Mangalore: Media Biased Against Muslims—Zaid Patel

Mangalore: Media Biased Against Muslims - Zaid Patel

Pics: Prajwal Ukkuda
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (MM/CN)

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Mangalore, Oct 28: Whenever a bomb blast takes place in the country, the media labels it an act by Islamic Jihadis. This creates hatred in the society. A total of 25 bomb attacks have taken place in the country since 1993 and only four people have been convicted in connection to these so far. A majority are blaming the entire Muslim community for these attacks, said Zaid Patel, president, IIC Mumbai.

Speaking on ‘Terrorism and Jihad’, organized by the South Karnataka Salafi Movement at Town Hall on Monday October 27, he said that the majority community had also started terrorism in the country. In two places in the country, bombs exploded while being made. A Hindu activist has been arrested in connection to the Malegaon bomb explosion, but nobody calls it ‘Hindu' terrorism’, he said.

It is said that all Muslims are not terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims. If it is true, what about the Naxals who kill hundreds of people everyday or the Malegaon bomb blast suspects, queried Patel. Quoting from the Holy Quran he said the killing an innocent is one of the major crimes. If someone commits a crime, that person should be held responsible. No other person can be held responsible for another’s life, he opined.

It is true that injustice has been committed against Muslims in India, but terrorism is not an answer for injustice because, Islam means ‘peace’, he added. Jihad is allowed only to fight oppression, within a certain limit. Even women and children should not be killed on the battlefield. Terrorists, who fight in the name of ‘jihad’, do not fit into Islam. How can it then be called ‘Islamic Jihad,’ Patel queried.

Former MP H T Sangliana, Alvas Education Foundation chairman Dr Mohan Alva and others also spoke on the occasion.

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  • Valerian, Latvia

    Thu, Oct 30 2008

    A cat is a terror for a rat.. a dog a terror for a cat.. likewise.. RSS ,, DK police, VHP , BD , Hindu Yuva Sena , Rama sena are all terror groups for the people of mangalore and india. This is how i would explain terror.

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    Thu, Oct 30 2008

    My comments are that the terrorist have no religion. They do not follow any preachings of any religion. Blaming the entire Muslim community is totally wrong. The root cause for the problem is pulling down the Babri Masjid and by the fundamentalist.

    Those responsible for these acts are only to be blamed. Congress and BJP want Hindu votes. They do not depend on Minority votes. It is only a lip sympathy when muslims and christians are harassed, attacked, murdered. No concrete action is taken. Take orissa, Karnataka, Maharashtra , MP Rajasthan, where maximum no. of communal riots and communal disturbances have taken place.

    It is for the educated Hindus from the majority community to protect the minorities and maintain the secular character of our beloved country. Politicians and police can not do this as they are selfish and self-centred with their hidden political agenda. Thanks to daijiworld for covering all the news from all corners of the country belonging to all communities, viz the majority and the minority.

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  • Mahesh Keith, Mangalore

    Sat, Apr 09 2022

    Hindus have been overly protecting minorities which lead to growth of horns on their head.

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  • Imran Huasain, Kaikamba

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Good effort from south canara Salafi movement.

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  • paul d`souza, balakunje

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    those who distruct others , they distruct them self. every body has to pay for their own doing. may be early or little bit late. no matter hindu`s damaged peaceful christians & always we know that, hindu people used to interfere even with muslims & now mr:zaid has done a good work. let now all foundamentalists put their head down for what they have done & realize their mistake. i wish all will live peacefully.

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  • usman abbas, shirva, Udupi

    Tue, Oct 28 2008

    Appreciated like this kind of Program for the Organiztion of South kanara salafi Association. we need to conduct like this Programm and we have to fight for the Trut and innocent people who suffers from Terririsom.

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  • krishna, Puttur

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Mr Zaid Patel must note that if many more cases from hindu fundamentalists , they will aso be called as Hindu terrorist. But this is the first and stray case. and as for case of only 3 are convicted, in our so called 'secular' country , where 'secular' forces like UPA will go to any extent to please minorities. Best example is pending ution of parliment attack , afzalu guru .

    This is not done just because he is minority. By the way why dont muslims disown the people who engage in terror activities , if it is against Islam. Let there be a stong movement from Indian muslims that they disown all be muslim who are into terror activities. Same will be done by hindus too if more bombings come from hindu fundamentalists.

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  • Nihad, Gangulli

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    The same message given by Dr. Zakir Naik in his books, CD’s and most of his seminars and our police taken custody poor guys for having his CD’s.

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  • Wolly James, Mangalore/Germany

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Dear Mr. Zaid Patel. It is true that the Muslims are blamed every time we have a bomb blast. Can the world be blamed for having this opinion. Where were you when all this violent attacks happened. Specially to innocents. All Muslim organisations should have stood-up and shown their opposition. These criminals would have not gone that far. It is now 25 years and now you are openly opposing.

    We all know that 95% of the Muslim population are loving free people. But keeping quite for so long has only worsened the situation. Wolly James

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  • aftab sardar, sirsi

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    It is realy a great program organised by south kanara salafi movement with the right subject. thank u daijiworld.

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  • Jacob/Niddodi, Niddodi

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Advani is the main cause for the destruction of Babri Mosque! Is he terrorist? or is Muslim?

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  • RAMA, mulki/bahrain

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Perhaps the former Chief Minister was alluding to the discovery of a bomb making factory in Nanded (Maharashtra) at the house of old RSS activist which saw deaths of two Bajrang Dal / RSS workers ( April 2006). Five other members of the terrorist group were also arrested by the police. The most disturbing part of the whole episode revealed how a well-thought out plan to start a communal riot was on the anvil.

    Apart from maps of mosques in the area police had discovered fake beards or dresses normally worn by Muslims in the area. Further interrogation of the other accused in the case had also made it clear that the same group was also responsible for a few other incidents - namely Parbhani, Jalna, Purna - in Maharashtra where Muslims had come under mysterious attack at the time of friday prayers.

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  • K.M. Siddique, shirur - dubai

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Thanks alot Daijiworld, a good coverage. My comment is to Mr. CK Arun - dont blame the Central government. Either it congress or Bjp...You, the majorities are happy because all the political parties are supporting you only...coz, they know the are in majority and only the majority counts for a political party for the power. Dont worry, you keep on hating minorities.

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  • Siddarth, mangalore

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Its not the question of majority and minority here . its the question of spoiling our religious beliefs by a handful of people who do not belong to any religion

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  • Padmanabha Shenoy, Udupi /Dammam Saudi Arabia

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Dear Mr. Zaid Patel, thanks for educating people on Jihad and Terrorism. Majority of the terrorist activities are committed by the muslims and recently few Hindus are caught for the similar activities. Definetly people will call Hindu Terrorism if they will be caught in more terrorist activities in future. May Almighty lord give each and every individual devine knowledge so that he will never do any kind of destructive activities.

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  • S.I. Hassan, UDUPI

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    First of all there is need to define " terrorism" honestly. Now a days political interest has also dominated in the "terrorism" as all other field. Terrorist doesn't have religion and exploding the bomb is not only the mean of terrorism. Communalism, castism etc are also creating terror in peaceful society.

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  • Dolphy Veigas, Bendoor/Kudla/K.S.A

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Instead of finger pointing each other Muslim or Hindu terriorist. The main terrorist are politicians they are playing game in the name of religion. Prajna Sadvi caught red handed act of terrorism, immediately top leaders of BJP gave the comments that, she idoesnot belong to any party of sang parivar. Real culprits should be punished and brought to right justice. Only then we can say proudly "MERA BHARAT MAHAN HAI"

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  • Selly Pinto, Dubai

    Tue, Oct 28 2008

    Mr. Zaid Patel you have given a right message to the Public. If any anti national crime committed we should codemn them together. Culprit to be traced and punished. Media should play a good role in this. Insted what we can see is Media is biased towards the minorities. Even minorities of India are not of foreigh origin. They are the Originaly from Hindusthan. They are the Indians.They might have followed the religion which they have choose. It is their fundamental right.

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  • Ratnakar, Kasaragod/Dubai

    Tue, Oct 28 2008

    The Indian Muslims require to be pro active instead of accusing everybody - Media, political parties, police except the terrorism act by itself. Even if it is proved that such acts are carried out by Muslims, then the theory of "root cause" is propagated. All the Muslim leaders and politicians must come forward, condemn the terrorist act and announce loudly that it is an act against Islam if Muslims are indeed involved. Muslims must be integrated in to the main stream if India has to progress.

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  • Patrick D'Souza, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 28 2008

    Dear Readers it is foolish on our part to debate on the number of comvictions and those convicted and punished. In doing so we are only playing into the hands of the politicians. Let us not forget our very own Central Minister accompanied the Terrorists to Khandhar, Afghanistan. The root of the problem is the quality of evidence and investigative skills of our Police and Intelligence and not the least the premitive age old 'legal & justice system'.

    A chocolate wrapper 'made in Pakistan' found in the pocket, carpentry tools, bottles, bow and arrow, air gun, are the evidences used as labels for terrorism. And by the way how much does the Govt. spends on Internal Security? Whatever it spends, it is for the security of Politicians, Anti National elements, Individuals who court / instigate violence in the name of religion , Goondas etc. etc.

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  • A R Ibrahim, Mangalore, Jeddah

    Tue, Oct 28 2008

    Death haunts mass murderers, no matter whether he is muslim terrorist or Hindu terrorit, it is just a matter of time. If we cannot give life then how we can end some one's precious life? Are we not answerable? Every single deed which is our Karma is recorded so there is no escape, it is indeed just a matter of time...

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  • Manohar Kamath, Udupi

    Tue, Oct 28 2008

    Mr Zaidi could not be more correct. If there is so much of misunderstanding and strife between communities, it is mainly because of our media. In order to get readership/ veiwershop, they publish/ broadcast any nonsense, sensationalising it the more communal the agenda, the better for them! They give too much of importance to anti-minority, anti-dalit, anti-poor people & activities. They fail to highlight the good done by these attacked communities. Mr Zaidi is right.

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  • Arun CK, Mlore-Dubai

    Tue, Oct 28 2008

    Mr Javid To make the point clear, it is Congress who is biased and the ones who started the dividing the votes on religion votebank. There is no use you and me arguing with this as the whole country knows the fact although most of the people in this forum will deny that fact. But facts are fact and payment time has come now.

    If BJP was bised to any communicty and vice versa then in the histroy of post independance no party other than BJP would have come to power because the Majority is bised to BJP as you said. so the statistics tells all who's supporting whom ?

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    Wed, Oct 29 2008


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  • mohammed irshad, mangalore/dubai

    Wed, Oct 29 2008

    Thanks to brother zaid patel for his talk and also thanks to SKSM mangalore for conducting such a progaramme hope many people gain knowledge frm this and stop mis understanding islam, such kind of programme should be done regularly so that everyone will be aware of the truth and stop blaming a certain community and also spoiling peace in the city.  Hope these kinds of public talks will help to bring peace and unity among people may allah bless all humanity and save us from his anger ameen..

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  • mohammed irshad, mangalore/india

    Tue, Oct 28 2008

    thanks to brother zaid patel for his talk and also thanks to SKSM mangalore for conducting such a progaramme hope many people gain knowledge frm this and stop mis understanding islam, such kind of programme should be done regularly so that everyone will be aware of the truth and stop blaming a certain comunity and also spoiling peace in the city, hope these kinds of public talks will help to bring peace and unity among people may allah bless all humanity and save us frm his anger ameen..

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    Tue, Oct 28 2008

    Mr. Arun then stop voting Congress and BJP coz both are equally involved in boasting Terrorism. BJP is one step ahead as dividing the country by religion (HINDUS MUSLIMS and CHRISTIANS ) So Stop Blaming and vote wisely as we are Indians and should protect our mother land from these anti nationals.

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  • Shihabuddin, Dammam/Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 28 2008

    Thanks to Daijiworld for wonderful coverage. I really missed this function

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  • Praveen, Udupi

    Tue, Oct 28 2008

    Terriorism is the creation of political parties. When Kings ruled this country there were no terriorist. The politicians for their political gains have created terriorist in the name of religion, language, region and so on....Not all muslims are terriorist so also all Hindus are not terriorist, but terriorism in all forms is to be condemned.

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  • Ashraf, Dubai

    Tue, Oct 28 2008

    Good programme from south canara Salafi movement.

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  • Arun CK, Mangalore-Dubai

    Tue, Oct 28 2008

    Only three people have been convicted since 1993 because thanks to the party in the centre who are ruling for these much years. Forget convicting,   They are opposing the one who were convicted also(Parliament Attack Mastermind). What can you expect from Govt then.

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