alas when Congress is going to learn? All it needs to do is purge the party and have a very clear map for progress of Coastal and other regions of Karnataka. BJP now seems to think that it is invincible and appears to be deviating from progressive issues and goes into petty communal issues. I dont know how ministers and politicians find time to all the dagalbaji if they have a mandate ( peoples mandate) before them.

    Asking favors from ministers is bad . Its his or her duty to do help and serve the public and not personal interests. This is true patriotism - serving public and nationalism.

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  • bharath shetty , Kateel -USA

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    My god. Some are branding me as fanatic for posting honest opinion. It is good to keep off those worthless comments, anyways enjoy maadi. I am excited to see all these passionate comments.Lots of nice people who really want to see India as better nation.If we sincerely try we can make it.

    Based on the incident, let me point out two things which are important for India. "corruption and communal" (1)Let us face the facts: Most Christians never vote outside congress and many Hindus wont vote outside BJP. That type of approach can never be good for India. Most people bash BJP, Congress..etc. But you only voted those people to power and made this nation sanctuary of corruption.

    Even though I can not vote right now because I am away, I made sure my parents and siblings vote for right person of their conscience. Choice is simple. "Vote for the best person in the ballot paper. Even he could be Independent." I am sure most of us here commented either would have voted BJP or Congress.

    Otherwise we can not see Congress ruling 45 years of India and BJP 6 years. So even though we had the chance, we never thought outside. So we are directly responsible for these corruption and state of the affairs. So please don’t bash unless you made right decision. What you sow is what you reap. (2)Now let me explain why I oppose the closing of schools. There are lots of difference between forced closure and volunteer closure. When u voluntarily close means yo are supporting for the cause.

    Now some people started saying it is for killing of all section of people [not just christians]. But the fact of the matter is, none of these schools voluntarily closed [unless instructed by Govt officials] when so many riots, killings happened. That raises the doubt. Tomorrow some other communities also take this example and start closing their schools. Is it not dangerous growth for India? Does it not create rift among student community?

    Technically nothing is lost by closing just one day when we have so many holidays. Please think the larger impact. My earlier comment was not posted somehow. So I am writing again. God bless India!

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  • calvin, mangalore

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Mr. Vishveshwara Kageri Hegde........ Kya Aap Paanchvi Pass Se Tez Hain !!!!!!

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  • donald saldanha, bangalore

    Mon, Sep 01 2008


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  • K.A. D'Silva, Dubai

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Dear Padmanabha Shenoy Dammam/Saudi Arabia, what you will say the recent students murders in Ashram Bappu's School in Gujarat and then the voilence between Bapus disciples and parents ? Why you think that Chennai Christian School is still famous (you said) even after your friends childern are forced to kneel down ? it is common practise that whenever parents (including christians) dont get the admission to christian school for any favours school then they start to blame the christian school!!

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  • Fr Roque D'Souza, Mangalore (Seminary)/ Fort Dodge, Iowa

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Hon. minister's move is going to be a new development. Certainly there is support of BJP for him. They want to use the whip of law to silence the Christians. It is going to a new test groud. In the past, there were such holidays to mark a protest. But BJP does not tolerate such actions, when they or their outfits get exposed. They will not introspect and see, why such law-abding minority people protest! Well a lesson for us Christians: We cannot afford to express solidarity with innocent victims [when they are made to suffer] without paying the cost. I hope, our leaders will awake.

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  • Prakash leema, Bhatkal / Dubai

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Dear Prasanna Kumar, You said “You same guys who abuse him, will join your both hands if you need any governmental help from him!!!!!!” Dear brother even same minister beg and do whatever bad possible way to become a minister.

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  • Adrian, Kinnigoli/Dubai

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    How can these dumb people call themselves politicians while all they are doing here is misleading people which will eventually lead to communal disharmony throughout the country!

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  • Bennet , Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Mr. Anu Shenoy, You wrote "For issues in Orissa, school children in Karnataka should not deprive one day quality school." Have you forgotten that for issues in Gujarat the whole nation has / and is suffering - not just school children - stop being biased and look at the issue in the larger perspective.

    No one bothers when strikes and bunds are called for even for the most stupid reason (Politically motivated obviously) and a silent protest has ruffled feathers !!! Rest assured "These catholic Schools" will certainly make up for the time lost. How petty can one be and that too in the name of religion ??

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  • Wilfy, kinnigoly/ UAE

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Dear Mr. Clement D'souza I am not going to tell you more than a sentence " Even Jesus was betrayed from his own people"

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  • Ranjith, Dubai

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Only solution is dissolve the government in Karnataka. In the next election, pleople should think first before going to vote. At any cost never cast your valuable vote to BJP. Thanks

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  • raj, india

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Dear Anu I agree with you that there should not be school holiday, but what you did for all these nonsense things happening in india, you did nothing just comented to this..

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  • Padmanabha Shenoy, Udupi /Dammam Saudi Arabia

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Protesting anything against crime is accepted from my point of view. I recently visited Chennai. My friends children are studying in one of famous christian school there and they are annoyed by the way the children made to kneel down and pray to jesus christ. I feel people should respect other religion and then there wont be any issues like orissa....or Godhra

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  • Rudolf, Mang/Mum

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Dear Pramod, Off late the atrocities on Catholics all over India are dangerously on the rise, thanks to radical fanatic groups which have sprung up with the tacit support of the Govt. and other fundamentalist organisations to further their vested interests. There is a limit for tolerance!! Now water has flown from over the head. Can't you see the carnage is still on after so much of media coverage and there is nobody to protect the interests of the poor Dalits and downtrodden?

    There was no recourse open to the affected minority community than to respond with a peaceful protest to the goings on in Orissa by way of closing schools for one day. What is the mistake if someone goes and helps these helpless people with some succor by providing them with basic education & health facilities? It is because there is no help whatsover from people belonging to their own community or from the Govt that these less fortunate are take advantage of the social services offered by these Catholic organizations.

    Otherwise, why would they enrol themselves and avail the facilities provided by them? And about forced conversions....are you joking?? I opine it is a falacy to even think in the wildest dream that one would be able to get one converted to another religion forcibly in a country like India!!! Dont tell us that these deprived people have no brains to understand the difference of what is good and what is bad for their well being?? Nobody is forcing people from other religions to gain admission to Catholic run schools.

    On the contrary, there is a mad rush by every parent to admit their children to Catholic institutions because of the inherrent qualities which the students imbibe when they graduate from school and which helps them to be God and law-abiding, responsible citizens of India. Noone is forcing parents from other communities to enrol their wards to Catholic institutions....hahaha??

    Let it be as you say that all should boycott Catholic won't create any difference. Pramod you too seem to be having a fanatic bent of mind on the lines of these fundamentalist groups!! Think deeper and see around and the truth will shine in front of you.

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  • Valerian Aranha, Kinnigoli, Dubai

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Mr Bharat Shetty, no one has misunderstood your comments. Everyone has rightly commented to your comments. No one has asked students to take part in street protests. Simply the institutions were closed for a day. So where is the question of dragging religion in studies. Carefully read each and every comment for this article and you yourself will find the answers. India is democratic country. There is law enforcers -people should not take law into their own hands.

    If everyone starts punishing on their own (specially the innocent people) like this, what is the difference between terrorists/ crimonals and these people? Revenge will not lead to peace in the world.

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  • sachin, kinnigoli

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Mr. Bharath shetty....some times this so called future of india works hard to bring American economy No.1 in the world

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  • Joel, Bondel/Dubai

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Mr. Bharat, we don't need your lousy explanations for every comment against your statement and that of Kageri's. You both share same idelogies. Bash Christians for no apparent reason. You have a very fanatical and criminal mindset. People like you are the one's who prefer Christian schools and when done, torch them.

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  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Mr Annu Shenoy, Our schools are not quality schools. Please do not send your kids to them. We believe in certain principles of humanity. Even as we debate today the killings are going on. Our brethren in Orissa who are only serving humanity are butchered. We are now mourning and protesting their martydom.

    All of you are protesting against the closure of schools for one day, instead of supporting the protest which is in the interest of saving humanity in general and our country in particular from fundamentalists and fascists. Mr Raghavendra you are worried and upset about your kids missing the world sports day. Has anyone of you have had the decency to condemn the killings and destruction. Has anyone of you offered condolences for the victims who have been butchered by the VHP and Bajrang Dal goons.

    Where is your humanity and your decency?. Do you want our country to be divided on religious lines like the former Yugoslavia. Will you only encourage the killers to continue with the killings?. Children our the future of the country and they have to learn now the difference between right and wrong, Good and evil.

    This protest is a novel way to teach them now to stand up for values and indulge in peaceful and non violent protest, and not go around with weapons and kill innocent and unarmed people who are not in a position to defend themselves.

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    I think BJP has started showing their real colour. This times majority may not last long my dear DV Sadanand Gowda. Many people, who were more powerful than you have eaten mud in the past. Future will be yours !!!

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  • Ronald, Udupi / Sharjah

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    I fully agree with Dr. Edward Nazareth. I want to add little more:- Karnataka is unfortunate to have a politician of the calibre of Sadananda Gowda who is creating hatred among communities. Honestly Karnataka and Specially Mangalore will be more peaceful without his services. He is misleading the general public saying Christians support killers.

    His men are rocking the peace of Mangalore for the past few years. In the last one month more than twice schools were closed by Bhajrangis/ VHPs. Where was Kangeri? Why we are so unfortunate in Karnataka to have the ministers of this standartd.

    We need better educated people with rational thinking for our state in the assembly. People like Bharath Shetty enjoys equality in USA, expects something diffent for his hometown.

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  • Prasanna Kumar, Mumbai

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Hello friends, I am happy to see comments from all corner and all communities. This is the true spirit. You have freedom of speech, but pls do not abuse any person. Minister is elected rep, and we have no right to abuse him in public. You same guys who abuse him, will join your both hands if you need any governmental help from him!!!!!!

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  • Ragavendra Muthroda, Bangalore / Mani

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    One day strike was called in all catholic schools in India. Aug 20 being a World Sports Day, all children celebrated world sports day at home by playing games!... I do not think little kids who missed the school are aware, what for holiday is given! This is our India..Mera bharath Mahan!!

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  • Anu Shenoy, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Dear Mr Bharath Shetty, you are right in your thoughts. Your comments are within the limiation of freedom of speech. I endorse your comments. For issues in Orissa, school children in Karnataka should not deprive one day quality school.

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  • Antonio, Dubai

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Mr. Hegde, Minister has to attend classes, as he failed to attend his school so many times. If not why he could not score 100% marks in all subject. there are other jobs to concentrate, like educating the masses. If you stick, with small things, what shall be the future of our nation?

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  • Austin Noronha, Mangalore / Qatar

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    VHK we will throw your "Show Cause Notice" in the dust bin and that is where you too belong. What action can you take then? Close all the schools indefinietely? Looking at your irate face in this article I think you would have gone on a killing spree with your  Comrades if you were an ordinary citizen and not a Minister. This guy needs a lesson or two in humanity and civilisation.

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  • Prem Kumar, Dubai

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Vishveshwara Kageri Hegde,you better complete your studies!! Then become Education Minister!!!

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  • Leema, UAE

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Bharath Shetty! Think out of the box. None of the students will be penalized for one day's peaceful bundh. Instead, these kids will understand and learn: how their institution members have been torturned, how the minority religions are suffering in India and they will learn these in practical.

    You are in US and you know well in US they have tolerance for all the religions and in UAE hindus worship and celebrate their religion. Then why India is different. Why the attacks on Christians and Muslims.

    I guess you are educated and should know that none of the religious group have the right to take the law in their hands. If these religious attacks continues on minority groups - none will live happily. Every dog has a day - today or tomorrow.

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  • T Dalmeida, Mangalore/ Qatar

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    In recent time how many bundhs and protests have taken place in Mangalore,disrrupting the peace in the family, society,community and in the city, in the state and in the Nation as a whole,further more disroying the private and public properties.Here the protest was called for a worthy cause,sreet potest was not taken, but spent time in praying because it is the GREATEST POWER on earth.

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  • Roshan, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Mr.Vishveshwara Kageri Hegde does not know the basic rules and regulations regarding the education system. He is inviting more problems and instigating the public to organise more and more such protests by bringing in unacceptable laws. He is digging his own hole and inviting more troubles. God save these uneducated ministers and the inexperienced government.

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  • Jennet Prescilla, Mangalore / Muscat

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Wow Mr. Kegeri how prejudiced can you get. Just because the Christian Institutions staged a peaceful silent bundh to condole demise of the general public in the carnage in Orissa, your ire is stirred and Mr. Sadanand Gowda the so called BJP head is also aiding and abetting him in stating that the Christian Institutions should be penalised for this act of theirs.

    How you can say that the killing of your religious head was the crime committed by Christians? Where you there. When the Naxalite group has owned up their hand in the crime why pass on the buck on Christians as a whole this is purely a case of "Kothi Mosaranna thindu Mekhe Baige Orasithu" All the Chor Gurus and Chandal Shishyas are coming forward to defend the crime and the vandalism in Orissa.

    What are you people afraid of? This shows only your insecurity as you feel there is a threat to yourselves. India was a peaceful, secular country all these years, now that  with rise of fundamentalists whohave grown like mushrooms anybody other than Hindu is persecuted.

    Unfortunately, they have not spared their own brothers in Orissa when the carnage took place just because they were economically backward / dalits? Why are you people acting God. The Almighty is there atleast fear him. Bloodshed begets bloodshed only and no one has given you the right to judge others. Before you do that, please look into your conscience and judge for yourself whether you are as clean as snow?

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  • Noel Coutinho, Belloor, Saudi Arabia

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Dear Mr. Gowda we are responding against Orisa issue and not reacting. When we respond, we evaluate with a calm mind and do whatever is most appropriate. We are in control of our actions. When we react, we are still doing what the other person wants us to do.

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  • Chandrashekar, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Communalising educational isntitutions is very bad trend. It has to be kept outside these religious protests. Educational institutes are SECULAR. They are not meant for these divisions

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  • rahul , Goa

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    This is in response to Pramod Boloor and in general. Do you really think the educational institutions should close for terrorist activity? This does not mean they are anti- national or anti- hindu. The question here is target of entire minority community for act of individuals!! To hint that being Indians minorities are not in support of Amarnath issue is out right wrong. We are Indians first. Having said that , lets strive to uplift of poor bretheren either near our places( boloor) or in orissa.

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  • Prakash, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    I think the closure of the christian school for 1 day for peacefull condolence was not wrong.its nothing to do with students belong to any religion.When the christian institues dont have any problem to educate&give facility for the students comming from any cast or religion why would any one have a problem with the peace full a day holiday? saying it houses students from all religion,common now all students know whats right and whats wrong we are no kids anymore

    I studied in a christian school,to my knowladge the topper of my class was my Hindu friend.Trust me once we all finshed the course,these very same hindu and other religion students come front to help,build and shield the institution getting tarnished by the antisocial elements (if one needs just ask a student graduated from these schools).ITS JUST BECAUSE THE DISCIPLINE,EQUALITY,SIMPLICITY AND QUALITY OF EDUCATION IN THESE CHRISTIAN INSTITUTIONS.

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  • Louis Fernandes, Belthangady

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Bundhs, protests and thereafter blame game ............................These are all negative side effects of democracy and this don’t help anybody except the vested interests. We have to find some sort of middle path because the abuses of democracy currently outweigh its benefits in India. China is the flavor of the world today despite no democracy there and economy rules there you can see.

    There will be NO OVERALL progress in India unless we ourselves considers as Indians first. A govt could make it mandatory to spare all educational institutions from religious protests. Allow them to understand that they are Indians first. This is the first step towards 1000 miles of safe journey.

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  • Fr.Chetan, Capuchin, Mangalore/Rome

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Since the last five years, I have been trying to convince my friends here in Europe that India is a peaceful country, Hinduism is one of the most peaceful religions in the world, India has never attacked or proclaimed war against any other nation since a Millennium...etc,etc. Now after watching the religious violence telecasted on National Television, my friends question me: "Is it ok to kill one's own brothers and sisters in India?" I have no answer.

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  • Sequeira R, Bendur/Abu Dhabi

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Dear Minister, I was in Managalore last month and there were about three bundhs within a span of ten days. One of them was called by BJP( your own party ruling in state). In all these occasions schools were forced to close, because there was no transoprt, buses etc. why it did not enligten you that you are harming the education by calling bundh.

    If at all you are so much concerened about children education you should have made suitable arrangement to keep the schools open including transport. One of reader commented that it was unfair to keep the school closed, when 80% of the student/staff is non christains. I thank hin for admiting that 80% of who benfit from christan institutes are non christaians

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  • Vijay Hegde, Udupi

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Vishveshwara Kageri Hegde, Minister for primary and secondary education.. can some one ask this person where are his family people educated....?

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    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    I do agree that Christians are very peace loving and working for the causes of poor people BUT OTHER SIDE THEY ARE GIVING SLOW DOSE, they have proved by closing the schools which they should'nt do that as they are making huge money from children/students of majority people.

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    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    In India, even God is helpless, says SC

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  • jerome william, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Honourable Minister - would you set a good example to leaders of our community who are running educational institutions, by the kind of behaviour you display in the assembly (as our rightfully elected representatives), parliament etc. LOOK into your behaviour when the entire nation/world including the very students that you are concerned about are watching you. I would appreciate IF YOU COULD LEAD BY EXAMPLE.

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  • Pramod, BLr

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    What most people don't understand is by involving Schools/Colleges as a medium of protest the christans are starting a dangerous trend because invariably you are infusing communal tone to your protest. Why does not schools close when terrorists strike and kill houndreds of people? Is it because the majority of those killed belongs to hindu community? It is time educated hindus get togetheir and see to that they don't send their wards to these anti national schools and colleges.

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  • Prakash leema, Dubai / Bhatkal

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Dear Barath , Hope yo are in USA, there a lots f Christians following lord Krishna saying here Krishna like in India. Have you seen any protest for the Hindu conversation in USA? According to gov India had 2.4 % Christians and now reduced to 2.23. If at all Christian’s leaders are converting Hindus into Christians then how come that .2 % decrement in Christian population? Why BJP does not understand such fact. Still why can’t you understand that Christians like non violence? Whole nations Christians did protest against Orissa. Have you heard any violence during the protest? If at all with Bjp led sangas does same then defiantly 50 dead bodies you could see on the roads. That’s main difference between Christians and others.

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  • Yajna, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Prakash, I would like to know which educational institutes supported BajarangdAL/VHP bandh? Atleast in Mangalore it did not happened willfully.

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  • Vishal D'Souza, bangalore

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    This strike has opened the eyes of all other religious leaders to make their own schools, it will lead to this for sure. Everyone has the right to do protest, but the procedure should have been followed when govt. is paying for the service. Education should not communalised. But sad thing is VHP & Bajrang Dal should have spared schools...!

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  • Prakash, DUba / Bhatkal

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Dear Bharah, When BJP / VHP / Bajarengdal used to protest for silly reason that time Schools can close and you never thought about different faith in school. Now why you are crying that there are several faith in such school. For hindus one rule and minorities anther rue.

    Let me remind you one thing that our great India is a great secular nation. Let BJP understand that first. Media is not banned anywhere in India. Why that’s happening in Gujarat? That’s just because BJP state?

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  • Clement D'Souza, bangalore

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Should have taken permission from state govt. when making strike. We can't take it soo easily when state govt. is paying for the teachers, also most of the students are hindus & also most of the teachers are hindus too. Permission should have been taken from the state govt.

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    When All sorts of Bharath bundh, Udipi Bundh, Mangalore Bundh, were the schools running ??? Why cant educational institutions founded by catholics show their dissatisfaction against the killing of Catholics in Orissaa ??

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    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    To be frank with you all , Mr.Kageri and DVS bothe are not have anyother work than spolining the peace in Karnataka. They wanted to make anthore Gujrath, as they prommised before elections with teh leadreshiph Yudeerappa. Now they are started to do that by making problems to minoriteis like Christians and muslims.

    MR.Bharth shetty, in your point of view is it ok to close all the school when there is a Bhandh for protest aginst Ammarnath issue??? is it all the schools asked the permmision with this moron minister ? where was he at that time to ask the same justifections from all the school????

    Now MR. Ravindra. you are telling let principle give the explanation why they closed the school. Tell me one thing Mr.Ravindra, the Orissa administration itself has already stated that Swammi was killed by the MAOISE .

    So how Mr.Sadananda is telling that Sawmi was killed by the christians???.Does he was the EYE witness to this issue to prove that sawmi was killd infront of DVS. Now tell me Mr. Ravindra why not you asking the explanation from DVS ?

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  • Prakash, Dubai / Bhatkal

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Dear All, I know this education Minister and his history. He was a vegetable merchant in Sirsi(north Canara) and do know anything about education. BJP is such a party that anyone can become any minister because of money. He has no knowledge about education at all. First of all he is not a highly educated person. Earlier BJP used to targeting Islam and now they are targeting Christians for the Vote bank that’s what Modi did in Gujarat. Shame on BJP people.

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  • Renukha , Mumbai

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Dear Christian Brothers & Sisters Just handover the case into Jesus and let us wait on him. People who died for his name will have everlasting life. Let us recall "what happened to the place where those 3 missioneries were burnt alive few years ago". Our God never sleeps and well aware of all the situation. Let us pray for the victims.

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  • John A pinto, magalore

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Dear Bharath shetty, I read your comments on the closure of schools as a protest against the christian institutions targeted by the vhp and bhajarangdal and bjp. I know for sure the parents send thier children for good education and good and moral values. The same institutions are targetted and what will happen to such instituitions now when they are badly accused of by the responsible persons of the people elect, making such misleading statements? What values can we impart without teaching the children Justice and truth? If at all the christians institutions are closed as potest, then have taught the children to pray and forgive such miscreants not by taking revenge but by love and concern. You may not understand the motive behind this protest for this type of protest is fist time and unique in the modern society. Have you ever seen a nation wide protest without any trouble? My congrats to the chritians for their peaceful protest and an example to all other religious people. The accusation of not seeking permission is a lame excuse.

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    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Being a friend to many hindus ( educated) nowadays what i blv is that brainwashing by BJP has really paid off. I can see the arrogant and over religious side of Hindus today. Whatever they do they give a religious angle to it. You kill a Hindu anywhere in india and if that involves a Christian deffinately it is given a religious angle.(while it happens vise versa its just a news..not even chritians are bothered about it).n the first to be attacked are convents churches..educational instituions. I read in a article recently where it said "when it is hard to make understand the educated hindu brothers about the Orissa situation..what will be state those uneducted hindu brothers who are committing these atrocities". ARE THE ENTIRE CHRISTIAN POPULATION IS RESPOSIBLE FOR KILLING OF SWAMIJI?"

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  • Ivan Walder, Dubai

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Mr.Bharat christian School administaration never asked students to protest or go on a strike vandalising houses and shops. If you have read daijiworld in past days you can remeber Mangalorean priests serving in Orissa are beaten and they are in critical condition. Its totaly right on the their part to close down the scools and colleges to protest in a most peacefull way when their fellow preists and nuns are getting killed . I feel Education Minister and Mr.Sadanad Gowda should ask apologies for thier sense less remarks .

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  • bharath shetty , Kateel -USA

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    So many people seing wrong side of my comments. India seing so many killings for various reasons. None of educational institutions do strike for the same. How come suddenly they realised ? Is it not just on religion based??? I am not against protest. India is democratic nation and everyone has the right. If you like to protest nobody stops you. But why do u want to pull students community in these thungs? EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE SACRED PLACE. NOT FOR RILIGIOUS GIMMICKS

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  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Mr. Shetty, did the VHP and Bajrang dal goons spare christian educational institutions in Orissa and take into account students of various faiths studying there?. Why did you not protest then?.

    Sr. Genevive please do not provide any explanation. It is not required. We will protest and that is our fundamental right. Let this minister and his communal government do what it can. We did not indulge in street protests like they often do for flimsy reasons. Once again please note that the VHP and Bajrang Dal do not represent the hindus but only the marginal fundamentalist elements.

     Its time for the entire nation Hindus, muslims, sikhs and christians to join hands and fight against the VHP, Bajrang dal, LET, SIMI and all such parasites that infect our country. This disease is more dangerous than AIDS.

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  • Leema, UAE

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    big joke buddy! You guys need christians schools and organizations for you kids and family but in return....

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  • bharath shetty , Kateel -USA

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Response to Valerian Aranha :- Dont mix up religion with education. In Orissa, swamiji with 4 people were killed in front of many students in ashram. Now according to ur logic, all Hindu institutions should close schools condemning the same. Is it not weired thoughts??? Dont you think the stupid act of closure of institutions create rift between students of different faiths?

    We have enough corrupt politicians to divide people and taking ranson of future of India. PLEASE SPARE STUDENTS..THEY ARE FUTURE OF INDIA

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  • joseph, bahrain

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    what is the silly thing mr bharat shetty?killing swamiji? or killing innocent people after swamiji's death?we are protesting both.

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    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Mr Kageri is making an issue of what could have been solved without making it as a religious issue.But schools involving in any protests should not be encouraged. Dear friends stop fighting over religion.There are so many better things in life to do.

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  • S.M. Nawaz Kukkikatte, udupi

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Mr. Minsiter, Christian group peaceful protest only their institute. they are not forces anyother religion institute, last time VHP & BJP called national Bundh on Amarnath Issue that time they disturb all the public properties, and 2 killed in communal violence at UP state. indian Justice Equal for all religion but our politics finding what?

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  • JT Gonsalves, India

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Mr.Shetty's comments seem totally immature and unwarranted for. Such is the state of affair in Karnataka under BJP rule...

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  • Ravindra, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Dear Cedric, As the Secretary of Regional Commission for Education stated, every school principal is entitled to declare five discretionary holidays, but the institution should take prior permission. In this case, it was not taken. That's why the showcause notive has been issued. Let the Pricipal give the explanation. So,if you are not aware of the law,please don't comment.

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  • royston, valencia,kuwait

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    what else can u expect from these people .. sad to see such development.. this govt is coming out in its true colour... god save karnataka

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  • Santosh, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Mr. Minister - How come you / your Government keep quiet when Bunds / strikes -for trival reason disrupt the Educational Institutions all over the country - besides you seem to be unaware of the rules - PLEASE QUIT. Mr. Bharath Shetty - your comments smack of prejudice - FYI Catholic Schools are Primarily meant for the Education of the Catholic Youth - but being Catholics there is no discrimination and the majority of students happen to be from other Religions. The schools were closed in silent protest and the youth should be aware of what is happening in the name of Religion - being in the US your views sound very backward.

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  • Valerian Aranha, Kinnigoli/Dubai

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    I totally disagree with the comments by Mr Shetty. The closure was declared because of the attack on religious institutions as well as educational institutions in Orissa. So everyone has the right to show their solidarity and support in condemning the evil. These institutions have also condemned the killing of the Swamiji. They have never supported the killers of Swamiji. The statement of Mr Sadananda Gowda that Christian institutions have closed in support of the killers is out of context and objectionable. This is a clear example of majority enforcing their own rule on minority. Democracy is raped under the feet of these hooligans. It is disgusting to see that Police are supporting the hooligans when nuns are raped in front of their eyes. The guilty should be punished by the law. We are seeing the innocent people are being punished for no fault of theirs.

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  • Joe Fernandes, Udipi

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Vishveshwara Kageri Hegde does not seem to be doing anything to look into the root cause of the issue. How many notices has he sent to educational institutions for closure on other accounts ??? None. With such leaders, the nation is bound to be doomed.

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  • Hussain , mangalore / dubai

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Yes i agree with Mr.Bharath's comment

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  • anthony, Goa/Dubai

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    One should have common sense that India contains people of many faiths,it is very bad development to see that politicians involving religion to gain political mileage.It will create a far greater division among the country,please spare the minorities from all these silly things.We are the future of India.Lets not give in to communal political parties,statements from the BJP is proof enough that these parties are not secular and only get mileage from these kind of activities to further weaken the fabric of the so called democracy we live in.

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  • Jerome Coelho, Nanthur, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Remember all, that we Christians protest peacefully unlike the VHP, Bajrang Dal, Rama Sene and all other militant outfits of Hinduism. By our action of peacefully closing our institutes as a token of our protest, we have taught our students that as a first recourse we should try to solve matters peacefully. What you teach your children is that violence is the best way to achive your goals. And mind you that 80% of the Hindu population think on our lines because they are educated in our institutions and only the rest bring a bad name to your community. Now that the Education Minister is trying to get politically militant and also the state BJP President jumping in, it shows that the BJP is gunning for Christians blood at every fora and want to turn Karnataka State too into another Gujarat Nightmare. WE ARE AWAITING YOU ACTIONS.

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  • Dr Edward Nazareth, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    It is ridiculous of Mr Sadananda Gowda to state that christians killed Swami Saraswthi when the Government of Orissa, his own party partners have clarified that it was Maoist who killed the swami? Was Sadananda Gowda present in Orissa when murder took place? If at all Christians have killed Swami, does Gowda justifies killing the innocent people as a revenge? Many criminals arrested and convicted in India are Hindus. Will Gowda justify killing some innocent Hindus as revenge? (there are criminals belonging to different religions-criminals have no religion). It is the irresponsible statement from a politician for the ulterior gains.

    He wants to disrupt the pece and harmony of the state. Now coming to the issue of closing down the education institutions as a mark of protest against the astrocities on christians in Orissa. Please tell me when the schools can be closed down as a part of protest-National Bundh regarding Amarnath issue, against the assault on bus crew in Uchila recently, against the cow slaughter last year... cant christians protest against the astrocities against them? Are we in a democracy or under the governance of crasy politicians? Sensible people should come together and express their views?

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  • Theo D'Silva, Kadri/toronto/Canada

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Hay Education Minister you are supporter of those criminals who killed the minority. Pls remember you are in a state with powerful minorities.

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  • M.M.ALVARES, Bondel / Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 31 2008


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  • shelton r, dubai

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    Its funny that the killing of innocent people who also happen to be christians(namely priests and nuns) does not cause rifts in society but the shutting down of schools in silent protest seems to be problematic to the well being of the students.Atleast the students learn to bring out their issues to the notice of the authorities without taking to the streets and burning things and people to the ground.Mr Shetty you should think before you go around judging the schools for their actions.I would rather shut a school for a day than burn a person to death.

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  • Ajay, India

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    These are not religious protests. When the govt fails to provide security to all its citizens its absolutely a citizens right to protest. Religious protests are the ones that the BJP does, when they organize a bandh every week for some trivial reason or the other. First persecution and then you are not even allowed to protest it, I am reminded of emergency rather than democracy.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    The Orissa administration has clearly stated that the swamy was killed by maoists. Why Sadananda Gowda is misleading the public and saying that the missionary was killed by Christian? He justifies the atrocities against Christians!

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  • Cedric, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    The secretary of Regional commission for Education has justified the cause of the closure of schools for a cause, It seems that Minister of primaary and secondry education is not aware. He as a minister has no right to continue as a minister and he has to render an apology and should be kicked out from the ministry.

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  • bharath shetty , Kateel -USA

    Sun, Aug 31 2008

    One should have common sense that educational institutions contain stduents of all faiths. It is very bad development to see these insititutes involving in religious protests. It will create division among students. Please spare students from all these silly things. They are future of India

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