Bangalore: 'I Can't Close My Eyes and Ears to Injustice' - Sangliana

Bangalore: 'I Can't Close My Eyes and Ears to Injustice' - Sangliana

Daijiworld Media Network - Bangalore (SP)

Bangalore, Sep 23: Sharply reacting to the chief minister's announcement that his movements will be watched, MP H T Sangliana announced that such gimmicks can in no way force him to close his eyes and ears to injustice.

Speaking after inaugurating the symposium on 'Why Conversions?' organized at Ambedkar Bhavan here on Monday September 22, by KCR India, Karnataka Dalit Sangharsh Samiti and DIET Institute, he stressed that he is an Indian and had become an MP after getting votes from people belonging to all walks of life. "Hence, I cannot throb to problems of a single community," he declared. "The state government is not secular. I have been in the state for the last 40 years and have never been associated with a single community. Do not emulate the Sangh Parivar in taking law into your hands. Forcible conversions are unwarranted. Conversions should happen deep within the hearts," he felt.

During the national anthem that was sung after he finished speech, several people from the crowd, mostly consisting of members from the Christian and Muslim communities, did not stand up and pay respect. In the symposium that ensued, Dalit leader V T Rajshekhar delivered an inflammatory speech, saying that more such conversions, against which the chief minister Yeddyurappa is expressing anguish, should occur.

Jamaat-E-Islami president Dr Tah Matin in his address said that politics is being played in the name of conversions. "We have been given rights by the Constitution and they have to be protected. A political commotion is taking place in the name of conversions," he concluded.

Interactions over law and order situation in the state, violation of human rights and rights derived from the Constitution, were held during the course of the symposium.


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  • Rajesh Achary, Bangalore

    Sat, Oct 11 2008

    Mr Sangliana was IG or something of Bangalore Jail when I was in college and a small group of christian students had organised off all things.... a Christmas outreach program for the convicts there. As some of them were my good friends I secured myself an entry into the team just to get a rare glimpse of inside prison walls.

    As I joined them at the 11th hour I had no part to play in the what was planned except for giving a hand at carrying props or stuff around. Before we got access to get inside the prison precincts we went around to get Mr Sangliana's permission.

    I cannot forget the man for he stood up to greet a bunch of college kids, shook our hands and told us that he was very glad that we regarded prisoners to be human beings too. He gave us instructions on what the Do's and Dont's were and then as parting words said... "I do not know what you plan to do in there, but I will pray that you leave smiles and hope behind."

    As we entered the dingy prison precincts with fear-inducing security machinery, I realised why smiling and hope can be so difficult. And then the program began and 'Real convicts' started flooding into the central lawns and smiling became all the more impossible. But strangely my christian friends seemed unaffected by the visibly intimidating buildup.

    They got their guitars out... distributed song sheets to the inmates... and with that started off with peepy songs of fun, hope, love and forgiveness. There was nothing religious about it. It was not hymns or chants. It was pure "home" entertainment of filmy and folk songs. Then there was an enactment themed on "How every Saint had a past and how every Sinner has a future". I was also a spectator... and just as the others... a visibly moved one at the end of it.

    That day I understood a Christian and the Christian message. There was not a single mention of a Bible at all... there was no reference to them being Christians or a religious twist whatsoever. There was no chance that any of them knew any of the inmates in person or would know them after this, but... at the end of the 2 and half hour program, many of the rapt audience was seen smiling or in tears, some moved, some now hopeful again, some feeling a sense of remorse they never felt perhaps,... and so on... but they all knew that this bunch of kids had come there for them... to give them a sense of acknowledgement, a sense of 'being', a sense of love, care and 'fellowship'.

    I can never forget 'the man' who hugged me along with the others with 'tears gushing down a smiling face' for having come to entertain them. Why do the christians need to do these things is a question I have asked all my life? What makes a Missionaries of Charity volunteer pick up a disgusting dying leper off the street to afford him a more dignified death? a measely 2% of the population of our country is so visible in our country through their acts of service... visible in the numerous schools, ho

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  • Prakash, mangalore

    Wed, Oct 01 2008

    It is note worthy to observe that Jews, Parsis etc are the communities which has roots outside india. However, they have truly jelled with the Indian Society/Culture and have never ever had to prove their patriotism towards india and its culture.

    The Christians and Muslims are very much Indians and integral to the Indian Society and culture, since they are mostly Indian converts. However, it is sad to note that, whenever there is communal flare up, they tend to treat themselves as outsiders and re-nounce their indianness and show disrespect the country. Indianness then is assumed to be of Hindus.

    No Indian or any Hindu has questioned or need to ask for the integrity of any other Indian. If anyone needs to help their fellow indian, they cannot put a cost to it(conversion etc). Hindus mostly worships gods of all religions, and many have accepted them in their pantheon of gods, which makes him tolerant to all religions. Christianity/Islam cannot say this in their case.

    The conversion of people from tolerant Hindus/Indians to other religion and preaching them to follow only that religion creates raises the communal passions. There is no need to convert a person to any other religion, as prayers of all religion is towards that one god. There can be only additions to the prayers.

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  • Tony Barretto, Goa

    Mon, Sep 29 2008

    We need to educate our brother Ashith Hegde who is making derogaotry statement against the Christian Community. We Christians equally love our home India as other communities do and we do need to prove this to anybody.

    Off late, tunning the National Anthem at any function is become a joke than truly paying respect to it. Lets spread the word of love among different community, than merely stand up to honor the National Anthem. Spreading hatredness will only spoil the progress of our great country India. STOP torturing the peaceful and loving Christian Community.

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  • Anil, Bangalore

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    Patricia: Whatever be your grouse, one cannot disrespect the National Anthem. You mention that you studied in Catholic institutions, and surely they must have instilled in you the pride to sing the National Anthem. I too attended a Catholic school and used to sing the National Anthem daily at assembly and my chest would swell with pride in singing the anthem. Do not mix the issue at hand with National Anthem.

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  • M.Bhat, Mumbai

    Fri, Sep 26 2008

    patricia, Uae You seems to think that national anthem is any other rock or pop song which need not be respected. Every true indian who loves his\her motherland and patrioitic should respect the NATIONAL ANTHEM Whole-heartedly. Our national anthem has been adjudged as the best in the wrold which speaks of unity in diversity. Patriotism and love for mother land should be above religion. By your stupid comments you are playing into the hands of religious fanatics. Learn to respect you motherland first, havenot you learnt this in your school?

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  • norbert fernandes, Bangalore

    Thu, Sep 25 2008

    I fail to understand why one should not respect our national athem or the flag,we must not show disrespect. Firstly everyone of us be it a Hindu , Muslim or Christian must think that we are Indians first then our religion, If we dont keep this in mind we will continue to fight,(read the mouse trap story below) we cannot be one nor united, do you know as per UNESCO Indian National Athem is one of the Best Athem in the World one should feel proud.

    My sincere request to all brethren let us all be united and fight these evil forces who wants to disturb peace and harmony. Please read the small mouse trap story below This is excellent...

    A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package. What food might this contain?' The mouse wondered - he was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap. Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse proclaimed the warning: There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!' The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, 'Mr.Mouse, I can tell this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me. The mouse turned to the pig and told him, 'There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!' The pig sympathized, but said, I am so very sorry, Mr.Mouse, but there is nothing I can do about it but pray. Be assured you are in my prayers. mouse turned to the cow and said 'There is a mousetrap in the ho use! There is a mousetrap in the house!' The cow said, 'Wow, Mr. Mouse. I'm sorry for you, but it's no skin off my nose. So, the mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected, to face the farmer's mousetrap alone.

    That very night a sound was heard throughout the house like the sound of a mousetrap catching its prey. The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught.. The snake bit the farmer's wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital and she returned home with a fever.

    Everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the soup's main ingredient. But his wife's sickness continued, so friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock. To feed them, the farmer butchered the pig.. The farmer's wife did not get well she died.

    So many people came for her funeral, the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide enough meat for all of them. The mouse looked upon it all from his crack in the wall with great sadness. So, the next time you hear someone is facing a problem and think it doesn't concern you, remember when one of us is threatened, we are all at risk. We are all involved in this journey called life. We must keep an eye out for one another and make an extra effort to encourage one another.

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  • patricia, Uae

    Thu, Sep 25 2008

    You tell me, Why should I as a staunch catholic stand and pay respect to the national anthem when my people are tortured, abused , hated by a group of people who call themselves Indian's ....wat does tht make us den???? . Our priests and nuns started institutions, orphanages, in manglore where so called 'indians' studied and now they have forgotten all this???

    I have studied in a catholic school and college and I feel I have had the best education one could ask for. Do not give us stupid excuses and tell us that we are being attacked because we force conversion....we do not. If it is happening with the new life sect...then that is their headache not ours...we catholics are in no way affiliated to them...We will give the national anthem the respect it deserves...but first consider us as Indians...

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  • Vikram, Kerala

    Thu, Sep 25 2008

    Not standing during the National Anthem is to be condemned.

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  • Shanth, Hassan

    Thu, Sep 25 2008

    Guys V T Rajshekharn is an editor of He hates India and Hinduism. Please read this website you will come to know his true colours.

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  • Anil, Bangalore

    Thu, Sep 25 2008

    I am surprised at Ashith Hegde's vitriolic comments. Thought being in the USA, he would be having sobering thoughts. What is he doing in a Christian country...USA? Also, he has lost touch with the Karnataka scenario and they just bark on newspaper reports, they have no idea of the situation on the ground. Mr. Hegde........would like to ask you....what if tomorrow USA asks you to pack your bags and get back to India.....U will move heaven and earth to stay back in that Christian country to enjoy the fruits. Am I right? Keep your hand on your heart and answer.

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    Thu, Sep 25 2008

    Dear Mr. Hegde, Why are you behind Sonia Gandhi? Why do you think like this. Do you find any Christian & Muslim Ministers other than few in the cabinet. Most of the Minister are Hindus. As you presume, even if Sonia ruled this country as Virtual PM, the Hindu Ministers & other could have raised objections,if she was favouring only minorities.why did not they do that? She did not wish on her own to lead Congress, the partymen wished so.

    Even your BJP is not based on any Ideology. They won elections, after performing a good drama. I agree that they gave a good governance. They why did not India with 70 % of Hindu population gave them majority to rule for another 5 years. Even you so called saviours of India LK Advani & team are politicising these minor things and are taking advantages from these events. If LK Advani is truely concerned towards solving peoples problem, he could have condemed the attacks. He did not say a word and any one from BJP do so.

    They say Conversion is happening. I too agree, but it is not happening forcibly as you presume. It takes time for one to understand what are teachings of Jesus and if anyone beleive in only can follow Christinity. Many of my Hindu friends have shown interest in Christianity and know more than what i know. They had read Bible more than me. So the events happening is only political gimmick by all the parties.

    All are one and the same. Have you ever visited We Christian are peace loving people. Prayer is only our strong weapon. We prayer for all so that there is peace & happiness everywhere. Sangliana has said whatever he felt and being a politician he looks responsible. As he is elected representative , his duty is to flight injustice which he did when he was in police & doing now in politics.

    You people who have travelled out of your motherland & working elsewhere, first come back here & help India to grow . Automatically this caste, religion will go and India will become a super power. PRAY FOR EVERY & THE PROBLEMS WILL BE SOLVED

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  • Prakash P., Mangalore

    Thu, Sep 25 2008

    Dear Ashith, We want people like you to cleanse the Indian society from Sonia led pseudo-secular parties. Why are you living in a Christian country, USA?

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  • naveen marakal, uchila

    Thu, Sep 25 2008

    Ashith Hegde you are 100% right

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  • Desmond,

    Thu, Sep 25 2008

    We are adding fuel to fire by not respecting National anthem.Most of us are taught to respect our motherland by doing so, since childhood.Sad that Mr.sangliana could not direct the crowd. Mr.Hegde you have no right to even talk of cleansing, as by writing in such an inflammatory way you have shown that you dont love your country.

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  • Fredrick Correa, Nairobi, Kenyaf

    Thu, Sep 25 2008

    Dear Clevy, Kuwait, I agree and support your views. Every Indian should respect the National anthem, no matter what are the differences in other matters. UNESCO has declared that the Indian National anthem is the best in the WHOLE WORLD! Should we not be proud of it? There is no religion when it comes to our National anthem.

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  • Dr L:eslie,

    Wed, Sep 24 2008

    Little surprised with this Hegde’s comments, wonder why this man's dirty thinking is not cleansed despite being in the US.

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  • ALWYN , Mangalore(canada

    Tue, Sep 23 2008

    Good Job Mr.Sangalia. Keep the spirit up and help people in troubles.

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  • Jayaprakash, Mangalore / Muscat

    Tue, Sep 23 2008

    Why he has to go Mizoram? He has given his service to Karnataka. Now he is fighting for Christian rights. What is the wrong in that

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  • Ramachari, Muscat

    Tue, Sep 23 2008

    Sangliana is a failed politician, and he needs some ammunition to get into Sonia's good books, and Mangalore attacks were tailor-made for him. Pack him off to Mizoram, where he belongs!

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  • george borromeo, mangalore

    Tue, Sep 23 2008

    Mr. H.T.Sangliana is really brave. He has stood for the principles he is living for. What happened to Mr. George Fernandes? doesn't he has any concerns for his christian bretheren?

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  • Lavina, Udupi/KSA

    Tue, Sep 23 2008

    Really Mr.Sangliana knows the true meaning of conversion. Thank you Mr.Sangliana for your wonderful statement.

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  • Satish Kote , Kallianpur/ Udupi

    Tue, Sep 23 2008

    Sangli...first u resign then u talk... currently u r enjoying life in the name of BJP... U R A TRUE politian!!!

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  • Clevy, Kuwait

    Tue, Sep 23 2008

    I sincerely regret that people did not stand when the national anthem was played. Let us remember that we have nothing against our country and our national anthem. Our fight is only against these communal elements.

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  • Robert A. Pereira, Goa

    Tue, Sep 23 2008

    I salute Mr. H.T.Sangliani,a man with a conscience.He has the guts to speak out against his own party and point out that which is wrong.Need more such people.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves , Bannur Puttur/Mangalore

    Tue, Sep 23 2008

    Well done Sir,(MP H T Sangliana) You are the voice of the communities like Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs,Buddhists etc etc) I appreciate your stand for injustice. show justice to everyone. God bless you.

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    Tue, Sep 23 2008


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  • vincent sweety , mangalore

    Tue, Sep 23 2008

    Sir Sangliana you are the best in the world .Thanks Daijiworld

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  • Ashith Hegde, Udupi/USA

    Tue, Sep 23 2008

    Ever since Sonia Gandhi has become the Virtual PM of India, it has become a sin to be born as a Hindu in India. The child can avail all the facilities in the name of 'Minotities, best eduction due to reservation and then better jobs. Also better career growth. India cannot improve unless the psuedo-secularists like congress, SP , JS-S etc are cleansed out of society.

    BJP atleast is based on a ideology but these parties are only based on Minority appeasement to get votes. We know that Minorities always stand polarized when voting, So its time that Hindus also become polarized and vote in coming elections. Else India will see another invasion and that is from Sonia led Pseudo-secular parties backed from Western interest. The Majorites and Minorites cannot be united unless these psedo-secular forces and NGOs are defeated. Remember, we are all Indians and thats the truth. Also, Whats wrong in throwing out those people not respecting national anthem? If they dont like being Indian, then we dont mind cleaning them out.

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