Delhi Police officer commits suicide

New Delhi, Nov 29 (IANS): An Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) in Delhi Police who was being treated for depression committed suicide on Thursday by leaping from the 10th floor of the Police Headquarters here.

Prem Bhallabh, 55, was being treated at the Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital for the last 28 days, ACP Anil Mittal said.

The incident occurred at 10 a.m. The deceased jumped from the window of his office, Mittal said.

Police personnel deployed at the ground floor heard a loud thud and rushed to the spot. They rushed him to a nearby hospital where he was declared dead.

Prem Bhallabh was posted in the Crime and Traffic wing of Delhi Police.

The police recovered a handwritten note purportedly written by Prem Bhallabh which said that nobody was responsible for his death, Joint Commissioner of Police Rajesh Khurana said.

A resident of east Delhi's Maujpur area, Prem Bhallabh was "a good and hardworking officer. There was no work pressure which led to his depression", the officer said.

Prem Bhallabh is survived by his wife and three sons.


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